Index for Volume 504continued
A Am Av B Be Br Bu C Ce Co Cr D De Dh Du E Em Ey F Fo Fr G Gr H He Hi Hu I Is J Ju K Ki L Li M Ma Me Mo N Nu O Ov P Ph Pu Q R Ri Ry S Sh Sh Sk Sp Su T To U V W Wh Wo X Y Z
Labour turnover
Rural Payments Agency 222w
Ladyman, Dr Stephen
Mental health services, Exservicemen 1077-8w
Repossession orders, South East 772w
Social rented housing, South East 772-3w
Laing, Mrs Eleanor
Chamber Debates
Lait, Mrs Jacqui
Chamber Debates
General practitioners, Working hours (27.01.2010) 885, 904
Swine flu, Vaccination 555w
Lamb, Norman
Chamber Debates
Church of England Pensions Board, Pay 2w
Eating disorders, Young people 548w
Hospitals, Admissions 549w
Hotels, Department of Health 550w
NHS, Early retirement 122w
Public expenditure, Department of Health 545-7w
Written questions, Government responses 229w
Lammy, Rt Hon David, Minister of State, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
Westminster Hall Debates
Higher education (19.01.2010) 59-61wh
Higher education, Chelmsford 848-9w
Higher education, Lewes 406-7w
Higher education, Preston 407w
Higher education, Torbay 680w
Higher education, Wirral 681w
King's College London, Medicine 182w
Manpower, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills 404w
National Physical Laboratory 683w
Newcastle University, Finance 1095-6w
Postgraduate education 408w
Science and Technology Facilities Council 849w
Students, Gloucestershire 686-8w
General practitioners 225w
Lancaster, Mark
Action for Employment 569w
Afghanistan, Peacekeeping operations 516-7w
Developing countries, Educational visits 892-3w
Parking, Fees and charges 81w
Social security benefits, Medical examinations 581-2w
Terrorism, Stop and search 902w
Thames Valley Police, Publicity 268w
Winter fuel payments, Milton Keynes 298w
Land Agreements Exclusion and Revocation Order 2004
Land Registry
Landfill tax
Lansley, Mr Andrew
Chamber Debates
Dementia (27.01.2010) 867
General practitioners, Working hours (27.01.2010) 882
Hospitals, Admissions 1153w
Mental health services, Exservicemen 1077w
Large goods vehicles
Law Officers' Depts
Laws, Mr David
Building colleges for the future programme 168w
Department of Resources, Operating costs 857-8w
Further education, Finance 181w
Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills 536-7
Pre-school education, Finance 843-4w
Pupils, Per capita costs 153-4w
School leaving, Expenditure 844-5w
Secondary education, Teachers 163w
Sector skills councils, Finance 186-7w
Sixth form education, Finance 163w
Specialist Schools and Academies Trust 628w
Unemployment, Young people 53-4w
Vocational training, Finance 188w
Lazarowicz, Mark
Leader of the House of Commons
Learning and Skills Council for England
Leaseback arrangements
Leech, Mr John
Accident and emergency departments, Greater Manchester 359w
Charity Commission, Manpower 241-2w
Pay, Ministry of Defence 796w
Economic situation (20.01.2010) 71-93wh
Manufacturing industries 183-4w
Leeds City Council Bill 2007-08
Chamber Debates
Order for consideration read (21.01.2010) 522
Legal advice and assistance
Legal aid
Legal Complaints Service
Legal costs
Identity and Passport Service 647w
Legal deposit
Digital technology 14, 85w
Legal systems
Government Equalities Office 336w
Leigh, Mr Edward
Chamber Debates
Bournemouth and Manchester private bills, Rep and 3R (28.01.2010) 997, 999-1000
Constitutional Reform and Governance Bill, Programme motion and Com (19.01.2010) 226, 231, 237, 240
Dementia (27.01.2010) 817
Leeds and Reading private bills, 3R (28.01.2010) 990, 993-4
Swimming, Hyde Park 90-1w
Letwin, Rt Hon Oliver
Chamber Debates
Home Education Independent Review, Petitions (26.01.2010) 779-80
Westminster Hall Debates
Water charges, South West (27.01.2010) 323-5wh
Levitt, Mr Tom
Chamber Debates
Charities (18.01.2010) 130-5
Charities, Regulation 798-9
Employment and support allowance 211-2w
Winter fuel payments 358w
Lewis, Ivan, Minister of State, Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Westminster Hall Debates
Horn of Africa, Politics and government (26.01.2010) 229-33wh
Afghanistan, Diplomatic service 827-8w
Angola, Travel information 589w
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Peacekeeping operations 1114w
Democratic Republic of Congo, Armed conflict 273-4w
Democratic Republic of Congo, Capital punishment 1087w
Democratic Republic of Congo, Peacekeeping operations 274w
Ethiopia, Politics and government 1089w
Indonesia, Falun Gong 836w
Iraq Committee of Inquiry, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 101w
Israel, Attorney General 102w
Kashmir, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 489w
Lebanon, Foreign relations 837w
Manpower, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 489w
Middle East, Peace negotiations 271w, 838w
Mongolia, Capital punishment 334w
Morocco, Foreign relations 102w
Nigeria, Politics and government 489-90w
Pakistan, Armed conflict 271w
Pakistan, Foreign relations 335w
Pakistan, Politics and government 272w
Palestinians, Journalism 336w
Palestinians, Overseas aid 1088w
Palestinians, Politics and government 270w
Shipping, Minimum wage 1090w
South Africa, Football 589w
Sri Lanka, Elections 103w
Sri Lanka, Press freedom 103w
Sudan, Peace negotiations 491-2w
Sudan, Politics and government 840-1w
Syrian Arab Republic, Foreign relations 841w
Tibet, Politics and government 159
Western Sahara, Political prisoners 828-9w
Western Sahara, Politics and government 841w, 897-8w
Western Sahara, Property 837w
Yemen, Foreign relations 104w
Zimbabwe, Politics and government 278-9w
Lewis, Dr Julian
Chamber Debates
Elections, Points of order (18.01.2010) 23
Electric cables, Somerset (19.01.2010) 278
Armed conflict, Research 517w
Astute class submarines 890-1w