Index for Volume 506continued
A Am At B Be Br Bu C Ce Co Cr D Dh Du E Ed Ep F Fl Fr G Gr Gu H He Hi Hu I Is J Je Ju K Ki L Li Ly M Ma Me Mo N No O Oi P Ph Pu Q R Ri Ru S Sh Si Sn Sr Su T Ti Tu U V W Wh Wo Y Z
Jack, Rt Hon Michael
Jackson, Glenda
Westminster Hall Debates
Housing, Greater London (02.03.2010) 180wh
Jackson, Mr Stewart
Chamber Debates
Westminster Hall Debates
Association of Home Information Pack Providers 1129w
Automatic number plate recognition 1192w
Bank services, Local government 1487w
Business and Community Safety Forum 1230w
Carbon reduction commitment energy efficiency scheme 1202-3w
Children, Maintenance 456w
Closed circuit television 1245w
Community development, Business 777w
Computers, Cabinet Office 1190w
Council tax benefits 1420w
Councillors, Allowances 1132w
Departmental responsibilities, Communities and Local Government 1132w
Derelict land, Regeneration 1241-2w
East of England Development Agency 636w
Elections 1246-51w (507 5-10mc)
Empty dwelling management orders 1134w
Equality and Human Rights Commission, Bullying 1191w
Equality and Human Rights Commission, Databases 41w (9-10mc)
Equality and Human Rights Commission, Training 1190-1w
Fire prevention, Hotels 1232w
Fire services, Industrial disputes 1135-6w
Government departments, Empty property 1014-5w
Government Office for London 1136w
Government Office for the North West 1236-7w
Government Office for the South East 1237-8w
Government Office for the South West 1136w
Government offices for the regions, Finance 1137-9w
Government offices for the regions, Mass media 1137-8w
Government offices for the regions, Procurement 1238w
Home information packs 1144w
Housing, Regeneration 1144w
Identity and Passport Service 1381-2w
Illegal immigrants, Employment 1382w
Inheritance tax, Housing 1015w
Land Registry, Peterborough 255-6w
Legislation, Communities and Local Government 953-4w
Local education authorities, Vetting 694-5w
Local government, Apprentices 962w
Local government, Buildings 1148w
Local government, Cost effectiveness 963w
Local government, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills 1227w
Local government, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1001-2w
Local government, Department for Transport 1366w
Local government, Insurance 1146w
Local government, Lobbying 1239w
Local government, Ministry of Justice 1259w
Local government, National insurance contributions 964w
Local government, Political impartiality 1239w
Local government, Redundancy pay 1147w
Marketing, Communities and Local Government 955w
Mortgages, EC action 918w
Mortgages, Government assistance 965w
Multiple occupation, Planning permission 1151-2w
National Housing and Planning Advice Unit 1151w
Non-departmental public bodies, Communities and Local Government 1155w
Non-domestic rates, Empty property 968w
Non-domestic rates, Historic buildings 1243-4w
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, Bullying 1129w
Opencast mining, Health hazards 968w
Parish councils, Council tax 961w
Parish councils, Powers 948w
Parking, Planning permission 1240-1w
Pay, Communities and Local Government 956w
Pensions, Local government 736w
Peterborough Primary Care Trust 139w
Powers of entry, Public consultation 379w
Private rented housing 1145w
Property development, Floods 1136w
Public houses, Closures 1291w
Public houses, Government assistance 969w
Regional government 1242w
Regional planning and development, Finance 1156w
Regional planning and development, Manpower 1156w
Revenue and Customs, Surveillance 1018w
Roads, Snow and ice 1371w
Social rented housing 1160w
Social rented housing, Databases 1159-60w
Social rented housing, Rents 1160w
Social rented housing, Waiting lists 1160w
Standards for England 1161w
Supported housing, Lone parents 1331w
Taxation, Gaming machines 1263w
Tesco, Planning permission 1162w
UK Border Agency, Empty property 891-2w
Valuation Office Agency, Contracts 1337w
Valuation Office Agency, Internet 1020w
Valuation Office Agency, Manpower 1020w
VAT, Local government 1021w
Waste disposal, South East 1243w
Waste management, EC action 1003w
Working Neighbourhoods Fund 1162w