Index for Volume 504continued
A Am Av B Be Br Bu C Ce Co Cr D De Dh Du E Em Ey F Fo Fr G Gr H He Hi Hu I Is J Ju K Ki L Li M Ma Me Mo N Nu O Ov P Ph Pu Q R Ri Ry S Sh Sh Sk Sp Su T To U V W Wh Wo X Y Z
Jackson, Glenda
Thameslink railway line, Rolling stock 238w
Jackson, Mr Stewart
Chamber Debates
Mortgage Repossessions (Protection of Tenants Etc. ) Bill, 2R (29.01.2010) 1046-50
Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (Amendment) Bill, 2R adjourned (29.01.2010) 1089-90, 1093
Westminster Hall Debates
Criminal Records Bureau (20.01.2010) 129wh
Adjudication Panel for England 710w
Affordable housing, Equality 914-5w
Audit Commission, Internet 1135w
Audit Commission, Procurement 377w, 561w
Buildings, Department for Transport 989-92w
Central Office of Information, Contracts 394-5w
Closed circuit television, Complaints 256w
Closed circuit television, Driving offences 750-1w
Consultants, Communities and Local Government 476w
Contracts, Government Equalities Office 209w
Departmental coordination, Communities and Local Government 562w
Departmental reorganisation, Communities and Local Government 769w
Domestic waste, Waste disposal 562w
East coast railway line 1000w
Electoral register, Second homes 515w
Empty property, Shops 1140w
Equality and Human Rights Commission 555-6w
Fire services, Equal opportunities 481w
Floods, Thames Gateway 481w
Fly tipping, Travellers 477w
Food, Waste disposal 737w
Home information packs 669
Housing, Leaseback arrangements 391w, 564w
Housing, Sustainable development 564w (7-8mc)
Housing benefit, Caravans 574w
Local government, Cost effectiveness 381-2w
Local government, Human rights 209w
Local government, National insurance contributions 918w
Local government, Publicity 382w
Local government, Reorganisation 565w
Local government, Surveillance 454w
Local government services, Complaints 381w
Married people, Statistics 971-2w
Ministerial policy advisers, Communities and Local Government 477w
Mortgages, Repossession orders 1138-9w
"National Standards for Enforcement Agents" 704w
Neighbourhood Renewal Fund 382-3w
Non-domestic rates, Fire services 498-504w
Non-domestic rates, Homeworking 386-7w
Office of the Identity Commissioner, Manpower 649w
Parking, Fees and charges 388-9w
Parking offences, Automatic number plate recognition 753w
Parking offences, Closed circuit television 528-9w
Pay, Communities and Local Government 378-9w
Pedestrian areas, Snow and ice 293w
Pensioners, Council tax benefits 574-5w
Prisoners, Voting rights 556w
Radioactive waste, Waste management 936-7w
Religious buildings, Registration 1047w
Roads, Repairs and maintenance 531w
Surveillance, Members 454w
Temporary employment, Communities and Local Government 286-7w
Transport, Regional planning and development 754-5w
Valuation Office Agency 508w
Valuation Office Agency, Freedom of information 1146-7w
Vetting, Young people 454w
Waste disposal, Fixed penalties 219w
James, Mrs Sian C
Chamber Debates
Sunbeds (Regulation) Bill, 2R (29.01.2010) 1057, 1068-72
Jenkin, Mr Bernard
EU High Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy 275-6w
Military aircraft, Helicopters 205w
Rescue services, Helicopters 206w
Jenkins, Mr Brian
Affordable housing, Staffordshire 106w
Apprentices, West Midlands 167w
Education, Staffordshire 142w
Hospitals, Waiting lists 117-8w
Olympic Games 2012, West Midlands 327w
Job creation
Jobcentre Plus
Jobseeker's allowance
Johnson, Rt Hon Alan, Secretary of State for the Home Dept
Chamber Debates
Crime and Security Bill, 2R (18.01.2010) 24-38, 41, 46-7
Written Statements
EU Justice and Home Affairs Council 62-4ws
Hillsborough Independent Panel, Public appointments 49-50ws
Advertising, Home Office 805-6w
Antisocial behaviour orders 898-9w
Borders, Personal records 1128w
Community safety accreditation schemes 901-2w
Crime prevention, Expenditure 637w
Crimes of violence, Emergency services 645w
Deportation, Offenders 1130w
Driving offences, Fines 1129w
Identity and Passport Service, Internet 647w
Identity and Passport Service, Legal costs 647w
Illegal immigrants, Employment 36-8w
Internet, Home Office 1041w
Members, Correspondence 1130w
Passports, Contracts 268w
Public expenditure, Home Office 30-2w
Telecommunications, Databases 1047w
Terrorism, Internet 1048w
