Index for Volume 506continued
A Am At B Be Br Bu C Ce Co Cr D Dh Du E Ed Ep F Fl Fr G Gr Gu H He Hi Hu I Is J Je Ju K Ki L Li Ly M Ma Me Mo N No O Oi P Ph Pu Q R Ri Ru S Sh Si Sn Sr Su T Ti Tu U V W Wh Wo Y Z
Ruane, Chris
Batteries, Ministry of Defence 14w
Electoral register, Expenditure 661w
Tax allowances, Married people 236-7w
Ruddock, Joan, Minister of State, Dept of Energy and Climate Change
Chamber Debates
Accountancy, Department of Energy and Climate Change 60w
Billing, Department of Energy and Climate Change 60w
Biofuels, Carbon emissions 1408w
Carbon emissions, Electricity generation 1497w
Carbon emissions, Local government 437-8
Carbon reduction commitment energy efficiency scheme 1202-3w
Chorley, Department of Energy and Climate Change 59-60w
Climate change, Indonesia 1207w
Climate change, International cooperation 903w (15-6mc)
Climate change, Research 440
Climate change, Seas and oceans 1203w
Coal fired power stations, Carbon emissions 435-6
Combined heat and power 1203w
Consultants, Department of Energy and Climate Change 61w, 1494-5w
Correspondence, Department of Energy and Climate Change 61w
Disability, Department of Energy and Climate Change 1495w
Energy, Department of Energy and Climate Change 466-7w, 903w
Energy Saving Trust, Public relations 906w
Environment protection, Employment 1064w
EU emissions trading scheme 1496w
Exhaust emissions, Aviation 64-5w
Feltham, Department of Energy and Climate Change 65-6w
Hotels, Department of Energy and Climate Change 67w
Information officers, Department of Energy and Climate Change 61w
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 68-9w
Internet, Department of Energy and Climate Change 61-2w, 903w
Manpower, Department of Energy and Climate Change 903-4w
Milton Keynes, Department of Energy and Climate Change 69-70w
Paper, Department of Energy and Climate Change 1405w
Pay, Department of Energy and Climate Change 62-3w
Public expenditure, Department of Energy and Climate Change 467w
Public holidays, Department of Energy and Climate Change 71w
Public relations, Department of Energy and Climate Change 904w
Renewable energy, Research 71w
Sick leave, Department of Energy and Climate Change 904w
Slough, Department of Energy and Climate Change 71-2w
Streatham, Department of Energy and Climate Change 72-3w
Stress, Department of Energy and Climate Change 911w
Stroud, Department of Energy and Climate Change 911w
Surveys, Department of Energy and Climate Change 467w
Thanet, Department of Energy and Climate Change 73-4w
Theft, Department of Energy and Climate Change 1063w
Travel, Department of Energy and Climate Change 467w, 904-5w
Vauxhall, Department of Energy and Climate Change 75-6w
Warm front scheme, Hemsworth 63-4w
Warm zones programme, Kirklees 446-7
Written questions, Government responses 1408w
Ruffley, Mr David
Driving offences, Suffolk 252-4w
Pupil exclusions, Suffolk 536-7w
Special educational needs, Suffolk 545w
Rural areas
Rural Payments Agency
Russell, Bob
Digital broadcasting, Radio 54w, 288w
Empty dwelling management orders 484w
Falkland Islands, Defence 19, 25-6w
Falkland Islands, Oil 215w
Falkland Islands, Overseas aid 215w
Falkland Islands, Population 215w
Falkland Islands, Sovereignty 795
Origin marking, Israel 1357w
Personal, social, health and economic education 536w
Russell, Ms Christine
Data protection, Department of Health 1210w