2 Creation of the Skills Funding Agency
4. In 2004 the Government commissioned Lord Leitch
to undertake an independent review of the UK's long-term skills
needs. An interim report was published in December 2005 and the
final report, Prosperity for all in the Global economyworld
class skills, in December 2006.[1]
5. Lord Leitch's final Report concluded that "our
nation's skills are not world class"[2]
and proposed a series of objectives for 2020:
95 per cent of adults to achieve the basic skills
of functional literacy and numeracy, an increase from levels of
85 per cent literacy and 79 per cent numeracy in 2005;
exceeding 90 per cent of adults qualified to
at least Level 2, an increase from 69 per cent in 2005. A commitment
to go further and achieve 95 per cent as soon as possible;
shifting the balance of intermediate skills from
Level 2 to Level 3. Improving the esteem, quantity and quality
of intermediate skills. This means 1.9 million additional Level
3 attainments over the period and boosting the number of Apprentices
to 500,000 a year; and
exceeding 40 per cent of adults qualified to
Level 4 and above, up from 29 per cent in 2005, with a commitment
to continue progression.[3]
6. World Class Skills, the Government's response
to the Leitch review, was published shortly after the formation
of the new but short-lived Department of Innovation, Universities
and Skills, in July 2007.[4]
It committed the UK "to joining the world's 'premier league'
for skills".[5] The
response also set out the proposal for re-shaping of the Learning
and Skills Council, noting that the newly created Department for
Children, Schools and Families was bringing together policy (and
funding) for children and young people. A commitment was given
to consult on post-19 education and training arrangements.[6]
7. The Government's consultation paper, Raising
Expectations: enabling the system to deliver, was published
in March 2008.[7] It proposed
the abolition of the Learning and Skills Council (LSC) and its
replacement with two successor bodies, one of which was the Skills
Funding Agency (SFA), by 2010:
we will create a new Skills Funding Agency. It
will be a focused, streamlined agency, close to Government and
with an operational role. It will have national and regional presence,
deploying its activities and resources flexibly to reflect the
fact that skills needs are manifested in sectoral, regional and
sub-regional patterns, and rarely follow local authority geographies.[8]
8. A key role of this new Skills Funding Agency would
be to ensure that public money was routed swiftly, efficiently
and securely to FE Colleges and providers:
It will build on the considerable successes of
the LSC. It will be responsible for ensuring that public funds
are best used to complement the much larger private investment
which is made in adult skills and training. The majority of its
funding will flow in direct response to customer choices through
Train to Gain and Skills Accounts."[9]
9. In late July 2008 the then Department for Innovation,
Universities and Skills published Raising Expectations: Enabling
the System to deliver, Update and next steps,[10]
which gave further details on FE and Skills Reforms. The proposals
to create the new Skills Funding Agency and a Young People's Learning
Agency (YPLA)to coordinate funding for children and young
people under the age of 19were then given effect by the
Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Bill, which received
Royal Assent in November 2009.[11]
The nature of the Skills Funding
10. Unlike the Learning and Skills Council, which
was a Non-Departmental Public Body, the Skills Funding Agency
will be an agency of the Department for Business, Innovation and
Skills. Its staff will be civil servants, and the Chief Executive
of the Agency will be a statutory post holder.[12]
The Department describes the status of the Agency as being at
"shorter arms length" from the Department than its predecessor,
which, it argued would enable it to provide "a faster and
more effective response to policy, while reinforcing the autonomy
of the FE sector."[13]
11. In its memorandum, the Department explained that
Ministers would set the overall strategy and objectives for further
education along with the budget available to achieve them.[14]
The strategy and objectives will be published in an annual Skills
Investment Strategy which will be informed by "bottom-up"
issues coming from the regions and localitiesthrough regional
plansalongside "top-down" issues informed by
annual reports by the UK Commission for Employment and Skills.[15]
We consider these plans in more detail in Section 3 of this Report.
