Index for Volume 507

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Abbott, Ms Diane

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Olympic Games 2012, Employment (09.03.2010) 54-9wh


    Hackney, Communities and Local Government 423-4w



Access to work programme

Accident and emergency departments



    Department for Business, Innovation and Skills 393w


    Military decorations 170w

Administration of justice

Admiralty House

Adult education


    Department for Business, Innovation and Skills 138-40w, 283w

    Department for Transport 408w

    Department of Energy and Climate Change 520w, 795w

    Department of Health 55w

Advisory bodies

Advisory services


    Mental health services 351w


    Petitions (17.03.2010) 927

Aerospace industry

Affordable housing

    Sustainable development 880-1w



Afriyie, Adam

                  Chamber Debates

    Fire services, Windsor (11.03.2010) 509-14, 518


    National Investment Corporation 396w

    National Measurement System, Finance 1044-5w


Age Concern


Ainger, Mr Nick

                  Chamber Debates

    Public transport, Oxygen (17.03.2010) 928-34


    Higher education, Wales 865

Ainsworth, Rt Hon Bob, Secretary of State for Defence

                  Chamber Debates

                  Written Statements

    Afghanistan, Peacekeeping operations 25-6ws

    "Service Complaints Commissioner Report 2009" 15ws


    Armed forces, Deployment 586w

    Armed forces, Drinking water 586w

    Armed forces, Food 587w

    Buildings, Ministry of Defence 21w

    Defence, Expenditure 987w

    Legal costs, Ministry of Defence 21w

    Ministerial policy advisers, Ministry of Defence 591w

    Pay, Ministry of Defence 21w

    Trident submarines, Finance 24-5w

    Vetting, Ministry of Defence 591w

Ainsworth, Mr Peter


    Energy, Tax allowances 404w

Air force

    Supply estimates (10.03.2010) 397

Air pollution

    Heathrow Airport 960

Aircraft carriers


    Public safety zones 4-5ws

Alcoholic drinks

    Estimates days (10.03.2010) 310-66

Alder Hey Children's NHS Foundation Trust

Alexander, Danny

                  Chamber Debates

    Fuel poverty, Petitions (10.03.2010) 400


    Cold weather payments, Highlands of Scotland 68w

    Employment and support allowance 231w

    Social security benefits, Fraud 80-1w

Alexander, Rt Hon Douglas, Secretary of State for International Development


    Africa, Overseas aid 743w

Allen, Mr Graham

                  Chamber Debates

    Debt Relief (Developing Countries) Bill, Points of order (15.03.2010) 609-11

                  Westminster Hall Debates


    Building schools for the future programme 685-8w

    Children, Social services 17

    Jobseeker's allowance 603

    Unemployment 605

Amess, Mr David


    Antisemitism, Higher education 710-1w

    Antisocial behaviour, Essex 109w

    Arthritis, Health services 763-4w

    Business, Government assistance 1038-9w

    Dental services, Southend on Sea 55w

    Driving offences, Mobile phones 86-8w

    Falkland Islands, Sovereignty 786w

    General practitioners, Southend on Sea 58w

    Greece, Overseas workers 904w

    Heathrow Airport, Air pollution 960

    Homicide, Essex 121w

    Iran, Religious freedom 787w

    Judges, Public appointments 88w

    Maternity services 641w

    Parliament, Internet 4w

    Public and Commercial Services Union, Treasury 676w

    Public sector, Redundancy 232-3w

    Young people, Southend on Sea 51w

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