Index for Volume 501continued
A Am Av B Be Bu C Ce Co Cr D Dh Du E Ep F Fr G Gr H He Hi Hu I Is J Ju K Ki L Li M Ma Me Mo N Nu O Om P Ph Pu Q R Ri Rw S Sh Sk Sr Sw T To U V W Wo Y Z
Cabinet Office
Disclosure of information 319w
Immobilisation of vehicles 974w
Cable, Mr Vincent
Chamber Debates
Bank of England (25.11.2009) 537-8
Construction, Standards (23.11.2009) 374-7
Financial Services Bill, 2R (30.11.2009) 897-902
Queen's speech (26.11.2009) 724-9
Assets, Dept for Communities and Local Government 778w
Assets, Dept for Culture, Media and Sport 374w (17-8mc)
Assets, Dept for International Development 224w
Assets, Dept of Energy and Climate Change 79w
Assets, Ministry of Defence 54w
Assets, Northern Ireland Office 597w
Bankruptcy, Council tax 812-3w
Business, EC grants and loans 101w
Business, Government assistance 979w
Cost effectiveness, Cabinet Office 450-1w
Cost effectiveness, Dept for Children, Schools and Families 913-4w
Cost effectiveness, Dept for Communities and Local Government 646-7w
Cost effectiveness, Dept for Culture, Media and Sport 170w
Cost effectiveness, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 256w
Cost effectiveness, Dept for International Development 224-5w
Cost effectiveness, Dept for Transport 405-6w
Cost effectiveness, Dept of Energy and Climate Change 400w
Cost effectiveness, Dept of Health 188-9w
Cost effectiveness, Home Office 468w
Cost effectiveness, Minister for the Olympics 147-8w
Cost effectiveness, Ministry of Justice 236w
Cost effectiveness, Northern Ireland Office 597-8w
Cost effectiveness, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 155w
Cost effectiveness, Scotland Office 280w
Cost effectiveness, Solicitor-General 576-7w
Cost effectiveness, Treasury 141-2w
Financial services, Education 370-1w
Kenya, Civil servants 880w
National Investment Corporation 987w
Northern Rock, Compensation 811w
Pay, Dept for Business, Innovation and Skills 234w
Pay, Dept for Culture, Media and Sport 375-6w
Pay, Dept for International Development 226-7w
Pay, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 304w
Pay, Government Equalities Office 57w
Pay, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 282-3w
Private finance initiative 285w
Social Enterprise Day 458w
Cairns, David
Chamber Debates
Devolution, Scotland (25.11.2009) 553
Cameron, Rt Hon David
Chamber Debates
Afghanistan, Pakistan (30.11.2009) 836-8
Queen's speech (18.11.2009) 12-20
Afghanistan, Peacekeeping operations 1100-1
Heart diseases, Children 743w
Campbell, Mr Alan, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Home Office
Written Statements
Organised crime, Criminal investigation 99ws
Alcoholic drinks, Children 928-9w
Antisocial behaviour orders, Children 829w
Antisocial behaviour orders, Crime prevention 663w
Antisocial behaviour orders, Young people 662-3w, 883w
Crime, Public transport 666-7w
Crime prevention, Schools 215w
Crimes of violence, Females 750w
Crimes of violence, North East 670-4w
Domestic violence, Immigrants 477-8w
Domestic violence, Unemployment 478w
Driving offences, Insurance 674w
Firearms (Amendment) Act 1997 675w
Knives, Milton Keynes 468w
National Treatment Agency, Finance 212-3w
Raves, Milton Keynes 218w
Serious Organised Crime Agency 688-9w
Sexual offences, Alcoholic drinks 690w
Sexual offences, Victim support schemes 689-92w
Campbell, Mr Gregory
Westminster Hall Debates
Citizens' advice bureaux (02.12.2009) 86-7wh
Afghanistan, Peacekeeping operations 18w
Police stations, Northern Ireland 5w
Written questions, Dept for Communities and Local Government 10-1w
Campbell, Rt Hon Sir Menzies
Chamber Debates
Fisheries (01.12.2009) 1054
Afghanistan, Peacekeeping operations 955-6
KBR, Dept for Communities and Local Government 785w
KBR, Dept for Culture, Media and Sport 724w
KBR, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 860w
KBR, Dept for International Development 922w
KBR, Export credit guarantees 562-3w
KBR, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 880w
KBR, Minister for the Olympics 758w
Public sector, Procurement 948w
Siemens, Dept for Culture, Media and Sport 722w
Campbell, Mr Ronnie
Chamber Debates
Afghanistan, Pakistan (30.11.2009) 843
Sexual offences, Rehabilitation 590-1w
Canterbury City Council Bill 2007-08
Chamber Debates
Revival motion (03.12.2009) 1261
Caparo Group
Dept for International Development 917w
Dept for Communities and Local Government 641w, 777w
Dept for Culture, Media and Sport 593w, 721w
Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 856w
Dept for International Development 755w
Northern Ireland Office 865-6w
Capital gains tax
Capital punishment
Caravan sites
Carbon emissions
Government departments 927w
Carbon monoxide
Care homes
Care Standards Act 2000
Carmichael, Mr Alistair
Chamber Debates
Devolution, Scotland (25.11.2009) 551
Burma, International assistance 974
Carswell, Douglas
Gaddafi, Saif al-Islam 638w
Cash, Mr William
Chamber Debates
Bank of England (25.11.2009) 544
Financial Services Bill, 2R (30.11.2009) 880, 895-6, 901
Queen's speech (18.11.2009) 25