Exporting out of recession: Government Response to the Committee's Third Report of Session 2009-10 - Business, Innovation and Skills Committee Contents

Annex C: Business Ambassador Programme 2010


·  Taken Place

·  Committed

·  On Offer

Bristol - 21st Jan. Sir John Sorrell (SF) accompanied Lord Davies on Regional Roadshow.

Dubai - 25th Jan. Lord Darzi (ICL) delivered the keynote speeches at a dinner and reception, hosted by HMA during visit to the Arab Health Show.

Switzerland - 27th Jan. Lord Darzi undertook BA speaking engagements in the margins of Davos promoting the UK's Life Science Sector.


Singapore - 1st - 4th Feb. Sir Kevin Smith (GKN) led UK Aerospace delegation at Singapore Airshow and delivered short address at a BHC Lunch.

South Africa - 2nd Feb. Lady Barbara Thomas Judge (UKAEA) met with the HM Consul General in Cape Town to discuss future BA engagements in South Africa.

London - 9th Feb. Sir Roger Bone (Boeing UK) delivered short speech to senior business people at 'London Chamber of Commerce & Industry Patron's Members' Lunch.

Canada - 13th - 15th Feb. Sir Victor Blank hosted 2012 UK Olympic Business Table at the Winter Olympics in Vancouver.

USA - 16th Feb. Sir Victor Blank attended a lunch with BABC and met with the Federal Reserve Bank in San Francisco.

London - 22nd Feb. PM's Global Investment Conference. 6 BAs attended the conference.

Abu Dhabi - 23rd Feb. Marcus Agius met with HMA Edward Oakden and senior Business Group over tea.

East Midlands - 25th Feb 2010. Sir Roger Bone delivered keynote address at Emerging Markets: 'Too Much Potential to Ignore' Conference in Loughborough.


London - 4th Mar. Sir Roger Bone to attend the Nordic/ UK Business Awards.

London - 5th Mar. Digby Lord Jones to act as facilitator at UK/SA Business Forum for SA President Jacob Zuma.

London - 11th Mar. Professor Julia King (Aston Uni) to deliver keynote address at a major UKTI Conference on the UK's Low Carbon Capabilities - Market Prioritisation.

Russia - 16th Mar. Sir Philip Hampton to attend dinner with key representatives from Moscow's banking sector, hosted by HMA.

London - 17th Mar. Paul Skinner to deliver keynote address at the Construction Equipment Association (CEA) AGM Conference.

London - 17th Mar. JETCO - Professor Malcolm Grant to moderate Education sector group at the UK/Turkey JETCO meeting at the Guildhall.

Kazakhstan - 16th Mar. Lady Barbara Thomas Judge to be guest of honour at reception hosted by HMA in Astana.

India - 24th Mar. Marcus Agius to undertake BA engagement in the margins of private visit to Mumbai.

Jordan - 20th - 22nd Mar. Lady Barbara Thomas Judge to undertake BA engagement in margins of private visit to Amman.

Spain - 23rd - 24th Mar. Sir John Sorrell to deliver keynote address at IBN Launch 'Leeds in Barcelona - a Festival of Commerce and Culture'

Newcastle - 24th Mar. Professor Julia King to deliver keynote address at Low Carbon Vehicles Gala Dinner.

Australia - 23rd or 26th Mar. Digby Lord Jones to take part in a breakfast and lunch meetings with key local business contacts during visit to Perth as part of Government of Western Australia initiative.

Australia - 24th Mar. Lord Richard Rogers to undertake BA engagements in the margins of private visit to Sydney.

China - 26th Mar (DTBC) Lord Richard Rogers to undertake BA engagement in margins of private visit.

Taiwan - 28th Mar (DTBC) Lord Richard Rogers to undertake BA engagement in margins of private visit.

France - Mar (DTBC) Dr Anna Mann to undertake BA engagement being organised by HMA Peter Westmacott.


China - 6th - 7th April. Lady Barbara Judge to be guest of honour at a dinner with representatives from the Chinese nuclear industry sector as well as have breakfast with local based representatives of British Companies in Beijing.

China - 9th - 11th April. Boao Forum. Gerry Grimstone to undertake BA engagements in the margins of the conference.

Far East - 14th Apr - 5th May. Malcolm Grant to undertake a series of BA engagements in the margins of private visits HK, China & Australia


Finland - 6th - 7th or 10th - 11th May. Business Ambassador to be invited to speak at Business Circle Dinner hosted by HMA

London - 13th May. Sir Victor Blank to sit on Financial Services Panel at British American Business Council (BABC) Conference.

USA - 14th - 16th May. Sir Terence Conran invited to attend breakfast with the UK exhibitors at the International Contemporary Furniture Fair (15th - 20th May)


London - 8th -10th Jun. Islamic Banking Financial Services Event being organised by UKTI. BA to be identified when more details become available.

Lebanon - 14th Jun. Business Ambassador to be invited to attend Queen's Birthday Party Event, showcasing UK strengths.

China - 21st -22nd Jun. Sir Kevin Smith to lead group of British Aerospace, Automotive and Advanced Engineering companies at Shanghai Expo.

Birmingham - June. Gulf Focused Financial Services Roadshow being organised by UKTI. BA to be identified when more details become available.


London - 20th September. Financial Services City Week being organised by UKTI. BA to be identified when more details become available.

London - 23rd Sept. Sir John Sorrell & Sir Terence Conran to take part in a series of press and media interviews as part of London Design Festival.


China & India - 18th Oct. Sir Philip Hampton possible 3 day private visit on RBS business.


London - Early Dec. World Islamic Banking Conference. BA to be identified when more details become available.

*This guide is intended as a current summary of the Business Ambassador schedule. The programme itself is continuously evolving as new events are added and planned.

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