Index for Volume 501—continued

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Fabricant, Michael


    Churches, Repairs and maintenance 663

    Dental services 384

    House of Commons chamber, Audio equipment 677

Faith schools

Falkland Islands

    Sovereignty 961

Fallon, Mr Michael

                  Chamber Debates

    Bank of England (25.11.2009) 540

    Queen's speech (23.11.2009) 272


    Financial services 810w


Family intervention projects

Family planning



    see also Agriculture


    Holiday accommodation 853w

Farron, Timothy

                  Chamber Debates

    Floods, Cumbria (23.11.2009) 255-6


    Drinking water, Pollution control 573w

    Floods, Housing 859w

    Floods, Property development 850w

    Livestock, Antibiotics 730w

    Public consultation, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 858w

Featherstone, Lynne

                  Chamber Debates


    Ambulance services, Hornsey 105w

    Females, Human trafficking 1278

    North Central London Strategic Health Authority 25w

    Social services, Haringey 222w

    Whittington Hospital 26w


Field, Rt Hon Frank

                  Chamber Debates

    Afghanistan, Points of order (23.11.2009) 261, (25.11.2009) 560


    Government departments, Land Registry 320w

    Higher education, Historic buildings 29-31w

    Poverty, Children 271w

    Royal Fleet Auxiliary 294w

Field, Mr Mark

                  Chamber Debates

    Financial institutions, EC action (01.12.2009) 995, 998-9, 1005

    Financial Services Bill, 2R (30.11.2009) 877, 922-7

                  Westminster Hall Debates

Fifteen minutes rule

    Rulings and statements (03.12.2009) 1329


    Politics and government 423-4w

Financial institutions

Financial services

Financial Services Bill 2009-10

                  Chamber Debates

    1R (19.11.2009) 142

    2R, Programme motion, Money res* and Ways and means res* (30.11.2009) 872-941

Financial Services Compensation Scheme



Fire prevention

    Rented housing 12w

Fire Service College

    Public relations 779w

Fire services


Firearms (Amendment) Act 1997



First Capital Connect

    Industrial disputes 768w

First time buyers


    British Indian Ocean Territory 302w

Fitzpatrick, Jim, Minister of State, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Origin marking, Israel (02.12.2009) 104-6wh


    Dogs, Electric shock equipment 137-8w

    Genetically modified organisms, Food 138w

    Horses, Animal welfare 137w

    Hunting, Employment 386w

    Livestock, Antibiotics 730w

    Origin marking, Israel 257w

    Pets, Animal welfare 575w

    Poultry, Animal welfare 730-1w

Five minutes rule

    Rulings and statements (01.12.2009) 1068

Flello, Robert

                  Chamber Debates

    Inland waterways (30.11.2009) 947


    Schools, Stoke on Trent 825

Fletcher, Yvonne

Flexible working

Flood and Water Management Bill 2009-10

                  Chamber Debates

    1R (19.11.2009) 143

                  Written Statements

Flood control


    Ministerial statements (23.11.2009) 251-60

    Property development 850w

Flynn, Paul

                  Chamber Debates


    Nuclear power stations, Cumbria 715-6w

Follett, Barbara, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State and Minister for the East of England, Dept for Communities and Local Government

