Index for Volume 501continued
A Am Av B Be Bu C Ce Co Cr D Dh Du E Ep F Fr G Gr H He Hi Hu I Is J Ju K Ki L Li M Ma Me Mo N Nu O Om P Ph Pu Q R Ri Rw S Sh Sk Sr Sw T To U V W Wo Y Z
Oaten, Mr Mark
Chamber Debates
Queen's speech (24.11.2009) 432, 434
Carbon emissions, Mobile homes 80-1w
Children, International cooperation 705w
Incontinence, Medical equipment 655w
Learning and Skills Council for England, Correspondence 987w
Telephone services, Revenue and Customs 949w
Telephone services, Treasury 284w
VAT, Medical treatments 17w
Oaths and affirmations
Bain, William (18.11.2009) 1
O'Brien, Rt Hon Mike, Minister of State, Dept of Health
Chamber Debates
King George Hospital Ilford (24.11.2009) 510-2
Whittington Hospital (02.12.2009) 1256-60
Written Statements
Supply estimates, Dept of Health 56-8ws
Accident and emergency departments 185w, 526w
Accident and emergency departments, South East 526w
Ambulance services, Bexley 741w
Ambulance services, Hornsey 105w
Cancer, Medical treatments 546-7w
Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Primary Care Trust, Finance 529-30w
Cost effectiveness, Dept of Health 188-9w
General practitioners, East of England 533-4w
General practitioners, Staffordshire 534w
Health services, Bolton 400
Health services, Cornwall 400
Health services, Staffordshire 398
Incontinence, Medical equipment 655w
Maternity services, Bexley 744w
Medical records, Data protection 656w
Mid Essex Hospital Services NHS Trust, Parking 745w
Multiple sclerosis, Drugs 194-5w
National Centre for Stereotactic Radiosurgery, Standards 657-8w
NHS, Private finance initiative 399
NHS, Public consultation 195-6w
NHS Purchasing and Supply Agency, Contracts 658w
Primary care trusts, Finance 397
Primary care trusts, Snow and ice 943-4w
Public expenditure, Dept of Health 531w (505 3mc)
Queen Mary's Hospital Sidcup, Accident and emergency departments 660w
Sickle cell diseases 111w
O'Brien, Mr Stephen
Care Standards Act 2000, Prosecutions 529w
Chequers, Ministerial policy advisers 760w
Church of England, Finance 253-4w
Doctors, Working hours 394
Health services, Learning disability 354w
NHS, Information and communications technology 196w
NHS Purchasing and Supply Agency, Contracts 658w
Official engagements, Dept of Health 934w
Transplant surgery, Liver diseases 354w
Transplant surgery, Private sector 358-9w
Vaccination, Children 195w
Offences against children
Offensive weapons
Office for Criminal Justice Reform
Office for Legal Complaints
Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills
Office for Tenants and Social Landlords
see Tenant Services Authority
Office of the High Representative
see EU High Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy
Office of the Secretary of State for Wales
Departmental responsibilities 156w
Disclosure of information 50w
Immobilisation of vehicles 572w
Information officers 571w
Office of Water Services
Official cars
Dept for Business, Innovation and Skills 233w
Dept for Communities and Local Government 66w
Dept for Culture, Media and Sport 49w
Dept for Work and Pensions 388w
Dept of Energy and Climate Change 714w
Foreign and Commonwealth Office 55w
Government Equalities Office 57w
Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 50w
Official engagements
Official gifts
Dept for Business, Innovation and Skills 556w
Official hospitality
Dept for Business, Innovation and Skills 636w
Dept for Communities and Local Government 12w, 65-6w
Dept of Energy and Climate Change 714w
Foreign and Commonwealth Office 305w
Older people
Care homes see Care homes
Social security benefits 622w
Olympic Games 2012
Dept for International Development 922-3w
Olympic Lottery