Index for Volume 505—continued

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    Government assistance 516w

Pickles, Mr Eric

                  Westminster Hall Debates


    Domestic waste, Waste disposal 873-4w


Pitcairn Islands


Planning permission

Playing fields

Pleural plaques


    Animal experiments 201w


    Nottinghamshire 619

Police cautions

    Crimes of violence 940w

Police community support officers

Police national computer

Police raids

Police Service of Northern Ireland

Political parties

Political prisoners

Political refugees

    see Asylum

Politics and government

Polling stations


Pope, Mr Greg




    Financial services 593w

Post office card account

Post offices

Postal services

Postal Services Sector Review


Pound, Stephen

                  Chamber Debates

    Flood and Water Management Bill, Rep and 3R (02.02.2010) 271-2


    Fuels, Smuggling 291

    House of Commons, Computer software 1042w

    House of Commons, Information and communications technology 816-7w


Power stations

Pregnant women

Prentice, Bridget, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Ministry of Justice

                  Written Statements

    Civil proceedings, Legal aid 15-6ws

    Coroners, Armed forces 7-8ws

    Translation services, Ministry of Justice 1-2ws


    Civil proceedings, Fees and charges 500w

    Driving offences, Fines 546w

    Employers' liability, Insurance 263w

    Employers Tribunals Service 947w

    Family courts, Conflict of interests 754

    Fraud, Social security benefits 349w

    Kingston Prison 500w

    Legal aid, Asylum 937w

    Legal Services Commission, Billing 985w

    Legal Services Commission, Interest charges 263w, 397w

    Legal Services Commission, Sick leave 552-3w

    Magistrates, Ethnic groups 943-4w

    Pleural plaques, Compensation 1078w

    Solicitors, Payments 938w

Prentice, Mr Gordon

                  Chamber Debates

    Afghanistan, Peacekeeping operations (01.02.2010) 34

    Constitutional Reform and Governance Bill, Money res and Com (01.02.2010) 123-6

    Defence (03.02.2010) 312


    Ambulance services, Emergency calls 911-2w

    Banks, United Arab Emirates 101w

    Compensation, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 450w

    Deportation, Offenders 577w

    East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust, Finance 700w

    Hospitals, Road signs and markings 855-6w

    Information Commissioner, Finance 938w

    Iraq Committee of Inquiry 893-4w

    Legislation, Ministry of Justice 261w

    1 Carlton Gardens 373w

    Police, Criminal records 608-9

    Political parties, Finance 909

Pre-school education

Prescription drugs


Press conferences


Price, Adam


    Economic situation, Wales 895


Primarolo, Rt Hon Dawn, Minister of State, Department for Children, Schools and Families


    Children, Day care 740w

    Children, Social services 902w

    Children's centres, Eltham 740w

    Children's Commissioner for England, Public appointments 740-1w

    Family courts, Disclosure of information 741w

    National Safeguarding Delivery Unit, Independent Safeguarding Authority 741-2w

    Pre-school education, Finance 440w

    Pre-school education, Torbay 742w

    Schools, Mental health services 743w

    Social Work Taskforce 743w

    Sure start programme, Leeds 744w

Primary care trusts

Primary education


Prime Minister

    Northern Ireland 571w

    Press conferences 435w

    West Wing Writers 572w

Prisk, Mr Mark


    Business, Government assistance 127w, 302

Prison sentences

Prison Service


    Exservicemen 46w

Prisoners' incentives and earned privileges scheme

Prisoners' release


    Carbon emissions 122w

    Mental health services 116w

    Northern Ireland 327w

Pritchard, Mark


    Information and communications technology, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 898

Private detectives

Private finance initiative

    Waste management 175w

Private rented housing

Private roads

Private sector

Proceeds of crime

Programme motions

    see Timetabling of bills


Property development


    Driving offences 396w

    Hunting Act 2004 499w

Prosser, Mr Gwyn



    Petitions (02.02.2010) 4p

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