David Cragg, the interim Chief Executive of the Skills Funding
Agency, explained that in formulating its policy for further education,
the Department would "enshrine in a single priority statement"
what the balance should be nationally, regionally and locally.[16]
12. Once the Government's strategy and budget has
been decided, it will be the responsibility of the Chief Executive
of the Skills Funding Agency to agree an annual delivery plan
with Ministers[17] and
for the SFA to deliver on that plan.[18]
13. David Cragg made clear that the statutory role
of the Chief Executive of the Skills Funding Agency was to deliver
on the guidance and policy of the Secretary of State.[19]
Unlike the Learning and Skills Council, the Skills Funding Agency
would not respond individually to the nine individual Regional
Development Agencies, nor would it respond separately to the UK
Commission for Employment and Skills. David Cragg believed that
this approach provided a direct link with Government which would
provide "much better integration taking on board the big,
long-term issues in terms of economic and business priorities
as well as some of the spatial and contextual issues which will
come bottom up from the regions."[20]
14. The Department has placed significant emphasis
on the delivery function of the SFA. It told us that the Agency
would be "customer focused" and would concentrate on
"promoting the services it houses to the right customers."[21]
It asserted that this change of emphasis would simplify the administration
of further education for both learners and employers, so that
each could easily "identify the service which is right for
them, rather than the organisation which funds the system."[22]
15. The Skills Funding Agency will provide these
services through what the Department describes as four 'gateways':
- Train to Gaina service
available to employers through Businesslink advice, a national
database website and local training organisations or, for large
employers, from the National Employer Service;
- National Apprenticeship Servicea service
available to employers and learners through a national field force,
a web-based vacancy matching service and local training organisations;
- Adult Advancement and Careers Servicea
service available to people through a national telephone helpline
and face-to-face support through sub-contracted expert advice
and guidance providers; and
- Direct access to provisionpeople will
continue to have direct access to learning through local colleges
and training organisations.[23]
The Skills Funding Agency: management
of further education funding
16. The Skills Funding Agency will deliver the Government's
priorities and objectives for further education within a budget
set by the Department.[24]
Funding will be managed through a new single account management
system and unlike the Learning and Skills Council it will be managed
at a national level in order to remove "the current regional
variations used in the LSC, which add to bureaucracy".[25]
17. In general, colleges and training organisations
will be allocated a "funding envelope", with contracts
lasting up to three years for the highest performing organisations.
The Department argued that:
Within that overall envelope, colleges and training
organisations will have the freedom to respond to individual and
employer demand, including the demand articulated in regional
strategies, drawing-down funding when individuals enrol and complete
their courses.[26]
18. The Skills Funding Agency will maintain a list
of approved colleges and training organisations to enable them
to deliver publicly funded learning.[27]
The level of financial autonomy given to those colleges
and organisations will depend upon their track record and performance.[28]
19. The highest performing training organisations
will be given greater autonomy through what the Department described
as "simpler funding and monitoring arrangements, based on
proportionate inspection and assurance".[29]
However, those organisations will be under an obligation
to provide higher levels of information on their performance so
that "employers, learners, funders, commissioners, inspectors
and auditors can make good decisions that give them, and their
stakeholders, value for money".[30]
20. SFA funding will be administered by a dedicated
Account Manager, assigned to individual colleges or organisations.[31]
According to the Department, the Account Manager will manage "all
the activity being funded, including Apprenticeships."[32]
21. In oral evidence Martin Doel, Chief Executive
of the Association of Colleges, gave a general welcome to the
introduction of Account Manager and reported that "the only
conversations that colleges have had regarding the single account
manager within the SFA have been positive".[33]
However, he was concerned that it could be undermined by the existence
of different account managers operating in a similar fashion in
other parts of the funding structure:
There is a single account manager within the
SFA, there is also a single account manager within the local authority,
there is a single account manager within HEFCE and there is a
single account manager when you are dealing with individual businesses
that you deal with. That adds up to four, at least, as we begin.[34]
22. The University and College Union also gave a
cautious welcome to the creation of Account Managers. It supported
the concept of a single point of contact which, it believed, could
"cut down at least some of the bureaucracy of the previous
LSC-provider relationship."[35]
However, the Union believed there was insufficient clarity on
the Account Manager's role:
We are concerned that the Account Management
Teams will be grouped into three portfolio areas, each covering
three regions. This may not be the kind of personal single contact
that providers were looking to. [36]
23. The management system for funding further education
appears to be an improvement on that of the Learning and Skills
Council. However, the division of the LSC's funding responsibilities
between the SFA and the YPLA, which we consider in more detail
later in this Report, could undermine this positive development.
24. The single account system has the potential
to simplify the administration of funding by introducing national
standards for the allocation of resources which were absent under
the Learning and Skills Council. However, the fact that funding
will no longer come from a single Government source but from two
Departments has the potential to seriously undermine any benefits
which may accrue from this change.
