Index for Volume 508continued
A Al As B Be Br Bu By C Ce Ci Cr D Di Du E Em Ex F Fo Fr G Gr Gu H He Hi Hu I Ir J Ju K Ki L Li M Ma Me Mo My N Ni Nu O Oi P Ph Pu Q R Ri Ru S Sh Si Sp Sr Sw T Ti Tu U V W Wh Wo Wy Y Z
Follett, Barbara, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State and Minister for the East of England,Communities and Local Government
Chamber Debates
WiFi, Swindon (22.03.2010) 106-10
Westminster Hall Debates
Housing, Southwark (07.04.2010) 363-6wh
Planning permission (07.04.2010) 323-6wh
Written Statements
Greater Manchester Police, Council tax capping 50-2ws
Local government, Investment 128ws
Buildings, Communities and Local Government 835-6w, 1114w
Bullying, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 833w
Computers, Communities and Local Government 836-7w
Contracts, Communities and Local Government 1115w
Cost effectiveness, Communities and Local Government 1213-4w
Council tax, Empty property 4w, 545w
Council tax, Greater London 263w
Council tax, Yorkshire and the Humber 264w
Croydon, Communities and Local Government 1397-9w
Departmental records, Communities and Local Government 4-5w, 839w
Domestic waste, Waste disposal 268-9w
Early retirement, Communities and Local Government 542-4w
Energy, Communities and Local Government 1115w
Food, Communities and Local Government 837w, 1399w
Furniture, Communities and Local Government 1115w
Homes and Communities Agency, Hotels 1121-2w
Homes and Communities Agency, Travel 1122w
Information officers, Communities and Local Government 1115-6w
Legislation, Communities and Local Government 1212-4w
Local authority business growth incentives scheme 273w, 550-1w
Local authority business growth incentives scheme, Cheshire 1134-5w
Local government, Bank services 274w
Local government, Fraud 397-8w
Local government, Pay 847w
Local government, Pensions 847w
Local government, Per capita costs 553-4w
Local government, Standards 275w
Local government, Translation services 554w
Local government finance, Northampton 1135w
Local government services 394-7w
Manpower, Communities and Local Government 266w, 1213w
Marketing, Communities and Local Government 837w
Non-domestic rates, Appeals 398-9w
Non-domestic rates, Public houses 1220w
Official hospitality, Communities and Local Government 837-8w
Opposition, Communities and Local Government 1404-5w
Parking, Fees and charges 399w
Pay, Communities and Local Government 838w
Publications, Communities and Local Government 265-6w
Senior civil servants, Communities and Local Government 1400w
Surveys, Communities and Local Government 267w
Theft, Communities and Local Government 267w
Translation services, Communities and Local Government 1401w
Written questions, Communities and Local Government 268w, 1401w
Written questions, Government responses 1222w
Department for Business, Innovation and Skills 254w
Department for Children, Schools and Families 357-8w, 1341w
Department for Culture, Media and Sport 100w, 1149w
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1415w
Department for International Development 104w
Department of Energy and Climate Change 329w
Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1233-4w
Government assistance 430w
Government Equalities Office 853w
Ministry of Defence 10-1w
Northern Ireland Office 174-5w
Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 2w, 1145w
Ford Motor Company
Ford Prison
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Departmental responsibilities 811-2
Information officers 1494w
Marine Resource Consultants 999w
Official hospitality 647w
Foreign investment in UK
Foreign nationals
Foreign relations
Foreign workers
Industrial health and safety 419w
Former prime ministers
Fossil fuel levy
Foster, Mr Don
Chamber Debates
Business questions (06.04.2010) 832
Olympic Games, Department for Children, Schools and Families 1355w
Foster, Mr Michael (Worcester), Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department for International Development
Westminster Hall Debates
Iraq, Overseas aid (07.04.2010) 355-7wh
Afghanistan, Peacekeeping operations 646w
Buildings, Department for International Development 734w, 1002w
Developing countries, Disability 104-6w
Developing countries, Maternity services 1241-2w
Developing countries, Roads 1240w
Developing countries, Teachers 108w
Developing countries, Tuberculosis 106-7w
Energy, Department for International Development 1239w
Food, Department for International Development 104w
India, Politics and government 1240-1w
Information officers, Department for International Development 734-6w, 1239w
International Planned Parenthood Federation 1555w
Internet, Department for International Development 104w, 1239w
Marketing, Department for International Development 1002w
Opposition, Department for International Development 1241w
Palestinians, Economic situation 1237-8w
Palestinians, International assistance 1242w
Public expenditure, Department for International Development 1002-3w
Publications, Department for International Development 104w
Sri Lanka, Overseas aid 107-8w
Temporary employment, Department for International Development 735w
Foster, Mr Michael Jabez (Hastings and Rye), Parliamentary Secretary to the Government Equalities Office
Chamber Debates
Hunting, Petitions (30.03.2010) 786
Food, Government Equalities Office 853w
Hotels, Government Equalities Office 853w
Lost property, Government Equalities Office 421-2w
Surveys, Government Equalities Office 422w
Fox, Dr Liam
Afghanistan, Peacekeeping operations 491
Armed forces, Health services 411-2w
Members, Correspondence 14w
Publications, Ministry of Defence 1509w