Index for Volume 507—continued

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ICL Inquiry

Iddon, Dr Brian

                  Chamber Debates

    Higher education (16.03.2010) 795, 825-7


    Business questions 979

    Physics, Higher education 848-9w

    Public sector, Pay 724

    Science, Teachers 741w

Identity and Passport Service

Identity cards

Illegal immigrants

    Department for Children, Schools and Families 372w

    Department for Culture, Media and Sport 176w

    Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 321w

    Department for International Development 66w

    Department for Transport 158w

    Department for Work and Pensions 229w

    Foreign and Commonwealth Office 318w

    House of Commons 3w

    Ministry of Justice 87w

Illegally Logged Timber (Prohibition of Retail, Wholesale and Distribution) Bill 2009-10

                  Chamber Debates

Illegally Logged Timber (Prohibition of Sale) Bill 2009-10

                  Chamber Debates

    2R order read (12.03.2010) 580



Immigration Asylum and Nationality Act 2006


Immigration controls

Immobilisation of vehicles


In vitro fertilisation

Incapacity benefit


Income tax

Identity theft

    see Personation

Independent International Commission on Decommissioning

Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority

Indian subcontinent

    Entry clearances 223w


    Trade promotion 289w

Industrial diseases

Industrial disputes

Industrial injuries disablement benefit

Infant mortality

Infectious diseases



Information and communications technology

    Communities and Local Government 877w

    Department for Business, Innovation and Skills 706w

    Department for Children, Schools and Families 1052w

    Department for Culture, Media and Sport 33w

    Department for International Development 64-5w

    Department for Transport 990w

    Department for Work and Pensions 305-6w

    Department of Energy and Climate Change 254w

    Department of Health 350w

    Foreign and Commonwealth Office 250w

    Ministry of Defence 463w

    Ministry of Justice 84w

    Northern Ireland Office 2w

    Scotland Office 7-8w

Information Commissioner

Information officers

    Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment 487-8w

    Communities and Local Government 820w

    Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 582w

    Department for Transport 990-2w

    Department for Work and Pensions 598w

Inheritance tax

Inland Revenue and Customs Service

    see Revenue and Customs


    Gloucestershire 929w



"Intelligence and Security Committee Annual Report 2008-09"

"Intelligence and Security Committee Annual Report 2009-10"

Intelligence services

Interest rates

Internally displaced people

International assistance

    Maternity services 872

International Business Advisory Council

International cooperation

    Nuclear disarmament 685w

International Red Cross

International Women's Day


    Department for Business, Innovation and Skills 394w

    Department for Culture, Media and Sport 725w

    Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 5w, 163w, 1005-6w

    Department for International Development 744w, 996-7w

    Department for Transport 728-9w

    Department for Work and Pensions 71-2w (508 5-6mc)

    Department of Energy and Climate Change 795-6w

    Department of Health 770w

    Foreign and Commonwealth Office 784-5w

    Government Equalities Office 995w

    Leader of the House of Commons 801w

    Ministry of Justice 829w

    Northern Ireland Office 402w

    Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 864w

    Parliament 4w

    Scotland Office 673w


    Ministry of Defence 463w

ÈInvestment income


    Religious freedom 787w



    Petitions (15.03.2010) 696-7

Irish Language Broadcasting Fund

Irranca-Davies, Huw, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

                  Chamber Debates

    Dangerous dogs (12.03.2010) 584-8


    Agriculture, Bureaucracy 580w

    Agriculture, Subsidies 581w

    Birds, Animal welfare 584w

    Dangerous Dogs Act 1991, Prosecutions 581-2w

    Fishing vessels, Exhaust emissions 164-6w

    Floods, Gloucestershire 722-4w

    Forests 5w

    Marine conservation zones 1011w

    Special protection areas, Pets 6w

    Total allowable catches 1012w

    Tuna, Conservation 6-7w

    Wetlands, Conservation 583w

    Wildlife, Smuggling 1008w

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