Index for Volume 502—continued

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Thames Gateway Delivery Unit

The Tote

    see Horserace Totalisator Board


    Dept for Transport 381w

Third sector

    Government assistance 337-9

Thomas, Mr Gareth (Harrow West), Minister of State, Dept for International Development

                  Written Statements


    Bangladesh, Climate change 548w

    Bangladesh, Overseas aid 548-9w

    Democratic Republic of Congo, Politics and government 805w

    Developing countries, Climate change 804-5w (508 13-4mc)

    Sudan, Politics and government 809-10w

Thornberry, Emily


Thurrock Council

    Public appointments 135

Thurso, John

                  Chamber Debates

    Home Education Independent Review, Petitions (08.12.2009) 292-3



Tidal power

Timetabling of bills

Timms, Rt Hon Stephen, Financial Secretary to the Treasury and Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Dept for Business, Innovation and Skills

                  Chamber Debates

    Consolidated Fund Bill, 1R (10.12.2009) 607

                  Written Statements

    EU Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council 44-6ws

    Tax avoidance, Charitable donations 93-4ws


    Broadband, East Midlands 369w

    Child care vouchers 846w

    Child tax credit, Grandparents 579w

    Digital technology, Fees and charges 46w

    Employee benefit trusts 1007w

    Energy, Conservation 255w

    Internet, Registration 943w

    Members, Correspondence 851w

    National insurance contributions 1008w

    National insurance contributions, Foreign workers 53-4w

    Pipex Homecall, Complaints 344w

    Radio frequencies 800

    Rent a room scheme 255w

    Revenue and Customs 54-6w

    Revenue and Customs, Hotels 854w

    Revenue and Customs, Internet 854w

    Revenue and Customs, Opening hours 1382w

    Revenue and Customs, Publicity 854w

    Revenue and Customs, Somerset 855w

    Telephone services, Fraud 49w

    VAT, Northern Ireland 57w

    Welfare tax credits, Complaints 584w

    Welfare tax credits, Grandparents 857-8w

    Welfare tax credits, Lancashire 858w

    Welfare tax credits, York 1384w

Timpson, Edward

                  Chamber Debates

    Home Education Independent Review, Petitions (08.12.2009) 311

    Personal Care at Home Bill, 2R (14.12.2009) 722, 727

Tipping, Mr Paddy

                  Chamber Debates

    Flood and Water Management Bill, 2R (15.12.2009) 836, 849, 871-4


Todd, Mr Mark

                  Chamber Debates

    Flood and Water Management Bill, 2R (15.12.2009) 850, 861


    Employment and support allowance, Telephone services 781w

    Fire services, Finance 900w



    see Horserace Totalisator Board

Touhig, Rt Hon Don

                  Chamber Debates

    National Assembly for Wales (Legislative Competence) (Welsh Language) Order (15.12.2009) 925-6


    Alcoholic drinks, Domestic violence 220w

    Capita, Dept for Business, Innovation and Skills 332w

    Capita, Dept for Children, Schools and Families 675w

    Capita, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 376w

    Capita, Dept for Transport 197w

    Capita, Dept for Work and Pensions 1145-6w

    Capita, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 235w

    Capita, Home Office 714w

    Capita, Ministry of Defence 205-6w

    Capita, Northern Ireland Office 20-1w

    Contracts, Dept for Business, Innovation and Skills 333w

    Contracts, Dept for Work and Pensions 409w

    Contracts, Ministry of Defence 210w

    Contracts, Scotland Office 374w

    Employment services, Autism 169-70w

    Industrial diseases, Compensation 555-6w

Tourettes syndrome


    Yorkshire and the Humber 104w

Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (Amendment) Bill 2009-10

                  Chamber Debates

    1R (16.12.2009) 980


Trade agreements

Trade unions

    Dept for Business, Innovation and Skills 346w

    Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1038-9w

Train to gain programme


    Dept for Communities and Local Government 1267w

    Dept for Culture, Media and Sport 669w

    General practitioners 1060w

    Government departments 515w

    Government Office for the East of England 1272w

    Health visitors 747w

    Leader of the House of Commons 980w

    Minister for the Olympics 962w

    Ministry of Defence 1209w

    Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 644w, 981w

    Scotland Office 628w


    Per capita costs 761w


Transplant surgery



    Dept for Children, Schools and Families 1175w

    Dept for Culture, Media and Sport 371w

    Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 12w

    Dept for Work and Pensions 169w

    Dept of Energy and Climate Change 926w, 1334w

    Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1225-6w

    Gambling Commission 670w

    Ministry of Defence 97w

    Northern Ireland Office 183w

    Petitions (09.12.2009) 469

Travel information


    Republic of Ireland 920w


    Consultants 50w

    Departmental responsibilities 795

    Government Chief Scientific Adviser 56w

    Information officers 52w

    Official engagements 1254w

    Public expenditure 254w

    Written questions 405w



Trickett, Jon


    Pinderfields and Pontefract Hospitals NHS Trust, Manpower 287-8w


Trident missiles

Trident submarines


Trust schools

Truswell, Mr Paul


    Energy, National policy statements 1335-6w

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