Index for Volume 508continued
A Al As B Be Br Bu By C Ce Ci Cr D Di Du E Em Ex F Fo Fr G Gr Gu H He Hi Hu I Ir J Ju K Ki L Li M Ma Me Mo My N Ni Nu O Oi P Ph Pu Q R Ri Ru S Sh Si Sp Sr Sw T Ti Tu U V W Wh Wo Wy Y Z
Ruane, Chris
Chamber Debates
Grocery Market Ombudsman Bill, Money res and Ways and means res (23.03.2010) 207, 211
Personal, social, health and economic education, Teachers 595w
Ruddock, Joan, Minister of State, Department of Energy and Climate Change
Chamber Debates
Carbon emissions, Boilers 100-1w
Carbon emissions, Business 615-6w
Carbon emissions, Local government 845w
Carbon emissions, Power stations 1016w
Carbon emissions, Schools 7w
Carbon emissions, Tree planting 290w
Carbon sequestration, South Yorkshire 1169
Climate change, Indonesia 623w
Consultants, Department of Energy and Climate Change 290-1w, 1225-6w
Disciplinary proceedings, Department of Energy and Climate Change 1226w
Disclosure of information, Department of Energy and Climate Change 436w
Electronic warfare, Department of Energy and Climate Change 435w
Energy, Department of Energy and Climate Change 291w
Environment protection, Employment 1015-6w
Food, Department of Energy and Climate Change 329w
Fuel poverty, Rural areas 1180
Government Car and Despatch Agency, Department of Energy and Climate Change 293w
Information officers, Department of Energy and Climate Change 1006-8w, 1226w
Insulation, Housing 1405w
Internet, Department of Energy and Climate Change 1226w
Legal costs, Department of Energy and Climate Change 1007w
Manpower, Department of Energy and Climate Change 1007w
Marketing, Department of Energy and Climate Change 1227w
Official hospitality, Department of Energy and Climate Change 1007w
Publications, Department of Energy and Climate Change 291w
Recruitment, Department of Energy and Climate Change 616w, 1227w
Redpoint Energy, Department of Energy and Climate Change 436w
Renewable energy, East of England 1167
Renewable energy, Scotland 1229w
Sick leave, Department of Energy and Climate Change 102w
Surveys, Department of Energy and Climate Change 102w
Temporary employment, Department of Energy and Climate Change 434w
Theft, Department of Energy and Climate Change 434w
Warm front scheme, Greater Manchester 1230w
Written questions, Department of Energy and Climate Change 1007-8w
Rural areas
Rural development programme
Rural Payments Agency
Russell, Bob
Chamber Debates
Audio equipment, Health hazards (23.03.2010) 219-25, 228
Afghanistan, Peacekeeping operations 498-9
Armed forces, Visual impairment 411w
Climate change, Rural areas 1176
Climate change, Wildlife 1497w
Credit, Interest rates 819w
Departmental responsibilities, Department of Energy and Climate Change 1176
Gurkhas, Immigration 505-6
Special constables, Recruitment 16
Russell, Ms Christine
Chamber Debates
Chester, Petitions (23.03.2010) 215-6