25. Equally, the introduction of SFA Account Managers
for individual colleges has the potential to assist colleges and
to simplify their contact with the funding bureaucracy. That said,
SFA Account Managers have been presented as the single point of
contact for colleges and providers. This is not the reality of
further education, as colleges already deal with account managers
from other organisations, especially Local Authorities. It is
vital that SFA Account Managers work in a way that simplifies
the process rather than adds to its complexity. We recommend that
the Government provide an early update on the effectiveness of
this single point of contact for colleges.
SFA management of the further
education capital budget
26. The
FE capital programme has been the subject of reports from other
select committees. In 2008, the Innovation, Universities, Science
and Skills Committee scrutinised the debacle of the LSC's management
of capital funding. Its Report concluded that:
there was a catastrophic mismanagement of the
LSC capital budget during 2008 and neglect of oversight by those
in the most senior positions in the LSC.[37]
27. The Department was at pains to point out that
in transferring this role to the SFA it has learned the lessons
of the LSC's failure to manage the capital budget. It asserted
that it has put in place "robust forecasting models and measures
to strengthen the financial management of the programme."[38]
As a result, the Department believed that the programme was now
on "a firm footing for the future and that the previous problems
with the programme will not be repeated."[39]
28. Geoff Russell was appointed Chief Executive of
the LSC in the aftermath of that mismanagement. He believed that
a major factor behind the problems with LSC management of the
capital fund was that while it was "very well placed to deliver
money on a regional basis" it was not well placed "to
do a rationing exercise with centralised command and control."[40]
He explained that when he took over the running of the LSC this
was one of the first problems he addressed:
I changed that very quickly. I put one person
in charge of it. The budgeting, modelling and decision-making
was done by a small team with one person reporting to me and we
put in a much improved system of financial control and budgeting."[41]
Geoff Russell will transfer to the SFA on 1 April
which will provide the SFA with some much-needed continuity in
the oversight of the capital budget. However, the split between
the SFA and the YPLA may yet prove to be an equally difficult
challenge, as we discuss in more detail later in this Report.
29. We note the Government's assertion that additional
controls have been introduced to manage the further education
capital budget. It is vital that these new controls stop the possibility
of a repeat of the Learning and Skills Council's lamentable mismanagement
of the capital budget. We expect the Department to update our
successor Committee, on a regular basis, on the management of
that budget.
Complexity in the FE system
30. The SFA is just one of a number of organisations
and agencies which will deliver the Government's strategy and
objectives for skills. Our witnesses expressed concerns that problems
were likely to arise from complexity of the new arrangements,
and in particular the split at 19. We consider these concerns
31. Set out below is an extract from a Departmental
update on the establishment of the SFA. It details how the new
functions and responsibilities will be delivered in the new FE
and skills structure:[42]
| Now
| Post 2010
Responsibility for delivery of targets
| Learning and Skills Council
| Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
Funding Colleges, providers and NSAs
| Learning and Skills Council
| Skills Funding Agency |
Sponsorship of FE | Department for Business, Innovation and Skills/ Learning and Skills Council
| Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
Performance Management |
Learning and Skills Council
| Department for Business, Innovation and Skillsdetermining the system Skills Funding Agency, liaising with Young People's Learning Agency on 16-19
Supporting colleges and providers performance
| Learning and Skills Council/Learning and Skills Improvement Service
| Learning and Skills Improvement Service
Advising on skills needs, including regional skills needs
| Learning and Skills Council
| UK Commission for Employment and Skills
Determining regional skills
| Learning and Skills Council
| Skills Funding Agencyin the light of UK Commission for Employment and Skills analysis
Developing regional skills and employment plans
| Learning and Skills Council
| Skills Funding Agency working with Regional Development Agencies, Regional Skills
Partnerships etc
Responding to individual and employer skills needs and providing a efficient and effective support services
| Learning and Skills Council with Regional Development Agencies, Regional Skills Partnerships etc
| Colleges and providers cooperating with Local Authorities, Education Standards Boards and each other
Working with Local Authorities on Multi Area Agreements
| Colleges and providers
| Skills Funding Agency |
Marketing and Communications
| Learning and Skills Council
| Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
Regulate qualifications
| Learning and Skills Council
| Office of Qualifications and Examination Regulation
Provide management information and strategic analysis to inform strategic and commissioning
| Qualifications and Curriculum Authority
| Skills Funding Agency |
Research | Department for Business, Innovation and Skills/ Learning and Skills Council
| Department for Business, Innovation and Skills strategic skills
UK Commission for Employment and Skills managing skills research function
Evaluation | Department for Business, Innovation and Skills/ Learning and Skills Council
| Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
32. In its supplementary memorandum, the Department
provided further information on the role that would be played
by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, the UK
Commission for Employment and Skills, Sector Skills Councils,
Regional Development Agencies, the Skills Funding Agency, Employment
and Skills Boards, Local Authorities, Colleges and Training Organisations,
Ofqual, the Learning and Skills Improvement Services, Betca[43]
and Ofsted.[44] However,
that list, despite its length, does not include the Department
for Children, Schools and Families, the Young People's Learning
Agency or HEFCE, which has a direct influence in a small number
of cases.[45]
33. When we discussed the new structure with our
witnesses, those outside of Government were not convinced that
the process was being either simplified or streamlined. Martin
Doel, Chief Executive of the Association of Colleges, was aware
that the range of services provided by colleges and other providersand
the breadth of the skills agendameant that any further
education structure would have "an inherent complexity",[46]
but argued that it was "very hard to see how the totality
of the system will be more streamlined."[47]
This view was supported by the Local Government Association who
believed that the complexity of bodies did not indicate "a
streamlining" of the system.[48]
Ioan Morgan, representing the Association of Colleges, also questioned
the assertion that the new structure would simplify FE provision.
