Index for Volume 504continued
A Am Av B Be Br Bu C Ce Co Cr D De Dh Du E Em Ey F Fo Fr G Gr H He Hi Hu I Is J Ju K Ki L Li M Ma Me Mo N Nu O Ov P Ph Pu Q R Ri Ry S Sh Sh Sk Sp Su T To U V W Wh Wo X Y Z
Follett, Barbara, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State and Minister for the East of England, Communities and Local Government
Written Statements
Local government finance 16-8ws
Audit Commission, Internet 1135w
Audit Commission, Political activities 376w
Billing, Communities and Local Government 283w
Buildings, Communities and Local Government 283w
Carbon emissions, Communities and Local Government 768-9w
Chorley, Communities and Local Government 1135-6w
Council tax, Chelmsford 282w
Council tax, Valuation 283w
Departmental reorganisation, Communities and Local Government 769w
Disclosure of information, Communities and Local Government 1136w
Domestic visits, Communities and Local Government 284w
Domestic waste, Waste disposal 379-80w
Drinking water, Communities and Local Government 769w
Electronic equipment, Communities and Local Government 284w
Empty property, Chelmsford 477-8w
Empty property, Shops 1140w
Export Credits Guarantee Dept, Communities and Local Government 287w
Food, Communities and Local Government 284w
Illegal immigrants, Communities and Local Government 289w
Internet, Communities and Local Government 284-5w, 769w
Local government, Bank services 290w
Local government, Cornwall 381w
Local government, Elections 382w
Local government, Equality 290-1w
Local government, Manpower 291w
Local government, Pay 291w
Local government, Pensions 770-1w
Local government, Sustainable development 569w
Local government services, Complaints 381w
Manpower, Communities and Local Government 1136-7w
Ministerial policy advisers, Communities and Local Government 285w
Non-departmental public bodies, Communities and Local Government 1137w
Non-domestic rates, Charities 566-7w
Non-domestic rates, Greater London 483-4w
Non-domestic rates, Homeworking 386-7w
Non-domestic rates, Shops 387-8w
Paper, Communities and Local Government 388w
Parking, Fees and charges 388-9w
Pay, Communities and Local Government 378-9w
Pedestrian areas, Snow and ice 293w
Political impartiality, Communities and Local Government 294w
Procurement, Communities and Local Government 283-4w
Recruitment, Communities and Local Government 296w
Research, Communities and Local Government 285-6w
Slough, Communities and Local Government 568w
Streatham, Communities and Local Government 773w
Stress, Communities and Local Government 1051w
Surveys, Communities and Local Government 286w
Temporary employment, Communities and Local Government 286-7w
Training, Communities and Local Government 379w
Vauxhall, Communities and Local Government 297-8w
Waste, Communities and Local Government 379w
Winter fuel payments, Milton Keynes 298w
Written questions, Communities and Local Government 769-70w, 1138w
Communities and Local Government 284w
Department for Business, Innovation and Skills 300-1w
Department for Children, Schools and Families 310w
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 328w
Department for International Development 305w
Department for Transport 79w
Department of Energy and Climate Change 469w
Department of Health 224w
Foreign and Commonwealth Office 586w
Northern Ireland Office 510w
Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 9w
Foreign aid
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Departmental responsibilities 154
Disclosure of information 896w
Electronic equipment 275w
Industrial health and safety 486w
Iraq Committee of Inquiry 101w
Foreign investment in UK
Foreign nationals
Foreign relations
Syrian Arab Republic 841w
Foreign workers
Forensic Science Service
Forestry Commission
Former ministers
Foster, Mr Don
Westminster Hall Debates
Gambling, Advertising 324w
Gambling Commission, Public appointments 323w
Olympic Games, Department for Culture, Media and Sport 542-3w, 1012w
Olympic Games, Department for International Development 105w
Olympic Games, Department for Transport 345w
Olympic Games, Department for Work and Pensions 930w
Olympic Games, Department of Energy and Climate Change 135w
Olympic Games, Department of Health 127w
Olympic Games, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 490w
Olympic Games, Government Equalities Office 210w
Olympic Games, Home Office 267-8w
Olympic Games, Minister for the Olympics 7w
Olympic Games, Northern Ireland Office 2w
Olympic Games, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 10w
Olympic Games, Prime Minister 432w
Olympic Games, Scotland Office 3w
Olympic Games, Treasury 195-6w
Olympic Games 2012, Construction 6-7w
Foster, Mr Michael (Worcester), Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department for International Development
Algeria, Overseas aid 891w
Billing, Department for International Development 304w
Buildings, Department for International Development 104-5w
Carbon emissions, Department for International Development 609-10w
Developing countries, Educational visits 892-3w
Developing countries, Malaria 611w
Developing countries, Schools 611w
Disclosure of information, Department for International Development 891-2w
Electronic equipment, Department for International Development 610w
Food, Department for International Development 305w
Housing, Department for International Development 1084w
Internet, Department for International Development 305w, 610w
Middle East, Armed conflict 466-7w
Morocco, Overseas aid 894w
North Africa, Overseas aid 895w
Olympic Games, Department for International Development 105w
Pakistan, Internally displaced people 286-7
Palestinians, Politics and government 491w
Public consultation, Department for International Development 465w
Public expenditure, Department for International Development 803w
Sri Lanka, EC external trade 589-90w
Sri Lanka, Overseas aid 414w
Surveys, Department for International Development 306w
Waste, Department for International Development 610-2w
Written questions, Department for International Development 1085w
Foster, Mr Michael Jabez (Hastings and Rye), Parliamentary Secretary to the Government Equalities Office
Written Statements
Equality Bill 2008-09 then 2009-10 46ws
Advertising, Government Equalities Office 823w
Contracts, Government Equalities Office 209w
Electronic equipment, Government Equalities Office 208w
Equal opportunities, Older workers 1069w
Human rights, Local government 209w
Internet, Government Equalities Office 208w
Legislation, Government Equalities Office 336w
Olympic Games, Government Equalities Office 210w
Surveys, Government Equalities Office 209w
Foundation degrees
Foundation Trusts Regulator
14 Tothill Street
Fox, Dr Liam
Chamber Debates
Electric cables, Somerset (19.01.2010) 273-5, 278
Armoured fighting vehicles 13w
Consultants, Ministry of Defence 518w
EC common foreign and security policy 519-20w
Military aircraft, Helicopters 1017w
Public expenditure, Ministry of Defence 518-20w