Index for Volume 501continued
A Am Av B Be Bu C Ce Co Cr D Dh Du E Ep F Fr G Gr H He Hi Hu I Is J Ju K Ki L Li M Ma Me Mo N Nu O Om P Ph Pu Q R Ri Rw S Sh Sk Sr Sw T To U V W Wo Y Z
Paice, Mr James
Climate Change Adaptation Sub-Committee 713w
Poultry, Animal welfare 730-1w
Internally displaced people 754w
Palestinian-Israeli conflict
Parenting orders
Conditions of employment 231-2w
Mid Essex Hospital Services NHS Trust 745w
Parliamentary Standards Authority
see Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority
Passport and Identity Service
see Identity and Passport Service
Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 858w
Dept for Work and Pensions 388-9w
Dept of Energy and Climate Change 80w, 400-1w
Government Equalities Office 57w
Northern Ireland Office 282w
Peace negotiations
Peacekeeping operations
Afghanistan 7ws, 18w, 149w, 151w, 287-8w, 300w, 410-1w, 413-4w, 531, 607w, 898-9w, 908w, 910w, 954-8, 1100-1, 1103-4, 1108
Pearson, Ian, Economic Secretary to the Treasury
Chamber Debates
Financial Services Bill, 2R (30.11.2009) 933-7
Written Statements
EU Economic and Financial Affairs Council 21ws
Financial Services Compensation Scheme 1-3ws
Business, EC grants and loans 101w
Consultants, Treasury 948w
Domestic visits, Treasury 948w
Enterprise management incentives 981-2w
Government departments, Carbon emissions 927w
Non-domestic rates, Parking 101-2w
Private finance initiative 285w
Public sector, Procurement 948w
Tax allowances, Professional organisations 102w
Tax yields, Gaming machines 949w
Taxation, Sony Ericsson 812w
Pedestrian crossings
Pelling, Andrew
Chamber Debates
Afghanistan, Pakistan (30.11.2009) 853
Bank of England (25.11.2009) 545
Christmas, Points of order (30.11.2009) 871
Devolution, Scotland (25.11.2009) 558
Financial Services Bill, 2R (30.11.2009) 878, 881-2
Members, Points of order (26.11.2009) 702
NHS, Standards (30.11.2009) 870
Oral question time intervention (03.12.2009) 1278
Arthritis, Medical treatments 931w
Building schools for the future programme, Croydon 827
Christianity, Developing countries 661-2
Compulsorily detained mental patients 398
Females, Human trafficking 1276-7
Incinerators, Health hazards 104w
Japan, Foreign relations 970
Remand in custody, Croydon 448w
Penalty fares
Penning, Mike
Chamber Debates
Equitable Life Assurance Society, Petitions (19.11.2009) 243
Ministerial statement intervention (30.11.2009) 852
Human rights, Christianity 736w
Import controls, Tobacco 604-5w
NHS, Public consultation 195-6w
Olympic Games 2012, National Lottery 377-8w
Police custody, Hemel Hempstead 280w
Select committee reports 679
Swine flu, Vaccination 25-6w
Penrose, John
Chamber Debates
Company liquidations 231w
Internet, Dept for Business, Innovation and Skills 28-9w
Transport, Weston-super-Mare 571w
Pension credit
Penzance-Plymouth railway line
Permanent Secretary Government Communications
see Government Communications
Personal Care at Home Bill 2009-10
Chamber Debates
Personal records
Personal, social, health and economic education
Social security benefits 394-5w
Peterborough Prison
Equitable Life Assurance Society (19.11.2009) 1-2p, (25.11.2009) 5-6p, (19.11.2009) 243, (24.11.2009) 504-5, (25.11.2009) 645, (26.11.2009) 797-8, (30.11.2009) 942
Hadleigh (Essex) (30.11.2009) 942-3
Opencast mining (23.11.2009) 3-4p
Princess Royal Hospital Telford (23.11.2009) 4p
Prostitution (01.12.2009) 1078-9
Thundersley (02.12.2009) 13-4p