Index for Volume 505continued
A Ap B Bi Bu C Ce Co Cr D Dh Du E Em F Fr G Gr H He Ho Hu Hy I Is J Ju K Kn L Li M Ma Mi Mu N Nu O P Ph Pu Q R Ri Ry S Si Sn Sr Sw T To U V W Wo Y Z
Public appointments
Children's Commissioner for England 740-1w
Children's Rights Director 741w
Public bodies
"Public Bodies 2009"
Public consultation
Department for Children, Schools and Families 99w
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 451w
Northern Ireland Office 329w
Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 326w
Public expenditure
Communities and Local Government 525-6w
Department for Children, Schools and Families 98w, 896-7w
Department for Transport 435w
Department for Work and Pensions 149w
Foreign and Commonwealth Office 53ws, 983w
Government Equalities Office 373w
Public finance
Public holidays
Communities and Local Government 883w
Department for Culture, Media and Sport 342w
Department of Health 715w
Foreign and Commonwealth Office 738-9w
Public lavatories
Public libraries
Public relations
Arts Council of England 442w
Electoral Commission 441w
Government departments 603w
Risk and Regulation Advisory Council 286w
Public sector
Public service
Public transport
Communities and Local Government 248w
Department for International Development 21w
Department for Work and Pensions 352-3w
Pugh, Dr John
Chamber Debates
Crime and Security Bill, Ways and means res (04.02.2010) 486
General practitioners, Working hours (09.02.2010) 770
Taxation (International and Other Provisions) Bill, 3R (04.02.2010) 502
Burma, Political prisoners 980-1w
Renewable energy, Feed-in tariffs 729w, 1011w
Pupil exclusions
Purchase, Mr Ken
Pyramid selling