W Wr Y
Department for Business, Innovation and Skills 252w
Jobseeker's allowance 1002w
Legislative competence 707w
Wales Office
see Office of the Secretary of State for Wales
Walker, Charles
Wallace, Ben
Chamber Debates
Energy supply (13.01.2010) 770
Terrorism (05.01.2010) 39
Armed forces, Scotland 670-1
Corporation tax, Patents 1137w
Further education, Higher education 837-8
Prisoners, Exservicemen 17, 46w
Walley, Ms Joan
Apprentices, Stoke on Trent 166
Business, Environment protection 840
Electronic equipment, Waste disposal 684w
Military aircraft, Helicopters 742w
Waltho, Lynda
War crimes
Bosnia and Herzegovina 210w
Ward, Ms Claire, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Ministry of Justice
Written Statements
Dangerous driving, Sentencing 2-3ws
Animal welfare, East Sussex 431-2w
Commissioner for Victims and Witnesses, British nationals abroad 54w
Conferences, Ministry of Justice 1145w
Corruption, Prosecutions 432w
Crimes against humanity, Jurisdiction 542w
Crimes of violence, Older people 1139-46w
Criminal proceedings, Autism 786w
Custodial treatment, Females 1155w
Dangerous driving, West Yorkshire 49w
Driving offences, Disqualification 544w, 788w
Driving offences, Sentencing 433w
Driving under influence, Gloucestershire 789-90w
Government departments, Databases 496w
Insider trading, Convictions 545w
Internet, Ministry of Justice 13-4
Legislation, Ministry of Justice 544w
Offenders, Rehabilitation 47w
Police cautions, Greater London 554-6w
Prisoners' release, Reoffenders 1011w
Victim support schemes, Human trafficking 1011w
Victim support schemes, Lancashire 555-6w
Young offenders, Reoffenders 798-9w
Warm front scheme
Waste and Resources Action Programme
Waste disposal
Electronic equipment 684w
Waste management
Water charges
Water companies
Waterson, Mr Nigel
British nationality, Assessments 129-30w
Financial services, Regulation 764-5w
Watkinson, Angela
Chamber Debates
Fiscal Responsibility Bill, 2R (05.01.2010) 102
Watson, Tom
Australia, Foreign relations 185w
Belarus, Foreign relations 407w
Belarus, Politics and government 407w
British Indian Ocean Territory, Environment protection 185w
Colombia, Administration of justice 974w
Colombia, Internally displaced people 974w
Counterfeit manufacturing 574w
Croatia, EC enlargement 565-6w
Departmental responsibilities, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 411-2w
Fiji, Foreign relations 196w
Heathrow Airport, Official hospitality 414w
NHS, Cost effectiveness 271w
Olympic Games 2012, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 206w, 1162w
Olympic Games 2012, Heads of state 414w
Overseas Territories Consultative Council 206w, 956-7w
Trade unions, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 953-4w
Visits abroad, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 958w
Written questions, Government responses 46w
Webb, Mr Steve
Westminster Hall Debates
Employment schemes, Young people 535w
Means-tested benefits 120w
Weir, Mr Mike
Chamber Debates
Fuel poverty, Scotland 677-8
Welfare tax credits
Manufacturing industries 838
West Bank
West Bromwich
West coast railway line
West Midlands
West Yorkshire
Education maintenance allowance 719-20w
West Yorkshire Police
Western Sahara
Politics and government 688