Index for Volume 506continued
A Am At B Be Br Bu C Ce Co Cr D Dh Du E Ed Ep F Fl Fr G Gr Gu H He Hi Hu I Is J Je Ju K Ki L Li Ly M Ma Me Mo N No O Oi P Ph Pu Q R Ri Ru S Sh Si Sn Sr Su T Ti Tu U V W Wh Wo Y Z
Flello, Robert
Council tax benefits 892w
Flexible working
Flint, Rt Hon Caroline
Public sector, Procurement 230-1w
Flood control
Flynn, Paul
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty 30w
Nuclear power, National policy statements 70-1w
Follett, Barbara, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State and Minister for the East of England, Dept for Communities and Local Government
Chamber Debates
Local Authorities (Overview and Scrutiny) Bill, Money res (01.03.2010) 770
Local strategic partnerships, High Peak (22.02.2010) 138-40
Sustainable Communities Act 2007 (Amendment) Bill, 2R (26.02.2010) 602, 616-21
Westminster Hall Debates
Unitary councils (02.03.2010) 227-9wh
Written Statements
Greater London Authority, Finance 66ws
Business improvement districts 473w
Community assets programme 712-4w
Computers, Communities and Local Government 478w
Council housing, Empty property 951w
Council tax, Southend on Sea 1498w
Council tax, Valuation 953w
Disability, Communities and Local Government 478-9w
Domestic waste, Waste disposal 957-8w
Employment Tribunals Service, Communities and Local Government 484w
Empty property, Lancashire 268-9w
Internet, Communities and Local Government 1498w
Languages, Communities and Local Government 1499w
Legislation, Communities and Local Government 953-4w
Local government, Apprentices 962w
Local government, Cost effectiveness 491w, 963w
Local government, Debt collection 492w
Local government, Equality 492w
Local government, Job evaluation 963-4w
Local government, National insurance contributions 492w, 964w
Local government, Political impartiality 969w
Local government, Procurement 960w
Local government, Standards 490w
Local government, Sustainable development 719w
Local government finance, Barnet 274w
Local government finance, Oxfordshire 961-2w
Local Government Finance Funding Changes Independent Inquiry 490w
Manpower, Communities and Local Government 480-2w
Ministerial policy advisers, Communities and Local Government 954-5w
Non-departmental public bodies, Communities and Local Government 1155w
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, Bullying 1129w
Official hospitality, Communities and Local Government 481-3w
Paper, Communities and Local Government 955-6w
Parish councils, Powers 948w
Pay, Communities and Local Government 956w
Plants, Communities and Local Government 956w
Recruitment, Communities and Local Government 483w
Sick leave, Communities and Local Government 956-7w
Surveys, Communities and Local Government 483w
Temporary employment, Communities and Local Government 957w
Theft, Communities and Local Government 1328w
Training, Communities and Local Government 957w
Written questions, Government responses 1243w
Youth services, Finance 498w
Department for Work and Pensions 456w
Football banning orders
Forced marriage
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Departmental responsibilities 796
Iraq Committee of Inquiry 216w
Foreign companies
Large goods vehicles (23.02.2010) 59-65wh
Foreign nationals
Foreign relations
Foreign workers
Forensic science
Greater Manchester Police 365-6w
Forensic Science Service
Fortified wines
Foster, Mr Don
Broadcasting programmes 643-4
Driving under influence 1009w
Public expenditure, Department for Culture, Media and Sport 51-2w
Foster, Mr Michael, (Worcester), Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Dept for International Development
Written Statements
Bangladesh, International assistance 105-6ws
Advertising, Department for International Development 876-7w
Africa, International assistance 1200w
Bangladesh, Overseas aid 876w
Carbon emissions, Department for International Development 428w, 877w
China, Overseas aid 927-8
Developing countries, Asylum 682w
Developing countries, Malaria 934, 1199w
Developing countries, Politics and government 598-9w
Developing countries, Tuberculosis 241-3w
Developing countries, Water 878w
Disability, Department for International Development 428-9w
Energy, Department for International Development 240-1w, 877w
International assistance 1416w
Internet, Department for International Development 877w
Middle East, Armed conflict 1448w
Palestinians, Overseas aid 243w
Paper, Department for International Development 1414w
South Africa, Natural resources 1202w
Sri Lanka, EC external trade 878w
Sri Lanka, Politics and government 1202w
Sudan, Non-governmental organisations 879w
Temporary employment, Department for International Development 1414w
Theft, Department for International Development 1109-10w
Foster, Mr Michael Jabez, (Hastings and Rye), Parliamentary Secretary to the Government Equalities Office
Computer software, Government Equalities Office 401w
Departmental responsibilities, Government Equalities Office 1077w
Disability, Government Equalities Office 40w
Information officers, Government Equalities Office 401w
Internet, Government Equalities Office 1077w
Official hospitality, Government Equalities Office 41w
Pay, Government Equalities Office 402w
Sick leave, Government Equalities Office 1077w (507 18-20mc)
Foster care
Fox, Dr Liam
Chamber Debates
Afghanistan, Peacekeeping operations 3-4w, 6
Armed forces, Vehicles 1217w
Excise duties, Cider 1015w
Future large aircraft 1084w
Military aircraft, Helicopters 1085-6w
Public expenditure, Ministry of Defence 596-7w
Reserve forces, Deployment 1222w