Index for Volume 505—continued

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Gray, Mr James

                  Chamber Debates

                  Westminster Hall Debates


    RAF Lyneham 970-1w (506 4mc)

Grayling, Chris


    Alcohol disorder zones 905w

    Alcoholic drinks, Misuse 697-8w

    Antisocial behaviour, Greater London 572w

    Convictions, Asylum 747w

    Convictions, Driving offences 1072-4w

    Convictions, Organised crime 786w

    Crime, Higher education 1055w

    Crime prevention, Schools 1055w

    Crime prevention, Students 575-6w

    Crimes of violence 747w

    Crimes of violence, Sentencing 771w

    Deportation, Haiti 749w

    Entry clearances, Overseas students 605-6, 613

    First offenders 501w

    Internet, Home Office 80-1w

    Knives, Crime prevention 1057w

    Licensed premises, Opening hours 662w

    Marketing, Home Office 81w

    Police, Training 911w

    Reoffenders, Greater London 585w

    Stop and search, Young people 349-50w

    Terrorism, Finance 586w

Greater London

    Antisocial behaviour 572w

    Community development 1027w

Greater Manchester


Green, Mr Damian

                  Chamber Debates

    Anti-Slavery Day Bill, 2R and rem stages (05.02.2010) 552-7

                  Westminster Hall Debates


    Attendance allowance, Ashford Kent 146w

    Borders, Security 608

    Detention centres, Mobile phones 578w

    Disability living allowance, Ashford Kent 146w

    Immigration, Information and communications technology 583w

    Opinion polls, Home Office 584w

    Prisoners, Foreign nationals 584w

    Serious Organised Crime Agency, Manpower 97w

    UK Border Agency, Contracts 587w

    UK Border Agency, Travel 587-8w

    Welfare tax credits, Ashford Kent 111-2w

Greening, Justine

                  Chamber Debates

    Local Authorities (Overview and Scrutiny) Bill, 2R (05.02.2010) 524-7, 529

    Police, Finance (03.02.2010) 359-60


    Business questions 470

    Community development, Greater London 1027w

    Heathrow Airport 456w

    Local government finance 362-3w

    Non-domestic rates, Valuation 15-6w

    Recreation spaces 169w

Greenway, Mr John

                  Westminster Hall Debates


Greenwich University

Grieve, Mr Dominic

                  Chamber Debates


    Deaths in Custody Independent Advisory Panel 1080w

    Driving offences, Insurance 1073w

    Electoral systems, Reform 788w

    Homicide, Prisoners' release 120-2w

    House of Lords, Reform 1075w

    Prisoners' incentives and earned privileges scheme 119-20w

Griffith, Nia

                  Chamber Debates

    Flood and Water Management Bill, Rep and 3R (02.02.2010) 193-4, 261, 270


    Information and communications technology, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 898

Grogan, Mr John


    Excise duties, Beer 166-7

Group of Twenty

Guantanamo Bay detainees

    see Afghanistan: Detainees

Guided weapons


Gummer, Rt Hon John

                  Chamber Debates

    Terrorist Asset-Freezing (Temporary Provisions) Bill, Allocation of time motion, 2R and rem stages (08.02.2010) 656, 663-5, 676, 682, 690-3

Gwynne, Andrew


    Roads, Greater Manchester 671-2w

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