Index for Volume 507—continued

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Ancram, Rt Hon Michael

                  Chamber Debates

    "Intelligence and Security Committee Annual Report 2008-09" (18.03.2010) 1006

Anderson, Mr David

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Financial services, Taxation (10.03.2010) 135wh


    Community health services 629w

    Deportation, Democratic Republic of Congo 115w

    Oils, Waste disposal 940w

    Third sector, Finance 285-6

Anderson, Janet


    Building schools for the future programme, Lancashire 905w


    Social security benefits 77-9w

Animal breeding

Animal experiments

Animal feed

Animal welfare

Animal Welfare Act 2006




Antisocial behaviour

Antisocial behaviour orders

Anti-terrorism control orders

Aortic aneurysm


    Fees and charges 275w

    Local government 215w

Arbuthnot, Rt Hon James

                  Chamber Debates


    Taxation, Football 274w

Armed conflict

Armed forces

    Families 23

    Mental health services 20w

    Northern Ireland 985w

    Petitions (11.03.2010) 7p

    Private education 587w

    Satellite communications 9ws

    Supply estimates (10.03.2010) 398

Armoured fighting vehicles

Armstrong, Rt Hon Hilary


    Medicine, Overseas students 775w

    NHS, Foreign workers 775w


    Supply estimates (10.03.2010) 397

Arrest warrants

    Operating costs 447w




Ashcroft, Lord


    Newcastle upon Tyne 219w

Atos Healthcare

    Department for Work and Pensions 514-5w


Audit Commission

Austin, Ian, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State and Minister for the West Midlands, Communities and Local Government

                  Chamber Debates

    Local government, Reorganisation (09.03.2010) 223

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Private rented housing, Durham (17.03.2010) 319-22wh


    Aerials, Planning permission 664-5w

    Empty dwelling management orders, Squatting 419-20w

    Empty property, Tyne and Wear 313w

    Home Buying and Selling Stakeholder Advisory Panel 666w

    Home information packs 146

    Homelessness, Sefton 1035w

    Homelessness, Young people 880w

    Local government, National parks authorities 1036w

    National policy statements 882w

    Ordnance Survey, Finance 1036w

    Planning obligations 316w

    Planning permission, Public consultation 207w

    Property development, Floods 215w

    Regional planning and development 207-8w

    Sleeping rough, York 671w

    Social rented housing, Construction 316w

    Social rented housing, Overcrowding 823w

    Social services 971w

    Supported housing, Young people 882-3w


    Health services 187w

Automatic number plate recognition


    Carbon emissions 14w

AXA Group

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