Index for Volume 506continued
A Am At B Be Br Bu C Ce Co Cr D Dh Du E Ed Ep F Fl Fr G Gr Gu H He Hi Hu I Is J Je Ju K Ki L Li Ly M Ma Me Mo N No O Oi P Ph Pu Q R Ri Ru S Sh Si Sn Sr Su T Ti Tu U V W Wh Wo Y Z
Labour turnover
Ladyman, Dr Stephen
Incontinence, Medical equipment 154-5w
Thanet, Department for Work and Pensions 105-7w
Thanet, Department of Energy and Climate Change 73-4w
Laing, Mrs Eleanor
Chamber Debates
Constitutional Reform and Governance Bill, Money res, Programme motion and rem stages (02.03.2010) 871-5, 887-8, 901, 911
Manufacturing industries 935
Official engagements, Prime Minister 934-5
Lait, Mrs Jacqui
Housing revenue accounts 1144w
Lamb, Norman
Chamber Debates
Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust Inquiry (24.02.2010) 316-7
Health services, East of England 149
Home care services, Finance 130-1w
Lamb Inquiry
see Special Educational Needs and Parental Confidence Inquiry
Lammy, Rt Hon David, Minister of State, Dept for Business Innovation and Skills
Alzheimer's disease, Research 111w
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council 1438-9w
Further education, Admissions 979w
Graduates, Work experience 291-2w
Higher education, Nurseries 1411w
Higher education, Part-time education 762w
Higher education, Salford 294w
Higher education, Stroud 294-5w
Higher education, Student numbers 295w
London Metropolitan University 521w
Nuclear fusion, Research 760w
Palaeography, Higher education 1408-9w
Students, Disability 1230w
Technology Strategy Board 1446w
Closed circuit television 455w
Lancaster, Mark
Afghanistan, Politics and government 787
Business, Government assistance 284w, 1011
Children, Maintenance 1419w
Class sizes, Milton Keynes 647w
Driving offences, Convictions 434-6w
Driving under influence, Young people 351w
Entry clearances, Fees and charges 370w
Health services, Milton Keynes 1116-8w
Milton Keynes, Department for Children, Schools and Families 534-5w
Milton Keynes, Department for Work and Pensions 96-8w
Milton Keynes, Department of Energy and Climate Change 69-70w
Passports, Older people 708-9w
Self-employed, Milton Keynes 993-4w
Social security benefits 464w
Land mines
Land Registry
Land use
Land Use (Gardens Protection Etc) Bill 2009-10
Chamber Debates
2R order read (26.02.2010) 629, (05.03.2010) 1186
Landfill tax
Langage power station
Communities and Local Government 1499w
Department for Culture, Media and Sport 1304w
Northern Ireland Office 1436w
Lansley, Mr Andrew
Chamber Debates
Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust Inquiry (24.02.2010) 313-4
Cancer, Health services 743w
Hospitals, Admissions 131w
Swine flu, Vaccination 150-2
Large goods vehicle drivers
Large goods vehicles
Foreign companies (23.02.2010) 59-65wh
Laws, Mr David
Chamber Debates
Adult learning grant 970w
Cost effectiveness, Department for Children, Schools and Families 648w
Family Learning Impact Fund 309w
Higher education, Finance 293w
Higher education, Part-time education 762w
Pupils, Per capita costs 316-8w
School choice, Advisory services 1179w
Laxton, Mr Bob
Chamber Debates
Derby, Petitions (23.02.2010) 270-1
Lazarowicz, Mark
Future Jobs Fund, Scotland 552w
Post office card account 575w
Post offices, Bank services 299w
Telephone services, Department for Children, Schools and Families 308-9w
Leader of the House of Commons
Learning and Skills Council for England
Learning disability
Leave of absence
Speaker (05.03.2010) 1117
Leech, Mr John
Contracts, Department for Work and Pensions 724w
Pay, Department for Children, Schools and Families 649-50w
Private roads, Planning permission 1133-4w
Renewable energy, Waste 854-5w
Legal aid
Legal costs
Department for Transport 1363w
Legal deposit
Communities and Local Government 953-4w
Department for Work and Pensions 457w
Leigh, Mr Edward
Chamber Debates
House of Commons, Reform (22.02.2010) 94-5, (04.03.2010) 1074
Speaker, Points of order (04.03.2010) 1034
Lesbian Gay Bisexual Trans History Month
Levitt, Mr Tom
Chamber Debates
Local strategic partnerships, High Peak (22.02.2010) 133-9
Classroom assistants 527w
Lewis, Ivan, Minister of State, Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Westminster Hall Debates
Nuclear disarmament (04.03.2010) 344-51wh
Afghanistan, Politics and government 1305-6w
Africa, Politics and government 838w
British Indian Ocean Territory, Environment protection 1447-8w
British overseas territories 778-9w
Burkina Faso, Pregnant women 1101w
Burma, Politics and government 211-2w
Democratic Republic of Congo, Armed conflict 1102w
Democratic Republic of Congo, War crimes 212-3w
HIV infection, Overseas aid 1311-2w
India, Christianity 1312w
Indonesia, Christianity 842-3w
International Atomic Energy Agency 1103w
Iraq Committee of Inquiry, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 216w
Lost property, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1307w
Mauritius, Foreign relations 217w
Niger, Politics and government 1312w
Nigeria, Politics and government 797
Nuclear disarmament, International cooperation 1103-4w
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty 420w
Palestinians, International assistance 1100w
Rwanda, Politics and government 1449-50w
Somalia, Human trafficking 217-8w
Southern Africa, HIV infection 1104-5w
Sri Lanka, Internally displaced people 845-6w
Sudan, Politics and government 786-7 (507 2mc)
War crimes, Arrest warrants 1099w
Western Sahara, Politics and government 424w
Lewis, Dr Julian
Chamber Debates
Aircraft carriers, Points of order (04.03.2010) 1034
Constitutional Reform and Governance Bill, Money res, Programme motion and rem stages (02.03.2010) 875-6, 881-7
Chinook helicopters, Accidents 412w
Renewable energy, Heating 1012