Index for Volume 508continued
A Al As B Be Br Bu By C Ce Ci Cr D Di Du E Em Ex F Fo Fr G Gr Gu H He Hi Hu I Ir J Ju K Ki L Li M Ma Me Mo My N Ni Nu O Oi P Ph Pu Q R Ri Ru S Sh Si Sp Sr Sw T Ti Tu U V W Wh Wo Wy Y Z
Hadleigh (Essex)
Petitions (30.03.2010) 784
Hague, Rt Hon William
Chamber Debates
al-Mabhouh, Mahmoud (23.03.2010) 134-5
Afghanistan, Politics and government 798-9
Public expenditure, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 812-3
Hain, Rt Hon Peter, Secretary of State for Wales
Buildings, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 297w, 409w, 858w
Food, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 2w, 1145w
Health services, Wales 169w
Information officers, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 1145w
Internet, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 858-9w
Marketing, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 1145w
Official hospitality, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 1145-6w
Publications, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 2w
Rape Complaints Review, Wales 409-10w
Surveys, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 297w
Written questions, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 409w
Hall, Patrick
Building schools for the future programme 745w
Thameslink railway line, Rolling stock 1363-4w
Hammond, Mr Philip
Chamber Debates
Westminster Hall Debates
Railways, Construction (30.03.2010) 200wh
Buildings, Communities and Local Government 835-6w, 1114w
Buildings, Department for Children, Schools and Families 1340w, 1450w, 1564w
Buildings, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 141w, 1152w
Buildings, Department for International Development 734w, 1002w
Buildings, Department for Work and Pensions 709-10w
Buildings, Department of Health 1313-4w
Buildings, Home Office 1257w
Buildings, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 297w, 409w, 858w
Furniture, Communities and Local Government 1115w
Furniture, Department of Health 1315w
Furniture, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 995w
Furniture, Northern Ireland Office 1174w
Furniture, Treasury 1038w
Government departments, Training 891w
Information and communications technology, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1152-3w
Information and communications technology, Home Office 53w
Information officers, Communities and Local Government 1115-6w
Information officers, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills 1024w
Information officers, Department for Children, Schools and Families 1564-5w
Information officers, Department for Culture, Media and Sport 855w
Information officers, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1498w
Information officers, Department for International Development 1239w
Information officers, Department for Transport 759-60w
Information officers, Department for Work and Pensions 945w
Information officers, Department of Energy and Climate Change 1226w
Information officers, Department of Health 786w
Information officers, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1494w
Information officers, Home Office 1258w
Information officers, Ministry of Defence 641w
Information officers, Ministry of Justice 1076w
Information officers, Northern Ireland Office 1174w
Information officers, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 1145w
Information officers, Scotland Office 859w
Information officers, Treasury 1038-9w
Languages, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills 254-5w
Languages, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1499w
Languages, Department for Transport 439-40w
Languages, Home Office 340w
Manpower, Department of Energy and Climate Change 1007w
Manpower, Home Office 1259w
Marketing, Communities and Local Government 837w
Marketing, Department for Children, Schools and Families 1342w
Marketing, Department for Culture, Media and Sport 1373w
Marketing, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1153-4w
Marketing, Department for International Development 1002w
Marketing, Department for Transport 760w
Marketing, Department for Work and Pensions 711w
Marketing, Department of Energy and Climate Change 1227w
Marketing, Department of Health 786w
Marketing, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 995w
Marketing, Home Office 1260w
Marketing, Ministry of Defence 641w
Marketing, Ministry of Justice 1077-9w
Marketing, Northern Ireland Office 1543-4w
Marketing, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 1145w
Marketing, Scotland Office 860w
Ministerial policy advisers, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 607w
Ministerial policy advisers, Home Office 55w
Official hospitality, Cabinet Office 1478-9w
Official hospitality, Communities and Local Government 837-8w
Official hospitality, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills 1288-9w
Official hospitality, Department for Children, Schools and Families 173w, 1342w
Official hospitality, Department for Culture, Media and Sport 855w
Official hospitality, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1499-500w
Official hospitality, Department for International Development 1434w