He argued that "we do not see this as streamlining, we see
it as, potentially, muddying the waters."[49]
These views were only partly tempered by Michael Davis from the
UK Commission for Employment and Skills, who believed that in
some respects the new system represented an improvement. However,
he also noted that further work needed to be done to both streamline
the system and to remove unnecessary complexities.[50]
34. Geoff Russell, the incoming Chief Executive of
the SFA, acknowledged that retaining the status quosuch
as a single organisation along similar lines to the LSCwas
a model that the Government could have chosen, and added that
the LSC had worked well in that guise when funding was less constrained.
However, he argued that it was not a suitable design for times
of financial stringency:
It was remarkably well designed at a time when
there was a lot of money and it was devolved with nine autonomous
regions. That was why it worked even though it was so large. It
had nine independent regions. [...] but money began to get tighter
and suddenly you could not afford to have nine independent decisions
being made with pots of money that would lead to disparities across
the country and the LSC needed to change its organisational design
very quickly and that is the territory in which we find ourselves
He went on to argue that a large single organisation,
like the LSC, was unable to react quickly enough, given its size
and complexity, to the "changed environment in which we operate".[52]
He concluded that it was "too large to be sufficiently agile
to react to changed circumstances in terms of the economy and
increasing participation and, therefore, there is a benefit to
35. The Minister also acknowledged that the system
of administration was "incredibly complicated" with
a large number of bodies involved in the delivery of further education.
However, he believed that the reorganisation of FE funding and
policy was designed to address that problem:
One of the themes of what we are trying to do
is to find ways to simplify it, but that in itself is complicated.
One can simplify things by creating one huge body, which was what
the LSC was originally, but sometimes simplification means having
a body with a mission that everybody understands rather than just
reducing everything into a single body.[54]
36. When challenged to list all the organisations
involved in the funding, delivery and strategy for skills, the
Minister conceded that it was "massively complicated"[55]
but asserted that the Government was committed to "reducing
the number of bodies involved in the skills world by up to 30."[56]
37. The new structure for further education was
due to go live on 1 Aprilshortly after we agreed this Report.
It would therefore be premature for us to pass judgement at this
time on its ability to deliver a seamless and efficient service.
However, the restructuring undertaken by Government has clearly
increased the complexity in the system rather than simplified
it and there is a danger that this will make it more difficult
for the system as a whole to deliver the Government's objectives,
or to meet the expectations of learners and employers.
38. We would welcome the realisation of the Government's
commitment to reducing the number of bodies involved in the skills
world "by up to 30", but we are highly sceptical that
this will be achieved. Indeed, the current expansion in the number
of bodies involved in the skills agenda has been brought about
by the Government itself. We recommend that the Government provide
us with details on the work it has done to realise this aspiration,
together with an indicative list of those bodies it believes it
can remove from the system.
The Skills Funding Agency and
the Young People's Learning Agency
39. At the centre of the concerns about the new structure
is the decision to split the work of the Learning and Skills Council
into two new organisations, the Skills Funding Agency (SFA) and
the Young People's Learning Agency (YPLA). The SFA will have responsibility
for 19+ provision and will be overseen by the Department for Business,
Innovation and Skills while the YPLA will have responsibility
for 14-19 provision and will report to the Department for Children,
Schools and Families.[57]
Unlike the SFA, the YPLA will be established as a Non-Departmental
Public Body (NDPB) with a remit to support Local Authorities in
the discharge of their planning and commissioning functions and
to ensure funding and budgetary control within the system.[58]
The YPLA will set the budgetary framework but the delivery of
that funding will be delegated to Local Authorities (LAs).
