Index for Volume 501—continued

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McCafferty, Ms Chris

                  Chamber Debates

    Queen's speech (24.11.2009) 485-8


    Developing countries, Family planning 433-4w

    Global Fund to Fight AIDS Tuberculosis and Malaria 229w

    Uganda, Homosexuality 635w

    UN Population Fund 436w

McCarthy-Fry, Sarah, Exchequer Secretary to the Treasury

                  Chamber Debates

    Financial institutions, EC action (01.12.2009) 989-97, 1022-6

                  Written Statements

    National Savings and Investments, Supply estimates 33-4ws

    Supply estimates, Treasury 31-2ws


    Air passenger duty 812w

    Assets, Treasury 141w

    Banks, Regulation 369w

    Bradford and Bingley 806w

    Caparo Group, Treasury 369w

    Capita, Treasury 947w

    Child Trust Fund, Wales 806w

    Christmas, Treasury 140w

    Contracts, Treasury 948w

    Cost effectiveness, Treasury 141-2w

    Departmental responsibilities, Treasury 143w

    Disclosure of information, Treasury 142w

    Dunfermline Building Society 370w

    Economic situation, Departmental coordination 141w

    Excise duties, Alcoholic drinks 599-600w

    Financial services 810w

    Financial services, Education 370-1w

    Financial services, Pay 810w

    Financial services, Regulation 144w

    Floods, Cumbria 601w

    Government securities, Islam 145w

    Housing, Construction 285w

    Immobilisation of vehicles, Treasury 810w

    Import controls, Tobacco 604-5w

    Internet, Treasury 807w

    Legal costs, Treasury 143w

    Lost property, Treasury 808w

    Monetary policy 146w

    Northern Rock, Compensation 811w

    Official cars, Treasury 283-4w

    Railways, Treasury 143w

    Recruitment, Treasury 284w

    Scientists, Treasury 370w

    Tax allowances, Pensions 146w

    Tax yields, Gambling 371w

    Tax yields, Gaming machines 949w

    Taxation, EC countries 147w

    Taxation, Financial institutions 810w

    Telephone services, Treasury 284w

    Training, Treasury 809w

    Travel, Treasury 809w

    Working hours, Treasury 144w

McCartney, Rt Hon Ian


    Business questions 687

    Modernisation of the House of Commons Select Committee 673

McCrea, Dr William

                  Chamber Debates

    Devolution, Scotland (25.11.2009) 557


    Business questions 692

McDonagh, Ms Siobhain

                  Chamber Debates

    Nurses, Training (18.11.2009) 118-22

McDonnell, John

                  Chamber Debates


    Contracts, Dept for Business, Innovation and Skills 28w

    Contracts, Dept for International Development 55w

    Contracts, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 421w

    National offender management information system 587-8w

    Pay, Dept for Business, Innovation and Skills 636-7w

    Pay, Dept for Culture, Media and Sport 376w

    Pay, Dept for International Development 227-8w

    Pay, Dept for Transport 58-9w

    Prisoners, Exservicemen 803-5w

    Prisoners, Mentally ill 542w

    Prisoners, Self-harm 591w

    Prisons, Nurses 746w

    Railways, Franchises 7w

McFadden, Rt Hon Patrick, Minister of State, Dept for Business, Innovation and Skills

                  Chamber Debates

    Queen's speech (26.11.2009) 784-8

                  Written Statements

    Post offices, Bank services 123ws

    Supply estimates, Dept for Business, Innovation and Skills 27-31ws

    United Kingdom Accreditation Service 133ws


    Aviation, Dept for Business, Innovation and Skills 556w

    British Petroleum, Dept for Business, Innovation and Skills 553w

    Buildings, Dept for Business, Innovation and Skills 979w

    Christmas, Dept for Business, Innovation and Skills 230-1w

    Conditions of employment, Parents 231-2w

    Contracts, Dept for Business, Innovation and Skills 28w

    Departmental responsibilities, Dept for Business, Innovation and Skills 556w

    Domestic visits, Dept for Business, Innovation and Skills 979-80w

    Employment agencies, Public sector 637w

    Food, Dept for Business, Innovation and Skills 232w

    Gaddafi, Saif al-Islam 638w

    Internet, Dept for Business, Innovation and Skills 28-9w

    Legislation, Dept for Business, Innovation and Skills 980w

    Manpower, Dept for Business, Innovation and Skills 232-3w

    Official cars, Dept for Business, Innovation and Skills 233w

    Official gifts, Dept for Business, Innovation and Skills 556w

    Official hospitality, Dept for Business, Innovation and Skills 636w

    Plants, Dept for Business, Innovation and Skills 233w

    Post offices, Finance 563w

    Recycling, Dept for Business, Innovation and Skills 233w

    Rothschild, Lord 638w

    Strategic Investment Fund 638-9w

    Travel, Dept for Business, Innovation and Skills 637w

    Visits abroad, Dept for Business, Innovation and Skills 557w

McFall, Mr John

                  Chamber Debates

    Bank of England (25.11.2009) 539

    Bank of England, Points of order (26.11.2009) 701

    Queen's speech (18.11.2009) 35, 42-7, 53

McGrady, Mr Eddie

                  Chamber Debates


    Administration of justice, Northern Ireland 157w

    Equal pay, Northern Ireland Office 367w

    Weapons, Northern Ireland 368-9w

McGuire, Rt Hon Anne

                  Chamber Debates

    Bank of England (25.11.2009) 541-2

    Devolution, Scotland (25.11.2009) 552

    Queen's speech (25.11.2009) 592, (26.11.2009) 754-7


    Employment, Scotland 518

    Israel, Borders 623w

McIntosh, Miss Anne


    Afghanistan, Overseas aid 917w

    Agriculture, Subsidies 729w

    Business questions 132

    Crown Prosecution Service, Standards 672

    European Council 967

    Floods, Finance 785w

    Land drainage, Urban areas 574-5w

    Primary care trusts, Snow and ice 943-4w

    Railways, Scotland 869w

    Theft, Prosecutions 771w

McIsaac, Shona


    Economic situation 1107

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