W Wr Y
Sheridan, Mr Jim
Chamber Debates
Climate change, International cooperation (05.01.2010) 54
Employment schemes, Scotland 679
Short, Rt Hon Clare
Sick leave
Department for Children, Schools and Families 719w
Department for Culture, Media and Sport 1068-9w
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 680w
Department for Work and Pensions 1030-1w
Department of Energy and Climate Change 736w
Government Equalities Office 866w
Leader of the House of Commons 962w
Department for Business, Innovation and Skills 246w
Simmonds, Mr Mark
Basildon and Thurrock University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 258w
Cancer, Health services 543-4
Heart diseases, Health services 1023w
Simon, Mr Sion, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department for Culture, Media and Sport
Chamber Debates
Mass media, Females (11.01.2010) 533-6
Video Recordings Bill, Allocation of time motion, 2R and rem stages (06.01.2010) 174-8, 180-6, 189, 206-11
Westminster Hall Debates
Local broadcasting, Radio (12.01.2010) 232-6wh
Advertising, Department for Culture, Media and Sport 648w
Allowances, Department for Culture, Media and Sport 649-50w
Billing, Department for Culture, Media and Sport 1067w
Buildings, Department for Culture, Media and Sport 1067w
Christmas, Department for Culture, Media and Sport 41w
Conferences, Department for Culture, Media and Sport 41w
Consultants, Department for Culture, Media and Sport 861w
Contracts, Department for Culture, Media and Sport 650w
Creativity and Business International Network 390w
Domestic visits, Department for Culture, Media and Sport 650w
Employment Tribunals Service, Department for Culture, Media and Sport 1069w
Fines, Department for Culture, Media and Sport 41-2w
Food, Department for Culture, Media and Sport 1067w
Hotels, Department for Culture, Media and Sport 43w
Information officers, Department for Culture, Media and Sport 861-2w
Internet, Department for Culture, Media and Sport 860-1w
Legislation, Department for Culture, Media and Sport 390-1w
National Lottery, Translation services 44w
Offenders, Department for Culture, Media and Sport 44w
Official hospitality, Department for Culture, Media and Sport 391w
Olympic Games, Department for Culture, Media and Sport 45w, 650w
Party political broadcasts 45w
Pay, Department for Culture, Media and Sport 1068w
Public consultation, Department for Culture, Media and Sport 1069w
Public relations, Department for Culture, Media and Sport 1068w
Sick leave, Department for Culture, Media and Sport 1068-9w
Television, Licensing 1069w
Training, Department for Culture, Media and Sport 42-3w, 1069w
Video Recordings Act 1984, Fines 1044w
Simpson, Mr Alan
Chamber Debates
Sustainable Energy (Local Action) Bill, 1R (12.01.2010) 559
Human trafficking, Females 538
Simpson, David
Domestic visits, Government Equalities Office 539w
Domestic visits, Home Office 139w
Simpson, Mr Keith
Westminster Hall Debates
China, Foreign relations (13.01.2010) 253-6wh
Afghanistan, Economic growth 181w
Association of South East Asian Nations, Human rights 184w
Burma, United Nations 187w
Sri Lanka, Internally displaced people 257w
Single parents
Skill force scheme
Skinner, Mr Dennis
Pleural plaques, Compensation 837
Slaughter, Andy
Westminster Hall Debates
Middle East, Armed conflict (12.01.2010) 202-4wh
Sleeping rough
Winter fuel payments 841w
Smith, Rt Hon Angela E, Minister of State, Cabinet Office
Westminster Hall Debates
Written Statements
Government departments, Data protection 25-6ws
Allowances, Cabinet Office 104w
Art works, Cabinet Office 103w
Billing, Cabinet Office 427-8w
Buildings, Cabinet Office 871w
Buildings, Prime Minister 871w
Central Office of Information 710w
Central Office of Information, Conferences 101w
Central Office of Information, Procurement 495-6w
Central Office of Information, Public relations 101-2w
Charity Commission, Internet 710w
Charity Commission, Political activities 102w
Civil servants, Internet 711w
Energy, Cabinet Office 428w
Government departments, Computer software 106w
Government departments, Information and communications technology 106w, 428-9w
Hakluyt, Cabinet Office 106-7w
Hotels, Cabinet Office 429w
Intelligence services, Finance 107w
Internet, Cabinet Office 1082w
Jobseeker's allowance, Leeds 118-9w
Jobseeker's allowance, Wales 1002w
Legislation, Cabinet Office 1082w
Life expectancy, Gloucestershire 430w
Local government, Contracts 249w
Lost property, Prime Minister 93-5w
Marketing, Cabinet Office 103-4w
Ministerial policy advisers 431w
National School of Government, Valuation Office Agency 107w
Non-departmental public bodies 496w
Offenders, Cabinet Office 711-2w
Plants, Prime Minister 104w
Population, Gloucestershire 431w
Senior civil servants, Pay 108w
Sick leave, Cabinet Office 104w
10 Downing Street, Repairs and maintenance 1002w
10 Downing Street, Shops 426w
Training, Cabinet Office 711-2w
United Kingdom Statistics Authority, Hotels 108w
United Kingdom Statistics Authority, Internet 109w
Smith, Chloe
Chamber Debates
Children, Schools and Families Bill, 2R (11.01.2010) 509-11
Smith, Rt Hon Jacqui
Post offices, Information and communications technology 837, 1106w
Smith, Sir Robert