Index for Volume 501continued
A Am Av B Be Bu C Ce Co Cr D Dh Du E Ep F Fr G Gr H He Hi Hu I Is J Ju K Ki L Li M Ma Me Mo N Nu O Om P Ph Pu Q R Ri Rw S Sh Sk Sr Sw T To U V W Wo Y Z
Darling, Rt Hon Alistair, Chancellor of the Exchequer
Chamber Debates
Corporation Tax Bill, 1R (19.11.2009) 141
Financial Services Bill, 1R (19.11.2009) 142
Financial Services Bill, 2R (30.11.2009) 872-86, 893
Points of order intervention (26.11.2009) 700
Taxation (International and Other Provisions) Bill, 1R (19.11.2009) 141
Written Statements
Employment and support allowance 618-9w
Dartford-Thurrock Crossing
Data protection
Davey, Mr Edward
Chamber Debates
Queen's speech (23.11.2009) 285-95
Afghanistan, Politics and government 963
Davidson, Mr Ian
Chamber Debates
Devolution, Scotland (25.11.2009) 558
Davies, Dai
Westminster Hall Debates
Citizens' advice bureaux (02.12.2009) 87-8wh
Consultants, Dept of Energy and Climate Change 400w
Iraq Committee of Inquiry 974-5w
Nuclear power, National policy statements 403w
Nuclear power stations, Safety 166w
Nuclear weapons, India 867w
Davies, David TC
Chamber Debates
Non-domestic rates, Banks 313w
Work experience, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 872w
Davies, Philip
Chamber Debates
Devolution, Scotland (25.11.2009) 554
Equitable Life Assurance Society, Petitions (26.11.2009) 797
Mental health services 943w
Prisoners, Foreign nationals 444-5w
Yorkshire Forward, Public appointments 988w
Davies, Mr Quentin, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Ministry of Defence
Written Statements
Defence Support Group, MOD St Athan 110-1ws
Afghanistan, Peacekeeping operations 898w
Armed forces, Waste disposal 53w
Armoured fighting vehicles 53w
European air transport fleet 154w
European Defence Agency 153-4w
Food, Ministry of Defence 291w
Military aircraft, Helicopters 909w
Nuclear submarines, Decommissioning 54w
Davis, Rt Hon David
Chamber Debates
Queen's speech (23.11.2009) 310-3
Day care
Dean, Mrs Janet
Sickle cell diseases 826w
Dee estuary
Marine conservation zones 386-7w
Queen's speech (23.11.2009) 262-372
Defence equipment
Defence Medical Services
Defence Support Group
Deferred divisions
Democratic Republic of Congo
Denham, Rt Hon John, Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government
Written Statements
Supply estimates, Dept for Communities and Local Government 38-41ws
Dental services
Departmental coordination
Departmental responsibilities
Dept for Business, Innovation and Skills 556w
Dept for Children, Schools and Families 824
Dept for Communities and Local Government 498w
Dept for Culture, Media and Sport 273w
Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 383w
Dept for International Development 249w
Dept for Work and Pensions 388w
Dept of Energy and Climate Change 359w
Foreign and Commonwealth Office 422w, 968
Northern Ireland Office 367w
Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 156w
Deposit protection service
see Tenancy deposit schemes
Dept for Business, Innovation and Skills
Departmental responsibilities 556w
Official hospitality 636w
Dept for Children, Schools and Families
Departmental responsibilities 824
Disclosure of information 316w
Information officers 834w
Dept for Communities and Local Government
Departmental responsibilities 498w
Disclosure of information 66w
Immobilisation of vehicles 522w
Information officers 642w
Dept for Culture, Media and Sport
Departmental responsibilities 273w
Disclosure of information 171w
Immobilisation of vehicles 377w
Information officers 722w
Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Departmental responsibilities 383w
Disclosure of information 857w
Dept for International Development
Departmental responsibilities 249w
Disclosure of information 249w
Immobilisation of vehicles 757w
Information officers 918w
Dept for Transport
Dept for Work and Pensions
Departmental responsibilities 388w
Dept of Energy and Climate Change
Departmental responsibilities 359w
Official hospitality 714w
Dept of Health
Disclosure of information 189w
Immobilisation of vehicles 539w
Information officers 742w
Official engagements 934w
Derbyshire County Primary Care Trust
Derelict land
Developing countries
Devine, Jim
Palestinians, Overseas aid 1091
Foreign and Commonwealth Office 733w
Devonport Dockyard