H Hi Hu I Is J Ju K Ki L Li M Mc Me Mo N O Or P Ph Pu Q R Ro Ru S Si Sp Sq Sw T To U V W Wo Y Z
Harper, Mark
Automatic number plate recognition 110w
Disability, Department for Children, Schools and Families 1052w
Disability, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 161-3w
Disability, Department for Work and Pensions 495-6w
Disability, Solicitor-General 182-4w
Employment schemes, Disability 497-8w
Employment schemes, Part-time employment 307w
Fraud, Department for Work and Pensions 597-8w
Hearing impairment, Health services 637-8w
Social Security Advisory Committee, Finance 78w, 806w
Social security benefits, Disability 234-5w
Social security benefits, Fraud 806-7w
Unemployment benefits 606w
Voluntary work, Department for Work and Pensions 230-1w
Welfare tax credits, Foreign nationals 763w
Written questions, Government responses 423-4
Harris, Dr Evan
Chamber Debates
Backbench Business Committee, Points of order (10.03.2010) 303-4
Departmental responsibilities, Department for Transport 962
Equality and Human Rights Commission 967-8
Immigrants, Detainees 955w
Harvey, Nick
Chamber Debates
Local government, Reorganisation (09.03.2010) 229
Armed forces, Discharges 336w
Armed forces, Languages 342w
Armed forces, Parachuting 341w
House of Commons, Energy 971w
House of Commons, Illegal immigrants 3w
House of Commons, Older workers 4w
House of Commons, Repairs and maintenance 184w
House of Commons, Trade unions 4w
Interpreters, Ministry of Defence 463w
Members' staff, Pensions 624-5w
Myelodysplastic syndromes 193w
Parliament, Environment protection 971-2w
Security, Ministry of Defence 21-2w
Trident submarines, Finance 25w
UK Trade and Investment Defence and Security Organisation 290w
Havard, Mr Dai
Chamber Debates
Incinerators, Merthyr Tydfil 864-5w
Building schools for the future programme 18-9
Hayes, Mr John
Chamber Debates
Freedom of information, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills 704-6w
Islam, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills 713w
Overseas students, Deportation 949w
Heald, Mr Oliver
Class sizes, Secondary education 738w
Internet, Cabinet Office 865-6w
Internet, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills 394w
Internet, Department for Culture, Media and Sport 725w
Internet, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 163w, 1005-6w
Internet, Department for International Development 744w
Internet, Department for Transport 728-9w
Internet, Department of Energy and Climate Change 795-6w
Internet, Department of Health 770w
Internet, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 784-5w
Internet, Government Equalities Office 995w
Internet, Leader of the House of Commons 801w
Internet, Ministry of Justice 829w
Internet, Northern Ireland Office 402w
Internet, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 864w
Internet, Prime Minister 579w
Internet, Scotland Office 673w
Healey, Rt Hon John, Minister of State, Communities and Local Government
Written Statements
Housing and planning delivery grant 50ws
Affordable housing, Sustainable development 880-1w
Council housing, Finance 485-6w
Homes and Communities Agency, Finance 213-4w
Homes and Communities Agency, Pay 214w
Housing, Construction 145
Local government finance, Southwark 152
Multiple occupation, Greater London 215w
Planning permission, Appeals 133
Property development, Floods 823w
Social rented housing, Sheffield 823-4w
Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Consequential Amendments No. 2) Order 2010
Chamber Debates
Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2010
Chamber Debates
Health Aspects of Violence against Women and Girls Taskforce
Health centres
Health education
Health hazards
Electromagnetic fields 771w
Health Protection Agency
Health services
Greater London (09.03.2010) 160-218
Motor neurone disease 926w
Reciprocal arrangements 58-60w
Health visitors
Hearing aids
Hearing impairment
Heath, Mr David
Chamber Debates
Railways, Construction (11.03.2010) 461
Heathcoat-Amory, Rt Hon David
Motorways, Repairs and maintenance 964
Treaty on European Union 791-2w
Heathrow Airport
Hemming, John
Westminster Hall Debates
Financial services, Taxation (10.03.2010) 134wh
Foreign workers, Domestic service (17.03.2010) 264-5wh, 268wh
Advertising, Department for Work and Pensions 229w
Occupational pensions 593-4
Hendrick, Mark
Local government, Cost effectiveness 133-4
Hendry, Mr Charles
Advertising, Department of Energy and Climate Change 520w, 795w
Climate change, Finance 679w
Counter-terrorism, Departmental coordination 702-3w
Electricity, Disconnections 680w
Electricity generation 256w
Electronic equipment, Department of Energy and Climate Change 254w
Health services, Rural areas 468w
Manpower, Department of Energy and Climate Change 799w
Marine Renewables Deployment Fund 799w
Motor vehicles, Manufacturing industries 142w, 286w
Natural gas, Imports 261w
Office of Gas and Electricity Markets, Finance 682w
Renewable energy, Heating 262-3w
Winter fuel payments, British nationals abroad 607w
Hepburn, Mr Stephen
Crimes of violence, Convictions 647-8w
Education maintenance allowance 689-90w
Hospitals, Construction 638w
Hesford, Stephen
Chamber Debates
Hewitt, Rt Hon Patricia
Chamber Debates
International Women's Day (11.03.2010) 470