Index for Volume 505continued
A Ap B Bi Bu C Ce Co Cr D Dh Du E Em F Fr G Gr H He Ho Hu Hy I Is J Ju K Kn L Li M Ma Mi Mu N Nu O P Ph Pu Q R Ri Ry S Si Sn Sr Sw T To U V W Wo Y Z
Todd, Mr Mark
Chamber Debates
Flood and Water Management Bill, Rep and 3R (02.02.2010) 239-40
Police, Finance (03.02.2010) 333
Carbon reduction commitment energy efficiency scheme 727-8w, 861-2w
Farms, Disadvantaged 675w
Government Car and Despatch Agency, Finance 455-6w
Information and communications technology, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 553-4w
Taxation, Gaming machines 933-4w
Training and Development Agency for Schools, Finance 304-5w
Topical debates
Disability living allowance 687-8w
Pre-school education 742w
Cold weather payments 1097w
Touhig, Rt Hon Don
Financial services, Regulation 211w
Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications and Deemed Applications) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2010
Chamber Debates
Trade promotion
Traffic officers
Train to gain programme
Department for Culture, Media and Sport 660w
Department of Health 913w
Leader of the House of Commons 650-1w
Training and Development Agency for Schools
Translation services
Ministry of Justice 1-2ws
Communities and Local Government 873w
Department for Culture, Media and Sport 340w, 996w
Travel information
Commonwealth Scholarship Commission 237w
Departmental responsibilities 162
Disclosure of information 930w
Non-departmental public bodies 214w
Treasury Solicitors Dept
Freedom of information 246w
Tredinnick, Mr David
Chamber Debates
Afghanistan, Peacekeeping operations (01.02.2010) 35
Tree planting
Tree preservation orders
Trickett, Jon
Basic skills, Hemsworth 1110w
Bus services, Concessions 842w
Fuel poverty, Hemsworth 1012w
Hemsworth, Department for Culture, Media and Sport 820-1w
Hemsworth, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 829-30w
Hemsworth, Department for Transport 846-7w
Hemsworth, Department of Energy and Climate Change 1012-3w
Hemsworth, Department of Health 1045-7w
Maternity benefits, Hemsworth 1104w
Minimum wage, Hemsworth 957w
New businesses, Hemsworth 1068w
Vocational training, Hemsworth 1130w
Trident submarines
Truswell, Mr Paul
Chamber Debates
Police, Finance (03.02.2010) 321, 347
EC enlargement 36w (506 7-8mc)
Turner, Mr Andrew
Westminster Hall Debates
Councillors, Isle of Wight 631w
Excise duties, Alcoholic drinks 159
Jobseeker's allowance 145w
Police Service of Northern Ireland, Recruitment 289-90
Turner, Mr Neil
Chamber Debates
Local government finance (03.02.2010) 392-7, 399
TV Licensing
Twigg, Derek
Westminster Hall Debates
Football, Regulation (10.02.2010) 291-2wh
Health services, Exservicemen 389w
Transport, Merseyside 178w
Tyne and Wear
Type 45 destroyers
Tyrie, Mr Andrew
Chamber Debates
Constitutional Reform and Governance Bill, Money res and Com (09.02.2010) 783
Economic policy (10.02.2010) 959-62
Mohamed, Binyam (10.02.2010) 923