                  Written Statements

    Local government finance 87-8ws


    Assets, Dept for Communities and Local Government 778w

    Audit Commission, Fees and charges 10w

    Buildings, Dept for Communities and Local Government 849w

    Capita, Dept for Communities and Local Government 641w, 777w

    Christmas, Dept for Communities and Local Government 64-5w

    Community development 173w

    Consultants, Dept for Communities and Local Government 778w

    Contracts, Dept for Communities and Local Government 498w

    Cost effectiveness, Dept for Communities and Local Government 646-7w

    Council tax, Yate 13w

    Departmental responsibilities, Dept for Communities and Local Government 498w

    Disclosure of information, Dept for Communities and Local Government 66w

    Domestic visits, Dept for Communities and Local Government 642w

    Driving, Dept for Communities and Local Government 499-500w

    Floods, Cumbria 643w

    Food, Dept for Communities and Local Government 68w

    Immobilisation of vehicles, Dept for Communities and Local Government 522w

    Improvement and Development Agency for Local Government 784w

    Information officers, Dept for Communities and Local Government 642w

    Internet, Dept for Communities and Local Government 778w

    KBR, Dept for Communities and Local Government 785w

    Legal costs, Dept for Communities and Local Government 177-8w

    Legislation, Dept for Communities and Local Government 642w

    Leisure, Finance 523w

    Local government finance, Bexley 785-6w

    Local government finance, Croydon 647w

    Local government finance, Kent 645-6w

    Lost property, Dept for Communities and Local Government 11-2w

    Neighbourhood wardens 524w

    Non-domestic rates, Banks 313w

    Official cars, Dept for Communities and Local Government 66w

    Official hospitality, Dept for Communities and Local Government 12w, 65-6w

    Pay, Dept for Communities and Local Government 11w, 66w, 309w

    Public expenditure, Dept for Communities and Local Government 642w

    Railways, Dept for Communities and Local Government 66w

    Recruitment, Dept for Communities and Local Government 173w

    Recycling, Dept for Communities and Local Government 67w

    Regeneration, Kent 850w

    Taxis, Dept for Communities and Local Government 67-8w, 499w

    Theft, Dept for Communities and Local Government 11w

    Training, Dept for Communities and Local Government 499w

    Travel, Dept for Communities and Local Government 642w

    Travellers, Caravan sites 525w

    Working hours, Dept for Communities and Local Government 309w

    Written questions, Dept for Communities and Local Government 10-1w


    Dept for Business, Innovation and Skills 232w

    Dept for Children, Schools and Families 219-21w

    Dept for Communities and Local Government 68w

    Dept for Culture, Media and Sport 48w

    Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 256-7w

    Dept for International Development 225w

    Dept for Work and Pensions 388w

    Dept of Energy and Climate Change 79-80w

    Foreign and Commonwealth Office 159-60w

    Ministry of Defence 291w

    Northern Ireland Office 157w

    Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 156w

    Scotland Office 380w

Food aid

Food supply


    Young people 4w

Forbes Inquiry

    see Al-Sweady Inquiry

Forced marriage

Foreign and Commonwealth Office

    Departmental responsibilities 422w, 968

    Disclosure of information 166w

    Immobilisation of vehicles 735w

    Official cars 55w

    Official hospitality 305w

    Public expenditure 422w

Foreign investment

Foreign investment in UK

Foreign nationals

Foreign policy

    Queen's speech (23.11.2009) 262-372

Foreign relations

Foreign workers



Foster, Mr Don

                  Chamber Debates

    Queen's speech (18.11.2009) 26


    Gambling, Tax yields 371w

    Sports, Females 378w

Foster, Mr Michael (Worcester), Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Dept for International Development

                  Written Statements

    Sri Lanka, Internally displaced people 61-3ws


    Afghanistan, Overseas aid 1095-6

    Capita, Dept for International Development 755w

    Contracts, Dept for International Development 755-6w

    Cost effectiveness, Dept for International Development 224-5w

    Developing countries, Disabled 757w

    Developing countries, Education 918-9w

    Developing countries, Family planning 433-4w

    Developing countries, Health services 919w

    Developing countries, Infant mortality 920w

    Developing countries, Maternal mortality 922w

    Developing countries, Secondary education 228-9w

    Driving, Dept for International Development 434w

    Food, Dept for International Development 225w

    Global Fund to Fight AIDS Tuberculosis and Malaria 229w

    Halo Trust, Dept for International Development 229w

    Immobilisation of vehicles, Dept for International Development 757w

    Internet, Dept for International Development 432w, 606-7w

    Latin America, Overseas aid 55w

    Overseas aid 56w

    Pakistan, Internally displaced people 754w

    Palestinians, Overseas aid 435w

    Palestinians, Utilities 435-6w

    Pay, Dept for International Development 226w

    Public relations, Dept for International Development 607w

    Recruitment, Dept for International Development 249w

    Recycling, Dept for International Development 250w

    Scientists, Dept for International Development 433w

    Sri Lanka, Internally displaced people 56w

    Sri Lanka, Overseas aid 755w

    Taxis, Dept for International Development 756-7w

    UN Population Fund 436w

    Working hours, Dept for International Development 250-1w

Foster, Mr Michael Jabez (Hastings and Rye), Parliamentary Secretary to the Government Equalities Office


    Age, Discrimination 1280

    Aviation, Government Equalities Office 395-6w

    Climate change, Government Equalities Office 56-7w

    Equality Bill 2008-09 then 2009-10 873-4w

    Hotels, Government Equalities Office 57w

    Internet, Government Equalities Office 396w, 873w

    Official cars, Government Equalities Office 57w

    Pay, Government Equalities Office 57w

    Training, Government Equalities Office 57w

    Working hours, Government Equalities Office 57w

Foundation degrees

Fox, Dr Liam

                  Chamber Debates

    Queen's speech (23.11.2009) 364-8


    Joint rapid reaction force 908-9w

    Public expenditure, Ministry of Defence 910-1w

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