Official hospitality, Department for Transport 876w
Official hospitality, Department for Work and Pensions 711-2w
Official hospitality, Department of Energy and Climate Change 1007w
Official hospitality, Department of Health 1316w
Official hospitality, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 647w
Official hospitality, Home Office 1260w
Official hospitality, Ministry of Defence 871-2w
Official hospitality, Ministry of Justice 1177w
Official hospitality, Northern Ireland Office 600w
Official hospitality, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 1145-6w
Official hospitality, Scotland Office 602w
Pay, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills 255w
Pay, Department for Children, Schools and Families 1450w
Pay, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1154w
Pay, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 215w
Pay, Ministry of Justice 1470w
Pay, Scotland Office 1148w
Public expenditure, Department for International Development 1002-3w
Public expenditure, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 996w
Public expenditure, Ministry of Defence 872w
Public expenditure, Treasury 1601w
Publicity, Department for Children, Schools and Families 1450w
Railways, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills 1026-7w
Social security benefits, Overpayments 963-4w
Travel, Department for Children, Schools and Families 1566-7w
Travel, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 305-7w
Travel, Department for Work and Pensions 27w
Travel, Northern Ireland Office 363-4w
Visits abroad, Revenue and Customs 1380-1w
Visits abroad, Treasury 190w
Written questions, Government responses 1311w
Hammond, Stephen
Westminster Hall Debates
General Election 2010 966
Railways, Heathrow Airport 177w
Hancock, Mr Mike
Poultry, Animal welfare 1504w
Hands, Greg
Chamber Debates
Disclosure of information, Ministry of Defence 1369w
Internet, Department for Children, Schools and Families 566w
National insurance contributions 967
Network Rail, Finance 440w
Tenancy deposit schemes 1142w
Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority 377w
Hanson, Rt Hon David, Minister of State, Home Office
Westminster Hall Debates
Organised crime, Greater London (06.04.2010) 246-50wh
Written Statements
Alcoholic drinks, Designated public places orders 932w
Alcoholic drinks, North West 910-2w
Alcoholic drinks, Young people 911-26w
Antisocial behaviour orders 927w
Crime, Nature conservation 930w
Crime, South Yorkshire 930w
Crime, Waste disposal 933w
Crime prevention, Business 19
Fraud, Social security benefits 938-9w
Harassment, Home Office 164-5w
Human trafficking, Prosecutions 935w
Photography, Public places 14
Police, Equal opportunities 937-8w
Police, Nottinghamshire 688w
Police Information Technology Organisation, Sweet Concepts 1393w
Special constables, Recruitment 16
Stop and search, Shropshire 1287w
Sussex Police, Finance 690w
Terrorism, Detainees 165w
Terrorism, Stop and search 529w
ÈHarman, Rt Hon Harriet, Leader of the House of Commons, Lord Privy Seal, Secretary of State for Equality and Minister for Women
Chamber Debates
Business motions (07.04.2010) 975-80
Business statements (06.04.2010) 826-32
Coastal areas, Points of order (25.03.2010) 394
Points of order intervention (22.03.2010) 38
Politics and government (25.03.2010) 486-8
Private Members' bills, Points of order (25.03.2010) 394
Written Statements
House of Commons, Reform 65-6ws
House of Commons, Reform 859w
Harper, Mark
Chamber Debates
Equality Bill, Lords amendts (06.04.2010) 931-4
Westminster Hall Debates
Disability, Employment (23.03.2010) 10-6wh
Speaker's Conference (30.03.2010) 175-8wh
Adult education, Finance 144-6w
Agriculture, Subsidies 302w
Elections, Armed forces 116-7
Public expenditure, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 813, 1230-1w
Social security benefits, Disability 40-2w
Wind power, Planning permission 294w
Work capability assessment 28w
Written questions, Government responses 969-70w
Harris, Dr Evan
Chamber Debates
Business questions (06.04.2010) 830
Children, Schools and Families Bill, Lords amendts (08.04.2010) 1225-6, 1228
Constitutional Reform and Governance Bill, Lords amendts (08.04.2010) 1205-6, 1208-9, 1215-6
Equality Bill, Lords amendts (06.04.2010) 930, 932-8
Finance Bill, 2R and rem stages (07.04.2010) 1093
House of Commons, Points of order (08.04.2010) 1184
Nutt, David, Points of order (30.03.2010) 648
Urgent question intervention (30.03.2010) 644
Westminster Hall Debates
Harris, Mr Tom
Chamber Debates
Cluster Munitions (Prohibitions) Bill (HL), Rem stages (23.03.2010) 177
Harvey, Nick
Afghanistan, Peacekeeping operations 1194-5w
Armed forces, Rescue services 16w, 1368w
Gurkhas, National insurance 1189w
House of Commons, Catering 857-8w
House of Commons, Energy 858w
House of Commons, Illegal immigrants 169w
House of Commons, Unite 1209w
Interpreters, Ministry of Defence 640w
Location, Ministry of Defence 300w
Manpower, Ministry of Defence 12w
Military aircraft, Operating costs 1510-1w
Parliament, Security 625w
Hauser Review
Hayden Phillips Review
Hayes, Mr John
Chamber Debates
Higher education, Admissions 154w
National skills academies 154-5w
Students, Radicalism 1408w