Chamber Debates
Schools, Devon (27.01.2010) 921-4
Assets, Department for Children, Schools and Families 616w
Buildings, Department for Children, Schools and Families 140w
Children, Disability 138w
Conferences, Department for Children, Schools and Families 140w
Domestic visits, Department for Children, Schools and Families 140w
Drinking water, Department for Children, Schools and Families 616w
Electronic equipment, Department for Children, Schools and Families 462w
Faith schools, Health education 534
Food, Department for Children, Schools and Families 310w
Free school meals, Crewe 143-4w
Gifted children, Birmingham 620-2w
Health education, Diabetes 146w
Health education, Nutrition 311-2w
Health education, Sex 147w
Home education, Coventry 148w
Internet, Department for Children, Schools and Families 141w
Members, Correspondence 1106w
Offenders, Department for Children, Schools and Families 464w
Pay, Department for Children, Schools and Families 141w
Personal, social, health and economic education 612w
Physical education, Birmingham 622-3w
Public expenditure, Department for Children, Schools and Families 462w
Research, Department for Children, Schools and Families 141w
Secondary education, Coventry 163w
Surveys, Department for Children, Schools and Families 310-1w
Travel, Department for Children, Schools and Families 616w
Written questions, Department for Children, Schools and Families 462w
Joint Committee for the Mobility of Disabled People
Jones, David
Home information packs 667-8
Jones, Mr Kevan, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Ministry of Defence
Armed forces, Health services 12-3w
Armed forces, Hearing impairment 13w
Armed forces, Pensions 203w
Battle of Britain, Anniversaries 517w
Carbon emissions, Ministry of Defence 14w
Exservicemen, Radiation exposure 13w
Food, Ministry of Defence 15w
Help for Heroes, Finance 797w
Information and communications technology, Ministry of Defence 204-5w
Internet, Ministry of Defence 15w
Manpower, Ministry of Defence 15-6w
Military decorations 521w
Milngavie Reservoir, Security 797w
Ministry of Defence Police and Guarding Agency, Recruitment 798w
RAF Welford, Security 797w
Royal Naval Hospital Haslar 16w
Taxis, Ministry of Defence 350-1w
Written questions, Government responses 352w, 1122w
Jones, Dr Lynne
Chamber Debates
Carbon emissions, Department for Culture, Media and Sport 536w
Carbon emissions, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 896w
Carbon emissions, Ministry of Defence 14w
Identity cards, Greater Manchester 264w
Legal advice and assistance 861-2w
Prisoners, Gender recognition 865-6w
Social security benefits, Medical examinations 582-3w
Jowell, Rt Hon Ms Tessa, Minister for the Olympics and London, Cabinet Office and Paymaster General
Written Statements
Public expenditure, Cabinet Office 47ws
Billing, Minister for the Olympics 4-5w
Central Office of Information, Advertising 45w
Central Office of Information, Finance 239w
Civil servants, Travel 45w
Correspondence, Cabinet Office 1140-1w
Departmental responsibilities 663w
Disclosure of information, Home Office 657w
Government departments, Disclosure of information 659-60w
Government departments, Information and communications technology 461w
Information and communications technology, Cabinet Office 963w
Intelligence services, Information and communications technology 662w
Internet, Cabinet Office 655-6w
Iraq Committee of Inquiry 49-50w
Iraq Committee of Inquiry, Cabinet Office 397w
Manpower, Cabinet Office 660-1w
Ministers, Training 1061w
Non-departmental public bodies, Finance 664w
Olympic Games, Minister for the Olympics 7w
Olympic Games 2012, Airwave service 1108w
Olympic Games 2012, Broadcasting 20-1 (505 1-2mc)
Olympic Games 2012, Crystal Palace National Sports Centre 21
Olympic Games 2012, East Midlands 4w
Olympic Games 2012, Housing 3-4w
Olympic Games 2012, Human trafficking 713w
Olympic Games 2012, Internet 7w
Olympic Games 2012, West Midlands 327w
Pay, Minister for the Olympics 5w
Power of Information Taskforce 1142w
Public appointments, Parliamentary scrutiny 972w
Sick leave, Minister for the Olympics 885w
Joyce, Eric
Chamber Debates
War crimes, Arrest warrants (28.01.2010) 1018-9
Westminster Hall Debates
Colombia, Human rights (27.01.2010) 293wh