Index for Volume 508—continued

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Swayne, Mr Desmond

                  Chamber Debates

    Budget March 2010 (25.03.2010) 475


    Afghanistan, Peacekeeping operations 501

    Natural gas, Storage 1179

    River Lymington, Ferries 1418w

    Wetlands, Conservation 377-8

Sweet Concepts

    British Transport Police 756w

    Health and Safety Executive 730-1w

    Learning and Skills Council for England 1489w

    Police Information Technology Organisation 1393w



Swine flu

Swinson, Jo


    Aung San Suu Kyi 109w

    Bangladesh, Internally displaced people 109w

    Burma, Ethnic groups 110w

    Burma, International assistance 172w

    Burma, Overseas aid 171w

    Domestic violence, Immigrants 1536w

Swire, Mr Hugo

                  Chamber Debates

    European Council (29.03.2010) 519


    Armed forces, Compensation 8-9w

    Armed forces, Health services 638-9w

    Proceeds of crime 676w

Syms, Mr Robert


    Business, Government assistance 499w

    Illegal immigrants, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills 403-4w

    Illegal immigrants, Ministry of Defence 1510w

    Marketing, Cabinet Office 890w

    Marketing, Department for Children, Schools and Families 566w

    Marketing, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 884w

    Marketing, Department for Work and Pensions 711w

    Marketing, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 111w

    Marketing, Home Office 55w

    Trade unions, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills 1033-4w

    Trade unions, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 310w

    Trade unions, Home Office 66-7w

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