40. A number of our witnesses were either critical
of this move or confused about the rationale behind it. Martin
Doel, Chief Executive of the Association of Colleges, argued that
this division of responsibilities was borne out of a false distinction
between the skills agenda for 16-19 year olds and the agenda for
19 year olds and older.[59]
He believed that there was "precious little logic or demonstrated
requirement for the overall design to split the funding groups
up",[60] and concluded
that the split owed more to the division of the then Department
for Education and Skills into two separate Departments:
If one were just to take a dispassionate view
looking backwards on that, one might go back to the division of
the Department for Education and Skills into two departments.
It almost all follows, as an ineluctable logic, that you will
have two different funding agencies corresponding with two government
departments. I do not know if that is the rationale that operated
in ministers' minds, but it is very difficult to actually find
a trail back to the original decision.[61]
41. The Association of Colleges further asserted
that this artificial division would make a complicated further
education system "more rather than less confusing" because
colleges would now have to work with "two national agencies
where there was previously one".[62]
42. The University and College Union, which represents
academic staff in further education, was also wary of this division
of responsibilities:
Under the 'old' LSC system, colleges faced one
bureaucracy and one body that required statistics and returns;
they will now need to feed statistics and data to at least two
systems. FE colleges could also face dealing with up to five new
bureaucracies or 'sub' bureaucraciesthe SFA, the YPLA,
the National Apprenticeship System, the Adult Advancement and
Careers Service and the National Employer Service, while meeting
the demands of over 140 local authorities. UCU remains sceptical
that the stated aim of reducing bureaucracy will be met given
the aforementioned system.[63]
43. The 157 Group[64]
also described this separation as "extremely unhelpful"
and believed that it would "undoubtedly have an impact upon
FE providers".[65]
In a similar vein, the Alliance of Sector Skills Councils expressed
its concern about the complexity of the new arrangements, in particular
the split between the SFA and the YPLA and the handing over of
responsibility of pre-19 funding to Local Authorities.[66]
44. In our second evidence session we discussed the
working arrangements with Peter Lauener, Chief Executive of the
Young People's Learning Agency, and David Cragg and Geoff Russell,
from the SFA.
45. David Cragg acknowledged the concerns of the
college representatives and declared that the two agencies would
need to be "very closely aligned".[67]
He also was well aware of the fact that a close working relationship
between the two was "crucial" to the success of the
new structure.[68] Peter
Lauener told us that the two bodies already had "done a lot
of work to put in place practical arrangements over the past few
months" and that those arrangements had already begun to
be embedded in the two organisations.[69]
Geoff Russell also highlighted the importance of these working
We are inextricably bound because if we do not
work together on the funding young people will not have delivery
vehicles for their training and education and if the SFA and YPLA
do not ensure funding is balanced out in a sensible way colleges
fall over.[70]
David Cragg explained that arrangements were underway
to ensure that the SFA and the YPLA would benefit from shared
services in a number of areas; for example a single source of
information management and data on colleges both for "learner
information" and finance. Furthermore, he told us that the
joint agreements would also be signed with Local Authorities on
audit arrangements so that they:
do not duplicate the number of audits that take
place. In that regard there will be a code of practice and mutual
acceptance of lead audit bodies between local authorities, the
Young People's Learning Agency and the Skills Funding Agency.
46. In explaining the rationale behind the establishment
of two agencies, the Minister refuted claims that it was merely
a reflection of the different responsibilities of two Government
departments.[72] While
he gave us a detailed analysis of the logic behind each Agency,
we remain unclear as to the need for two separate organisations
rather than a single organisation with clear direction and better
47. A key aspect of the new structure is the creation
of the Skills Funding Agency and the Young People's Learning Agency
to administer the role previously held by the Learning and Skills
Council. These two organisations represent the division of responsibilities
between the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills and
the Department for Children, Schools and Families, although the
existence of different departments is not the justification given
for having two agencies. We have grave reservations about the
logic or probable effectiveness of having two organisations running
further education, given the degree of overlap between the two.
We have been given no convincing argument in support of this approach.
We are particularly concerned that the need to co-ordinate the
work of the SFA and YPLA on many issues of policy, shared services
and management will lead to unnecessary long-term costs and bureaucracy.
