Index for Volume 508continued
A Al As B Be Br Bu By C Ce Ci Cr D Di Du E Em Ex F Fo Fr G Gr Gu H He Hi Hu I Ir J Ju K Ki L Li M Ma Me Mo My N Ni Nu O Oi P Ph Pu Q R Ri Ru S Sh Si Sp Sr Sw T Ti Tu U V W Wh Wo Wy Y Z
Space technology
Speaker and deputies
Chamber Debates
Amendments and new clauses (22.03.2010) 84, 92, (30.03.2010) 777, (06.04.2010) 927, (07.04.2010) 1005, 1044, (08.04.2010) 1186, 1203, 1214, 1223, 1236, 1242-3, 1252
Conduct of proceedings (22.03.2010) 11, 21-2, 24, 31, 40, (23.03.2010) 114, 116, 118, 120-1, 128, 130, 205-7, 211, 213-5, (24.03.2010) 234-5, 237, 241-3, 249, 264, 269, 288, 325-6, (25.03.2010) 361, 365, 368, 370, 372, 375-6, 378, 384, 395, 404, 411, 433, (29.03.2010) 491-2, 496, 503, 513, 589-90, 604, (30.03.2010) 633-4, 642, 662-4, 666-7, 670-1, 699, 710, 739, 781, (06.04.2010) 814, 822, 831, 931, (07.04.2010) 954, 957, 959, 962-5, 970, 975, 978, 985, 987, 989, 991-2, 995, 1000, 1011, 1022, 1035, 1049, 1054, 1057, 1070-1, 1083, (08.04.2010) 1161, 1171, 1177, 1181, 1187-8, 1199, 1209, 1211-2
Deferred divisions (07.04.2010) 1026
Orders and regulations motions (22.03.2010) 40, (23.03.2010) 196
Points of order (22.03.2010) 38-9, (23.03.2010) 120, 143-6, (25.03.2010) 393-5, (29.03.2010) 521, (30.03.2010) 647-8, 663, 665, 684, 735, (07.04.2010) 994, 998, 1056, (08.04.2010) 1183-5, 1187, 1199-200, 1222
Queen's speech, Prorogation (08.04.2010) 1257-60
Royal Assent (25.03.2010) 395, (08.04.2010) 1256
Rulings and statements, Amendments and new clauses (30.03.2010) 777
Rulings and statements, Twelve minutes rule (29.03.2010) 545, (30.03.2010) 702, (06.04.2010) 850
Rulings and statements, Fifteen minutes rule (30.03.2010) 684-5, (06.04.2010) 860
Westminster Hall Debates
Conduct of proceedings (23.03.2010) 4wh, 31wh, 45wh, (24.03.2010) 69wh, 82wh, 90wh, 108wh, 120wh, (30.03.2010) 170wh, 207wh, 214wh, 217wh, 222wh, (06.04.2010) 259-60wh, 270wh, 287wh, (07.04.2010) 304-5wh, 307wh, 314wh, 322wh, 327wh, 340wh, 342wh
Speaker's Adviser
Speaker's Conference
Special constables
Special educational needs
Special protection areas
Specialised diplomas
Specialist schools
Specialist Schools and Academies Trust
Department for Children, Schools and Families 587-8w
Speed limits
Spelman, Mrs Caroline
Chamber Debates
Budget March 2010 (29.03.2010) 532-9
Alcoholic drinks, Designated public places orders 932w
Antisocial behaviour, Fixed penalties 1051-2w
Audit Commission, Conferences 557w
Audit Commission, Official hospitality 541w
Audit Commission, Training 541-2w
Automatic number plate recognition 756w, 874w
Bullying, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 833w
Community safety accreditation schemes 1244-6w
Departmental records, Communities and Local Government 839w
Energy performance certificates 391w
Fire services, Risk assessment 1120w
Funerals, Low incomes 1080w
Government Office for London, Expenditure 546-7w
Government offices for the regions, Operating costs 547-50w
Housing, Conferences 843w
Housing, Construction 557w
Housing, Regeneration 390w
Legislation, Communities and Local Government 1212-4w
Local government, Fraud 397-8w
Local government, Pensions 847-8w
Local government, Per capita costs 553-4w
Local government, Political impartiality 551w
Non-domestic rates, Licensed premises 1137w
Pay, Communities and Local Government 838w
Police, Equal opportunities 937w
Public expenditure, Home Office 1260-1w
Publications, Communities and Local Government 266w
Social rented housing, Rents 399w
Standards Board for England, Procurement 1141-2w
Taxation, Personal records 1047w
Tesco, Planning permission 560w
Transport Innovation Fund 445w
Valuation Office Agency, Allowances 1605-6w
Waste and Resources Action Programme 889w
Waste disposal, Conservation areas 1149w
Waste disposal, Crime 933w
Waste disposal, EC action 1160w
Waste disposal, Fees and charges 889w
Spinal injuries
Petitions (30.03.2010) 24-5p
Spink, Bob
Chamber Debates
Benfleet, Petitions (30.03.2010) 784-5
Bus services, Petitions (30.03.2010) 785
Child Poverty Bill, Lords amendts (22.03.2010) 87, 93
European Council (29.03.2010) 520
Hadleigh (Essex), Petitions (30.03.2010) 784
House of Commons, Points of order (29.03.2010) 521
WiFi, Swindon (22.03.2010) 101
Westminster Hall Debates
Employment, Disability (23.03.2010) 4wh, 10wh
Physics, Research (23.03.2010) 24wh
Presbyterian Mutual Society (24.03.2010) 70wh
Academies, Complaints 741w
Antisocial behaviour, Crime prevention 18
Bullying, Social services 1584w
Departmental responsibilities, Home Office 17-8
Floods, Castle Point 608w
Floods, Property development 378
Foreign investment in UK, Essex 1488w
Harassment, Home Office 164-5w
Legal costs, Department for Culture, Media and Sport 159w
Legal costs, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1499w
Legal costs, Department for Work and Pensions 198-9w
Legal costs, Department of Energy and Climate Change 1007w
Legal costs, Home Office 1259w
Location, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills 1487-8w
Location, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 882-3w
Location, Department for Transport 176w
Location, Department for Work and Pensions 711w
Location, Home Office 340w
Location, Ministry of Defence 1203w
Official hospitality, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills 811w
Oikos Storage, Canvey Island 718-9w
Olympic Games 2012, Tickets 159w
Overseas students, Entry clearances 1490w
State retirement pensions, Uprating 244-5
Petitions (07.04.2010) 41p
Spring, Mr Richard
Chamber Debates
Budget March 2010 (29.03.2010) 579-82