Index for Volume 505continued
A Ap B Bi Bu C Ce Co Cr D Dh Du E Em F Fr G Gr H He Ho Hu Hy I Is J Ju K Kn L Li M Ma Mi Mu N Nu O P Ph Pu Q R Ri Ry S Si Sn Sr Sw T To U V W Wo Y Z
Approved premises
Arbuthnot, Rt Hon James
Chamber Debates
Afghanistan, Peacekeeping operations (01.02.2010) 33
Armed conflict
Armed forces
Armed Forces Compensation Scheme Review
Ministerial statements (10.02.2010) 926-36
Arms length management organisations
Arms trade
Armstrong, Rt Hon Hilary
Family courts, Disclosure of information 741w
Arrest warrants
Art works
Crown Prosecution Service 654w
Department for Transport 1016w
Arts Council of England
Ashcroft, Lord
Ashford Kent
Attendance allowance 146w
Disability living allowance 146w
Petitions (03.02.2010) 411
Atkins, Charlotte
Chamber Debates
General practitioners, Working hours (09.02.2010) 766-7
Bovine tuberculosis, Disease control 435-6
British Waterways Board, Finance 170w
Olympic Games 2012, Construction 993-4w
Attendance allowance
Audit Commission
Austin, Ian, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State and Minister for the West Midlands, Communities and Local Government
Chamber Debates
Housing, Children in care (01.02.2010) 142-6
Local Authorities (Overview and Scrutiny) Bill, 2R (05.02.2010) 531-3
Affordable housing, South West 635w
Arms length management organisations, Finance 249w, 880w
Bridging NewcastleGateshead, Finance 16w
Council housing, East Sussex 629-30w
Council housing, Rents 629w
Homelessness, Exservicemen 364w
Housing, Greater Manchester 878w
Housing, Owner occupation 880w
Housing, Repairs and maintenance 1032w
Housing, Special protection areas 831w
Multiple occupation, Licensing 642w
Planning permission, Appeals 645w
Property development, Agriculture 531w
Property development, Floods 645-6w
Regeneration, Derelict land 883w
Regeneration, South East 646w
Regional planning and development, South East 364w
Regional planning and development, South West 646w
Supermarkets, Planning permission 17-8w
Tenancy deposit schemes 646-7w
Tree preservation orders 18w
Urban development corporations 364-5w
Waste management, Planning permission 18-9w, 365w
Austin, Mr John
Armed forces, Compensation 5w
Osteoporosis, Health services 926w
Average earnings
Department for Work and Pensions 350-1w
Department of Energy and Climate Change 728-9w
Government departments 520w
AWE Management
Government shareholding 465w