48. We cannot yet come to a conclusion on the
efficiency of this approach, because neither the SFA nor the YPLA
have a record to judge. However, we urge our successor Committee
to monitor closely the relationships between the SFA and the YPLA
at an early point in the next Parliament.
49. Our witnesses believed that the impact of the
split between the SFA and the YPLA will be most keenly felt in
the provision of funding for colleges. The Association of Colleges
highlighted the fact that:
the SFA will regulate the 260 further education colleges
but will provide less than 50% of their revenue funding. The largest
share of College funding will come via local authorities and will
be paid for the education of 16-18 year olds.[73]
In a similar vein, Ioan Morgan, Principal of Warwickshire
College, highlighted the fact that colleges would not deal with
just one Local Authority:
We deal with something like 86 local authorities
as a college; we have students from 86 authorities.[74]
50. This point was echoed by the 157 Group which
described the two funding streams as "extremely unhelpful"
and believed that the separation would "undoubtedly have
an impact on FE providers."[75]
51. The Minister explained that the reorganisation
would make the funding system "more flexible".[76]
He gave the following example of how this flexibility would work
in practice:
Taking the adult learner-responsive budget, up
until now there has been very little flexibility to transfer between
different headings within it. If you look at the Skills Investment
Strategy document you will see headings like Skills for Life:
full level 2, level 3 and level 4, and up until now colleges have
had very little leeway to transfer within that. From now on colleges
will be able to work freely within the adult learner-responsive
section and the employer-responsive section of their budgets,
which is the bit to do with employers rather than learners who
come to the college."[77]
Furthermore, if a college is judged to be outstanding
it would be given even greater flexibility to "work freely
within the whole of that picture".[78]
52. This flexibility has been given a partial welcome
from colleges. Ioan Morgan, Principal of Warwickshire College,
representing the Association of Colleges, explained its importance:
If we are forced to have money in boxes, principals
of trusted colleges have got to be allowed to open those boxes
and share that money around to local and regional priorities."[79]
53. David Cragg, the interim Chief Executive of the
SFA, argued that the new structure would assist in the exploitation
of "further opportunities for simplification, for example
simplification of budgets which have been excessively complex
with lots of ring-fenced blocks".[80]
Geoff Russell, who will succeed David Cragg on 1 April, supported
this view. He believed that "it would be crazy for a college
to fall over with money in its bank account because it could not
use that money to deal with other issues.[81]
54. When presented with the example of a provider
which had to sack staff in one area of adult learning despite
the fact that it had under-spends in other areas of adult learning
Geoff Russell responded "that is exactly what we are trying
to remove. The sector has asked for it and we have committed to
doing it in the Skills Investment Strategy".[82]
55. Martin Doel acknowledged that the Government
had made some progress[83]
but pointed out that although this new flexibility had been extended
to areas such as Adult Responsive Learning and Employer Responsive
Learning,[84] it did
not extend to managing funding between the SFA and the YPLA. He
argued that this was a significant issue for colleges as there
no ability to buy money from 16-19 [to] adult
provision. Everyone we have talked about so far is just working
in the 19-plus. The ability to move money around between those
two, effectively, departmental stovepipes is missing.[85]
56. Ioan Morgan believed that if colleges had the
ability to move funds between 14-19 provisionprovided by
the YPLA through Local Authoritiesand SFA funding, there
would be "a much greater chance of achieving the Leitch targets".[86]
He was strongly of the view that greater autonomy was the answer
for colleges:
For heaven's sake, give us the freedom, give
us the tools to get on and deliver for industry and for the social
agendas that we can deliver.[87]
57. The Minister was aware that the Association of
Colleges wanted greater flexibility, and asserted that colleges
were "free to spend [their funding] as they wish according
to their managerial judgment."[88]
However, this came with the caveat that colleges "deliver
on what they say they will do in relation to numbers of adult
learners and young people".[89]
58. It is clear that the Department has yet to be
convinced of the arguments to extend flexibility across YPLA and
SFA funding streams, though the Minister did offer some comfort
to the Association of Colleges in this area:
I am aware they would like us to go further.
Clearly, that will be the direction of travel as more and more
colleges gain that outstanding status and are given greater flexibility
beyond what is available to all colleges.[90]
59. Simplification of funding for colleges is
a very important objective, so we welcome the steps that the Government
has taken to build flexibility into the system. However, we are
fully aware that the Government's plans fall short of the expectations
of colleges. Not only will they now have separate funding streams
from the SFA and the YPLA, they will also have to deal with multiple
numbers of Local Authorities. We look to the Government to build
on its plans and to introduce greater flexibility in the future,
including the ability to transfer funds between Local Authority
provision and SFA provision. Should these separate funding streams
cause difficulties, we will expect the Government to review the
relationship between the SFA and YPLA as a matter of urgency.
