Index for Volume 503—continued

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Eagle, Angela, Minister of State, Department for Work and Pensions

                  Westminster Hall Debates

                  Written Statements

    National employment savings trust scheme 19-22ws


    EU Globalisation Fund 247w

    Means-tested benefits 120w

    Pensioners, Poverty 122w

    Training, Department for Work and Pensions 652w

    Winter fuel payments, Milton Keynes 841w

    Winter fuel payments, Nottingham 126w

    Winter fuel payments, Slough 841w

    Winter fuel payments, Tamworth 658w

Eagle, Maria, Minister of State, Ministry of Justice and Government Equalities Office


    Approved premises, Reoffenders 7-8

    Bail accommodation and support service 785w

    Brixton Prison, Inspections 54w

    Dartmoor Prison, Exservicemen 787w

    Equal opportunities, Banks 1-2w

    Equal pay, Hampshire 717w

    Equality, Local government 713w

    Equality and Human Rights Commission, Bullying 714-5w

    Equality and Human Rights Commission, Databases 1003w

    Equality and Human Rights Commission, Manpower 715-6w

    Equality and Human Rights Commission, Public relations 713-4w

    Human rights, Homosexuality 717w

    Mentally disturbed offenders 546w

    National Offender Management Service, Equality 54w

    National Offender Management Service, Manpower 1011-2w

    National Probation Service for England and Wales, Disability 552-3w

    Offenders, Radicalism 553w

    Prisoners, Gender recognition 789-90w

    Prisoners, Voting rights 793-4w

    Prisons, Crimes of violence 795-7w

    Prisons, Disciplinary proceedings 934-8w

    Prisons, Education 55w

    Prisons, Inspections 795w

    Prisons, Ministers of religion 48w, 797w

    Prisons, Mother and baby units 549w

    Probation 19

    Probation, Standards 49w

    Remand in custody 798w

    Secure training centres, Restraint techniques 798w

    Sick leave, Government Equalities Office 866w

    Young offenders, Employment 1157-8w

    Young offenders, Foster care 56-7w

    Young offenders, Location 1153w


East Anglia University

    Natural Environment Research Council 737-8w

East Asia

East coast railway line

East of England

    Primary care trusts 915w

East of England Development Agency

    Public appointments 25ws

East Sussex

    Emergency calls 364w

    Local government finance 226-8w

    Warm front scheme 634w

EC action

    Geographical information systems 686w

    Natural gas (05.01.2010) 142

EC budget

EC defence policy

EC enlargement

EC external relations

EC external trade

EC grants and loans

EC law

    Dietary supplements 615w

    Employment agencies 831-2

    Local government services 892w

EC nationals

    Health services 617w

Economic growth

Economic policy

    Parliamentary procedure (13.01.2010) 808

Economic situation

    Department for Business, Innovation and Skills 578-80w


Edinburgh Castle


    Opposition days (13.01.2010) 704-53

Education maintenance allowance

Educational exchanges

Educational psychology

Elected mayors

    see Mayors


    Local government 508w

    Speaker's deputies (06.01.2010) 235-9

Elective Home Education Review

Electoral Commission

Electoral register

Electoral systems

Electric cables

Electric vehicles

    Manufacturing industries 836

    Olympic Games 2012 643w

    West Midlands 264


    Department for Children, Schools and Families 593w

    House of Commons 338w

Electronic equipment

    Department for Work and Pensions 532w

    Government Equalities Office 540w

Electronic government

Electronic surveillance

    Admissibility of evidence 697w


    Conservation 66w

Ellman, Mrs Louise

                  Chamber Debates

    Terrorism (05.01.2010) 37


    Hamas, Internet 851w

    Homeopathy, Merseyside 913w

    Roads, Snow and ice 671w

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