Pub companies: follow-up - Business, Innovation and Skills Committee Contents

Examination of Witness (Question Numbers 158-159)



  Q158 Chairman: Thank you for being so patient. We are a little late coming to you but I think it was important to take our time with the previous witnesses. Frankly, there are further questions I would have liked to ask but there is never enough time. Although I have not done so with the previous witness because they were few in number, I ask you to begin by introducing yourselves and your roles.

  Mrs Nicholls: My name is Kate Nicholls, head of communication at the Association of Licensed Multiple Retailers and I also act as secretary to the newly-formed Independent Pub Confederation. We are very pleased to be here today to assist you in your deliberations. We have pulled together a team of people who have not only direct operational experience but are also intimately involved in all of the negotiations at the RICS, in mediation and before this Committee. We are the people who have had the dialogue on a day-to-day basis and hope to be able to answer your questions fully and factually.

  Q159  Chairman: I also ought to say we are very pleased that you are here as a single group; it makes our life a great deal easier.

  Mr Harrison: I am Karl Harrison and I am a publican with four pubs in London and the Home Counties. One of them is a large comedy and music venue in Balham called The Bedford which is one of the largest tenancies of Enterprise Inns. I have two free of tie pubs in the centre of London and one Mitchells & Butlers lease in Surrey. I am also a founding member of the Fair Pint Campaign and I echo my colleague's comment. We are very pleased to be here today on behalf of the IPC.

  Mr Clarke: My name is Simon Clarke and I am a publican and member of the RICS. You may recall that in 2008 I made a presentation to this Committee. I have represented Fair Pint at the mediation and attended the RICS forums. I spend over 60 hours a week in my own pub, The Eagle Ale House, so you could say that I am here to represent the frontline of the industry.

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