60. Martin Doel, representing the Association of
Colleges, believed that the split between SFA funding and YPLA
funding was not a practical solution to the problems which colleges
had to address in managing their capital budgets:
You do not, when you are in a college, manage
a little building over here that is for the SFA and a little building
that is over there for the YPLA, a little bit of the estate for
16-19 year olds, one bit for apprenticeships and one bit for adults.
It does not work like that.[91]
61. He continued:
What we have insisted [
] is that we do
not have a building that has a YPLA part of the building and an
SFA part of the building separately funded. You will need to have
a combined capital strategy applying to the college sector, because
you will need to combine those funds in order to come together
to build a single building. In terms of going forward, therefore,
you need a combined capital strategy."[92]
62. Martin Doel told us that he had already made
this point to both the Secretaries of State for Business, Innovation
and Skills and Children, Schools and Families who had "acknowledged"
these concerns.[93]
63. Ioan Morgan also believed that the arrangements
for colleges' capital budgets had been made more complicated.
In particular, he was concerned that even if a college's plans
were approved by the SFA, they could now be overruled by a Local
Authority that "does not support a particular development
linked to 14 to 19".[94]
He described this as "a huge anomaly" which would allow
Local Authorities to intervene and veto colleges' plans.[95]
Councillor Sparks defended the role of Local Authorities in this
respect. He believed that the way forward was for all interested
parties to "[get] round the table in a local partnership
to ensure that everybody is agreed on what the objectives are".[96]
64. The Department was well aware of these concerns,
but asserted that it had addressed them in the working arrangements
for SFA planning of capital budgets. It explained that it would
publish an overarching single capital strategy for post-16 education
and training in Englandexcluding the higher education sectorin
which it would consult with both the Young People's Learning Agency
and the Skills Funding Agency.[97]
The FE sector is currently being consulted, through the Association
of Colleges' Capital Task Group, on how future funds should be
best allocated and the Department was confident that it will achieve
the best possible value for money while at the same time keeping
bureaucracy to a minimum.[98]
65. In addition, David Cragg explained that there
would be a joint capital strategy between the two Government Departments
which would be given effect via a joint implementation strategy
between the SFA and the YPLA. He asserted that if the capital
project related to further education it would "sit four square
with the Skills Funding Agency's responsibilities" but acknowledged
that "a joint approach with Local Authorities that looks
at the whole fabric of the post-16 education and training estate"
would also be necessary. He told us that arrangements to develop
this approach were already being put in place.[99]
66. The previous mismanagement of the capital
fund by the LSC resulted in significant damage and disruption
to colleges. Although the Government is confident that it has
strengthened oversight of the capital budget, it has also introduced
a more complex system, with many more stakeholders. It is vital
that the various funding streams which make up a college's capital
budget do not affect a college's ability to expand or enhance
its estate. While we welcome the close working between the YPLA
and the SFA we remain deeply concerned that capital funding streams
from both organisations, together with Local Authority involvement,
just cannot deliver a simplified or efficient system of capital
investment for colleges. Indeed, the management of capital budgets
at college level has been made significantly more complex.
The National Apprenticeship Service
67. The National Apprenticeship Service (NAS) has
end-to-end responsibility for Apprenticeships in England. It employs
400 people[100] who
provide a dedicated, responsive service for both employers and
learners with an additional responsibility to increase the number
of apprenticeship opportunities.[101]
As part of the restructuring, the NAS will be 'housed' within
the SFA. However, it will have a separate identity and will work
independently to the SFA.
68. Geoff Russell told us that while the NAS was
located in the SFA, "the authority, responsibility and power
for the delivery of apprenticeships" resided with the Chief
Executive of the NAS.[102]
Furthermore, as Chief Executive of the SFA he will not be responsible
for the NAS budget which has also been delegated to the Chief
Executive of the Service.[103]
69. When we questioned Geoff Russell about the logic
of this move, he responded that it was a "trade-off"
between centralised control on the one hand and "specialisation,
focus and tailored delivery of a particular product" on the
other.[104] David Cragg,
the interim Chief Executive of the SFA, believed that the most
important factor was that "there is an integrated process
for the delivery of the apprenticeship programme".[105]
In respect of the SFA and the NAS, he provided the following illustrative
division of responsibilities:
The National Apprenticeship Service has the overall
externally-facing responsibility for generating demand and managing
that relationship in the marketplace. The management of the college
and provider network that delivers apprenticeships is absolutely
and explicitly in only one place, and only in one place, which
is the core of the Skills Funding Agency.[106]
70. We do not see the logic behind bringing the
National Apprenticeship Service within the Skills Funding Agency
whilst allowing it to retain its autonomyincluding budgetary
control. Either the NAS should be part of the delivery service
of the SFA or it should be a separate body. We believe that having
a separate entity working within the SFA will only add to the
already complex structure of further education delivery. It will
also pose significant management and accountability issues for
the Chief Executive of the SFA which concern us deeply.
