Index for Volume 505continued
A Ap B Bi Bu C Ce Co Cr D Dh Du E Em F Fr G Gr H He Ho Hu Hy I Is J Ju K Kn L Li M Ma Mi Mu N Nu O P Ph Pu Q R Ri Ry S Si Sn Sr Sw T To U V W Wo Y Z
Knight, Rt Hon Mr Greg
Chamber Debates
Crime and Security Bill, Instruction to Com (10.02.2010) 987, 989, 993, 996, 1001
Flood and Water Management Bill, Rep and 3R (02.02.2010) 208, 211
House of Commons Disqualification Act 1975 (10.02.2010) 978-9, 981
Bridlington Hospital 1043w
Fire services, Yorkshire and the Humber 634w
House of Commons, Catering 8w
Influenza, Telephone services 919w
Park and ride schemes, Yorkshire and the Humber 458w
Roads, Repairs and maintenance 459w
Speed limits, Cameras 858w
Knight, Rt Hon Jim, Minister of State and Minister for the South West, Department for Work and Pensions
Action for Employment 350w
Advertising, Department for Work and Pensions 683-4w
Aviation, Department for Work and Pensions 350-1w
Better off in work credit, Yorkshire and the Humber 256w
Buildings, Department for Work and Pensions 684-5w
Christmas, Department for Work and Pensions 256w
Cost effectiveness, Department for Work and Pensions 351w
Employment and support allowance, Cancer 1100-1w
Employment and support allowance, Chronic fatigue syndrome 162w
Employment schemes, Graduates 283w
Employment schemes, Leeds 357-8w
Employment schemes, Young people 150w
Ethnic Minority Employment Task Force 354-5w
Jobcentre Plus, Closures 691-2w
Jobcentre Plus, Coventry 144w
Jobcentre Plus, Milton Keynes 259w
Jobcentre Plus, Resignations 1104w
Jobseeker's allowance, North Tyneside 358w
Manpower, Department for Work and Pensions 352w
New deal for young people, Salford 151-2w
New deal schemes, Nottingham 152-3w
New deal schemes, Torbay 153-4w
Non-departmental public bodies, Department for Work and Pensions 683w
Publicity, Department for Work and Pensions 352-3w
Social security benefits 1103w
Social security benefits, Debts 693w
Social security benefits, Payments 357w
Surveys, Department for Work and Pensions 1098-9w
Training, Construction 19
Unemployed people, Work experience 355-6w
Unemployment, Young people 145w
Unemployment benefits, Merseyside 1105-7w
Written questions, Government responses 359w
Kramer, Susan
Chamber Debates
Kingston Hospital (08.02.2010) 723-7
Local government finance (03.02.2010) 369
Kumar, Dr Ashok
Education maintenance allowance 291w