Index for Volume 506continued
A Am At B Be Br Bu C Ce Co Cr D Dh Du E Ed Ep F Fl Fr G Gr Gu H He Hi Hu I Is J Je Ju K Ki L Li Ly M Ma Me Mo N No O Oi P Ph Pu Q R Ri Ru S Sh Si Sn Sr Su T Ti Tu U V W Wh Wo Y Z
Sick leave
Communities and Local Government 956-7w
Department for Children, Schools and Families 527w
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1352w
Department for Transport 767w
Department for Work and Pensions 726w
Department of Energy and Climate Change 904w
Government Equalities Office 1077w (507 18-20mc)
Sick pay
Simmonds, Mark
Health services, EC nationals 152-3
Simon, Mr Sion
Digital broadcasting, Complaints 52w
Digital switchover help scheme 54w
Simpson, Mr Alan
Chamber Debates
Energy Bill, Rep and 3R (24.02.2010) 359-64, 377
Complementary medicine, Regulation 146
Electricity, Nottingham 63w
Simpson, David
Westminster Hall Debates
Working conditions, Temperature (24.02.2010) 76wh
Developing countries, Malaria 926-7
Public expenditure, Department for Children, Schools and Families 308w
Public expenditure, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 852w
Public expenditure, Department of Energy and Climate Change 467w
Right of search, Shipping 381-2w
Sick leave, Communities and Local Government 956-7w
Sick leave, Department for Children, Schools and Families 527w
Sick leave, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1352w
Sick leave, Department for Transport 767w
Sick leave, Department for Work and Pensions 726w
Sick leave, Department of Energy and Climate Change 904w
Sick leave, Government Equalities Office 1077w (507 18-20mc)
Sick leave, Home Office 884w
Social security benefits, Fraud 104-5w
Weapons, Northern Ireland 595w
Written questions, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills 1107-8w
Written questions, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 852-3w
Written questions, Department for Work and Pensions 1421w
Written questions, Minister for the Olympics 566-7w
Simpson, Mr Keith
Westminster Hall Debates
Afghanistan, Politics and government 788
Single parents
see Lone parents
62 South Eaton Place
Skilled workers
Skin cancer
Skinner, Mr Dennis
National Investment Corporation 1002
Slaughter, Mr Andy
Westminster Hall Debates
Private rented housing, Greater London (03.03.2010) 314wh
Sleeping rough
Department for Work and Pensions 102-4w
Department of Energy and Climate Change 71-2w
Smith, Rt Hon Mr Andrew
Westminster Hall Debates
NHS, Finance (02.03.2010) 238wh
Smith, Angela C
Westminster Hall Debates
Cancer, Waiting lists 155-6
Countryside, Access 1052w
Smith, Rt Hon Angela E, Minister of State, Cabinet Office
Written Statements
Charity Commission, Supply estimates 16-7ws
United Kingdom Statistics Authority, Supply estimates 16ws
Art works, Cabinet Office 161w
Aviation, Leader of the House of Commons 161w
Buildings, Cabinet Office 1338w
Buildings, Leader of the House of Commons 990w
Census, Ethnic groups 1337w
Chain Reaction Conference 1098w
Charities, Registration 988w
Civil servants, Pay 697-8w (508 15-6mc)
Civil servants, Recruitment 989w
Community infrastructure levy 1091w
Computers, Cabinet Office 1190w
Consultants, Leader of the House of Commons 161w
Death, Breast cancer 112w, 159w (507 16-8mc)
Disability, Cabinet Office 698w
Employment, Lancashire 991w
Employment, Public sector 157-8w
Employment Tribunals Service, Cabinet Office 699w
Energy, Cabinet Office 989w
Government departments, Marketing 155-6w
Government departments, Telephone services 991-2w
Honours, Information and communications technology 1093w
Hotels, Cabinet Office 1339w
Information and communications technology, Cabinet Office 603w (12mc), 990-1w
Jobseeker's allowance, Derbyshire 699-700w
Jobseeker's allowance, Kingston upon Thames 168-9w
Jobseeker's allowance, Leeds 1093-5w
Jobseeker's allowance, North West 169-72w
Life expectancy, Salford 163w
Media Monitoring Unit 164w
New businesses, Essex 700w
New businesses, Feltham 164-5w
Paper, Cabinet Office 1338w
Part-time employment, Working mothers 165-6w
Pay, Leader of the House of Commons 163w
Personal income, Leeds 1097w
Publications, Cabinet Office 990w
Self-employed, Milton Keynes 993-4w
62 South Eaton Place 669w
Social services, Females 1340w
Temporary employment, Cabinet Office 1492w
10 Downing Street, Repairs and maintenance 695w
Trade unions, Cabinet Office 1340-1w
Unemployment, Leeds 1098w
Unemployment, Salford 171w
Smith, Sir Robert
Chamber Debates
Business motions (04.03.2010) 1055
Energy Bill, Rep and 3R (24.02.2010) 359-60
House of Commons, Reform (22.02.2010) 54, 84, 86
Armed forces, Elections 5-6w
China, Overseas aid 927-8