1 Leitch Review of Skills, Prosperity for all in the
global economy-world class skills: Final Report, December 2006 Back
Leitch Review of Skills, Prosperity for all in the global economy-world
class skills: Final Report, December 2006, Foreword Back
Leitch Review of Skills, Prosperity for all in the global economy-world
class skills: Final Report, December 2006. Executive Summary Back
Department for Universities, Innovation and Skills, World Class
Skills: Implementation of the Leitch Review of Skills in England,
CM 7181, July 2007 Back
Department for Universities, Innovation and Skills, World Class
Skills: Implementation of the Leitch Review of Skills in England,
CM 7181, July 2007 , Foreword Back
Department for Universities, Innovation and Skills, World Class
Skills: Implementation of the Leitch Review of Skills in England,
CM 7181, July 2007, para 3.52 Back
Department for Universities, Innovation and Skills, Raising Expectations:
enabling the system to deliver, Cm 7348, March 2008 Back
Department for Universities, Innovation and Skills, Raising Expectations:
enabling the system to deliver, Cm 7348, March 2008, para 26 Back
Department for Universities, Innovation and Skills, Raising Expectations:
enabling the system to deliver, Cm 7348, March 2008, para 27 Back
Department for Universities, Innovation and Skills, Raising Expectations:
enabling the system to deliver: Update and next steps, Cm 7348,
July 2008 Back
Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009 Back
Ev 41 Back
/publications/S/SFA-update Back
Ev 41-45 Back
Q 124 Back
Q 124 Back
Ev 43-44 Back
Q 124 Back
Q 124 Back
Q 124 Back
Ev 42 Back
Ev 42 Back
Ev 42 Back
Ev 43-44 Back
Ev 42 Back
Ev 42 Back
Ev 42 Back
Ev 42 Back
Ev 42 Back
Ev 42 Back
Ev 42 Back
Ev 42 Back
Q 41 Back
Q 40 Back
Ev 109 Back
Ev 109 Back
Innovation, Universities, Science and Skills Committee, Seventh
Report of Session 2008-09, Spend, spend, spend? - the mismanagement
of the Learning and Skills Council's capital programme in further
education colleges, HC530, para 40 Back
Ev 44 Back
Ev 44 Back
Q 140 Back
Q 140 Back
Reforms (acronyms have been spelt out in full in this Report)
Becta is the government agency leading the national drive to ensure
the effective and innovative use of technology throughout learning. Back
See Appendix. Back
See Q138. Back
Q 11 Back
Q 4 Back
Q 4 Back
Q 4 Back
Q 4 Back
Q 116 Back
Q 122 Back
Q 123 Back
Q 154 Back
Q 154 Back
Q 155 Back
For further information see www.dcsf.gov.uk. Back
Q 11 Back
Q 11 Back
Q27 Back
Ev 51 Back
Ev 108 Back
The 157 Group consists of 27 of the largest General FE Colleges
in England. Back
Ev 112 Back
Ev 48 Back
Q 102 Back
Q 102 Back
Q 125 Back
Q 125 Back
Q 125 Back
Q 159 Back
AoC calculations from College accounts and LSC funding allocations. Back
Q 31 Back
Ev 112 Back
Q 183 Back
Q 183 Back
Q 183 Back
Q 5 Back
Q 132 Back
Q 134 Back
Q 136 Back
Q 44 Back
Ev 56 Back
Q 44 Back
Q 5 Back
Q 43 Back
Q 183 Back
Q 183 Back
Q 183 Back
Q 11 Back
Q 49 Back
Q 44 Back
Q 51 Back
Q 51 Back
Q 51 Back
Ev 44 Back
Ev 44 Back
Q 143 Back
Ev 45 Back
http://www.apprenticeships.org.uk/About-Us/National-Apprenticeship-Service.aspx Back
Q 118 Back
Q 119 Back
Q 120 Back
Q 121 Back
Q 121 Back