Index for Volume 506—continued

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Phillips, Trevor

    (22.02.2010) 21



Planning blight

Planning permission


    Communities and Local Government 956w

    Department for Work and Pensions 1314w

    Foreign and Commonwealth Office 840w

    Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 1208w

Playing fields


    Information and communications technology 1060w

    South Yorkshire 454w

Police cautions

Police community support officers

    South Yorkshire 454w

Police national computer

Political impartiality

Political parties

Political prisoners

Political refugees

see Asylum

Politics and government

    Palestinians 800

    Sudan 786-7 (507 2mc)

Polyclinics and GP-led health centres

see Health centres


Port of Milford Haven

Porton Down


Post office card account

Post offices


Pound, Stephen


    Peacekeeping operations 845w

    Taxation, Financial services 300


Powers of entry

    Public consultation 379w

Practitioners Forum


Pregnant women

Prentice, Bridget, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Ministry of Justice

                  Chamber Debates

    Children, Schools and Families Bill, Rep and 3R (23.02.2010) 234-41, 243, 246

                  Written Statements

    Expert evidence, Fees and charges 110ws

    Office of the Public Guardian, Standards 98-100ws


    Employment Tribunals Service, Essex 662w

    Family conciliation services 581-2w

    HM Courts Service, Manpower 929w

    Magistrates' courts, Fines 934-5w

    Office for Legal Complaints 936-7w

    Repossession orders, Chelmsford 1347w

Prentice, Mr Gordon

                  Chamber Debates

    Constitutional Reform and Governance Bill, Money res, Programme motion and rem stages (02.03.2010) 823, 834, 836, 904

    Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust Inquiry (24.02.2010) 324

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Members, Allowances (03.03.2010) 292-4wh


    Boating, Safety 766w

    Business questions 456

    Primary care trusts 158

    Taxation, Overseas income 1337w

Presbyterian Mutual Society

Pre-school education

Prescription drugs



Prevention of Terrorism Act 2005 (Continuance in Force of Sections 1 to 9) Order 2010

                  Chamber Debates

Preventive medicine

Price, Adam

                  Chamber Debates

    Devolution, Wales (25.02.2010) 479, 541-4


    Scottish Television 642


    Alcoholic drinks 397w

Primarolo, Rt Hon Dawn, Minister of State, Dept for Children Schools and Families


    Children, Human trafficking 303w

    Children, Poverty 687w

    Children in care, Missing persons 302-3w

    Children's centres, East Sussex 688-9w

    Children's centres, South West 1387w

    Families, Government assistance 1172-3w

    Family Learning Impact Fund 309w

    Local education authorities, Vetting 694-5w

    National Safeguarding Delivery Unit, Standards 312w

    Pre-school education, Finance 691-2w

    Pre-school education, Leeds 1387-8w

    Pre-school education, Preston 312-4w

    Pupils, Obesity 317w

    Social services, Doncaster 944-6w

    Young people, Refuges 550w

Primary care trusts

Primary education


Prime Minister


Prisk, Mr Mark


    Business, Government assistance 972-3w

    Taxation, Partnerships 236w

Prison accommodation

Prison sentences

Prison Service

    Disciplinary proceedings 501-2w

Prisoner escapes

    Foreign nationals 584w


    Foreign nationals 508w

    Gender recognition 508w

Prisoners' discharge grants

Prisoners' release

    Foreign nationals 260w

    Ministerial statements (22.02.2010) 27-35

    Northern Ireland 37w

Prisoners' transfers


    Barking and Dagenham (24.02.2010) 419-26

    Mental health services 135w

    Northern Ireland 37w

Pritchard, Mark

                  Chamber Debates

    Business motions (04.03.2010) 1055

    Migration, Children (24.02.2010) 305


    Africa, Education 932

    Business questions 462

    Census, Ethnic groups 1337w

    Olympic Games, Canada 652

    Somalia, Piracy 802

    Telford College of Arts and Technology 1014-5

    Visual impairment, Health services 155

Private finance initiative

    Ministry of Defence 1084w

Private rented housing

Private roads

Private sector


Probation boards

Probation officers

Proctor, David

Programme motions

see Timetabling of bills

Progressive supranuclear palsy


    Ministry of Defence 21w

Property development

Prosecution of Offences Act 1985 (Amendment) Bill 2009-10

                  Chamber Debates

    1R (01.03.2010) 662

    2R order read (05.03.2010) 1187


Prostate cancer

    Medical treatments 601w


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