W Wr Y
Jackson, Glenda
Western Sahara, Human rights 210-1w
Jackson, Mr Stewart
Westminster Hall Debates
Community relations, Finance 880-1w
Council housing, Finance 882w
Councillors, Business interests 506w
Domestic waste, Waste disposal 682w
Equality and Human Rights Commission, Databases 1003w
Home information packs 888w
Housing benefit, Caravans 765-6w
Jobcentre Plus, Training 113-4w
Local government, Contracts 249w
Local government, National insurance contributions 769w
Local government executive 377w
Ministerial policy advisers 431w
Non-domestic rates, Empty property 382w
Public expenditure, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 677w
Regional development agencies 334w
Surveillance, Complaints 701w
Surveillance, Revenue and Customs 775-6w
Terrorism, Stop and search 702w
Travellers, Caravan sites 211w
Valuation Office Agency 781-3w
Valuation Office Agency, National School of Government 872w
Waste and Resources Action Programme, Finance 688w
Waste disposal, Fixed penalties 86-7w
James, Mrs Sian C
Jenkin, Mr Bernard
Chamber Debates
Energy supply (13.01.2010) 761
Terrorism (05.01.2010) 37
Afghanistan, Peacekeeping operations 394-5
Government departments, Email 1154w
Military aircraft, Helicopters 453-5w
Public expenditure, Ministry of Defence 27w
Jenkins, Mr Brian
Chamber Debates
Children, Schools and Families Bill, 2R (11.01.2010) 487, 496-8
Affordable housing, Tamworth 1126w
Antisocial behaviour, West Midlands 842-3w
Bus services, Concessions 661w
Carers, Older people 747w
Dietetics, Vacancies 755w
General practitioners, Manpower 911-2w
General practitioners, Working hours 912w
Human papilloma virus, Vaccination 1083w
Prescriptions, Fees and charges 914-5w
Social services, Staffordshire 893-4w
Strokes, Health services 1027w
Weather, Health services 552
Winter fuel payments, Tamworth 658w
Job creation
Job security
Jobcentre Plus
Compensation 1033-4w (506 11mc)
Jobseeker's allowance
Johnson, Rt Hon Alan, Secretary of State for the Home Dept
Chamber Debates
Terrorism (05.01.2010) 28-41
Borders, Personal records 702-3w
Domestic visits, Home Office 139w
Electronic surveillance, Admissibility of evidence 697w
Legislation, Home Office 1090w
National identity register 145-6w
Telephone tapping, Newspaper press 701-2w
Art works, Department for Children, Schools and Families 461w
Billing, Department for Children, Schools and Families 461-2w
British Educational Communications and Technology Agency, Expenditure 589-90w
Buildings, Department for Children, Schools and Families 593w
Chief information officers, Department for Children, Schools and Families 459w
Children's Commissioner for England, Manpower 1058w
Christmas, Department for Children, Schools and Families 461w, 593w
Conferences, Department for Children, Schools and Families 593w
Departmental responsibilities, Department for Children, Schools and Families 594w
Driving, Department for Children, Schools and Families 595-6w
Electricity, Department for Children, Schools and Families 593w
Free school meals, Stoke on Trent 1060w
Furniture, Department for Children, Schools and Families 918w
GCE A-level, Disadvantaged 462w
Gifted children, Leeds 1122w
Home education, Offences against children 463w, 597w
Home education, Registration 463w
Hotels, Department for Children, Schools and Families 594w, 598w
Immobilisation of vehicles, Department for Children, Schools and Families 463w
Internet, Department for Children, Schools and Families 718-9w
Leeds, Department for Children, Schools and Families 463w
Legislation, Department for Children, Schools and Families 462w
Members, Correspondence 463-4w
Offenders, Department for Children, Schools and Families 464w
Official cars, Department for Children, Schools and Families 918-9w
Pay, Department for Children, Schools and Families 594-5w, 1059w
Primary education, Class sizes 464w
School meals, Per capita costs 600w
Sick leave, Department for Children, Schools and Families 719w
Special educational needs, Expenditure 603w, 1125w
Training, Department for Children, Schools and Families 595w
Written questions, Government responses 921w
Joint strike fighter aircraft
Joint waste authorities
Jones, David
Afghanistan, Peacekeeping operations 741w
Natural gas, Storage 633w
Jones, Mr Kevan, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Ministry of Defence
Written Statements
Exservicemen, Prisoners 6-7ws
Advertising, Ministry of Defence 995-6w (504 5-6mc)
Armed forces, Bomb disposal 20w
Armed forces, Compensation 408
Armed forces, Health services 437-8w
Armed forces, Hearing impairment 993-4w
Armed forces, Mental health services 410, 441w
Armed forces, Nutrition 441-3w
Armed forces, Officers 21-2w
Aviation, Ministry of Defence 26w
Buildings, Ministry of Defence 1103w
Conferences, Ministry of Defence 996w
Defence Medical Services, Inverness 450-1w
Domestic visits, Ministry of Defence 1103w
Empty property, Ministry of Defence 1103-4w
Exservicemen, Employment 403-4
Hotels, Ministry of Defence 28w
Land, Ministry of Defence 824w
Members, Correspondence 998w
Skill force scheme, Nottingham 739w
Jones, Dr Lynne
Westminster Hall Debates
Middle East, Armed conflict (12.01.2010) 201wh
Anti-terrorism control orders 991w
Members, Mentally ill 687
Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus 913w
Prisoners, Gender recognition 789-90w
Renewable energy, Job creation 1107-8w
Senior civil servants, Pay 108w
Jowell, Rt Hon Ms Tessa, Minister for the Olympics and London, Cabinet Office and Paymaster General
Energy, Minister for the Olympics 2w
Ministers, Official residences 712-3w
National School of Government, Valuation Office Agency 872w
Offenders, Minister for the Olympics 961w
Olympic Games, Canada 648w
Olympic Games 2012, Construction 3w
Olympic Games 2012, Culture 644w
Olympic Games 2012, Diamond Jubilee 2012 3w
Olympic Games 2012, Education 489-90w
Olympic Games 2012, Electric vehicles 643w
Olympic Games 2012, Finance 644w
Olympic Games 2012, Hotels 644-5w
Olympic Games 2012, Job creation 645-6w
Olympic Games 2012, Northern Ireland 647w
Olympic Games 2012, Public transport 646w
Olympic Games 2012, Scotland 647w
Olympic Games 2012, Wales 647w
Written questions, Cabinet Office 104w
Written questions, Minister for the Olympics 3w