Index for Volume 501continued
A Am Av B Be Bu C Ce Co Cr D Dh Du E Ep F Fr G Gr H He Hi Hu I Is J Ju K Ki L Li M Ma Me Mo N Nu O Om P Ph Pu Q R Ri Rw S Sh Sk Sr Sw T To U V W Wo Y Z
Buck, Ms Karen
Social security benefits, Lone parents 877w
Temporary accommodation, Greater London 14-5w
Building regulations
Building schools for the future programme
Dept for Business, Innovation and Skills 979w
Dept for Children, Schools and Families 913w
Dept for Communities and Local Government 849w
Dept for Culture, Media and Sport 1w
Tenant Services Authority 521-2w
Bullingdon Prison
Burden, Richard
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 652w
Civil servants, Compensation 318w
Palestinians, Overseas aid 1090
International assistance 974
Burnham, Rt Hon Andy, Secretary of State for Health
Chamber Debates
Personal Care at Home Bill, 1R (25.11.2009) 559
Queen's speech (19.11.2009) 231-42
Written Statements
Departmental responsibilities, Dept of Health 395-6
Hospitals, Construction 397
Milton Keynes Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 398
Swine flu, Vaccination 399
Burns, Mr Simon
Chamber Debates
Home Education Independent Review, Petitions (03.12.2009) 1391
Chelmsford Prison, Prisoners' release 85w, 590w
Parking, Mid Essex Hospital Services NHS Trust 745w
Written questions, Government responses 258w
Burrowes, David
Chamber Debates
Equality Bill, Rep and 3R (02.12.2009) 1188-9
European Union (03.12.2009) 1307
Drugs, Rehabilitation 352w
Youth justice, Finance 530
Burstow, Mr Paul
Multiple sclerosis, Drugs 194-5w
Burt, Alistair
Chamber Debates
European Union (03.12.2009) 1312
Queen's speech (18.11.2009) 85, (23.11.2009) 355-8
Palestinians, Overseas aid 1090-1
Burt, Lorely
Chamber Debates
Westminster Hall Debates
Citizens' advice bureaux (02.12.2009) 92-3wh
Bus services
Business, Innovation and Skills Select Committee
Business interests
Business motions
(23.11.2009) 373, (25.11.2009) 644
Business Rate Supplements (Rateable Value Condition) (England) Regulations 2009
Chamber Debates
(23.11.2009) 373, (24.11.2009) 504
Business statements
Aviation, Cabinet Office 38w
Central Office of Information 961w
Government departments, Advertising 973w
Government departments, Public relations 973-4w
Immobilisation of vehicles, Cabinet Office 974w
Information Commissioner 971w
Marketing, Cabinet Office 971-2w
Media Monitoring Unit 975w
Public relations, Cabinet Office 972-3w
Byrne, Rt Hon Liam, Chief Secretary to the Treasury
Public expenditure, Scotland 811w