5 The 50 pence Levy
71. The Government has proposed a 50 pence per
month levy on all fixed telecommunications lines to fund the Final
Third project. The levy will be paid, by consumers, on a monthly
basis. The levy is expected to raise £1 billion over the
course of seven years, which represents a rate of between £150
million and £175 million per year..[80]
The levy will be paid per line, so households with more than one
line will pay the levy on each connection.[81]
The Government intends to introduce the levy in the 2010
Finance Bill.
72. The Department told us that the levy should
- relevant, in that there is
a clear link between the source of the tax and the purpose to
which it will be put;
- simple and transparent, such that consumers are
clear how much they are to be charged and the tax can be applied
in a straightforward way; and
- affordable, in that set against the context of
overall telecoms, and other demands on household budgets 50p is
a modest amount. [82]
The context of the levy had been set out in Digital
Such a supplement needs to be set against the historic
fall in telecoms prices. Unlike all other utilities or, indeed
media services, telecommunications prices have fallen significantly
and steadily in real terms over many years. Today the UK retail
telecommunications market is among the most competitive in Europe.[83]
73. This point was reinforced by the Minister
who argued that the levy needed to be considered in the context
of falling telephone bills.[84]
He cited Ofcom data which indicated that the average household
phone bills had gone down by more than 50 pence per month in the
past year, and argued "one needs to set the proposed increased
of 50 pence a month against that trend."[85]
A Regressive Tax?
74. In evidence to us the Minister noted that
the proposed levy has not been universally welcomed. The focus
of the evidence submitted to us was that the 50 pence levy was
unfair and that it discriminated against the less well-off in
society. Consumer Focus believed the levy was likely to constitute
a "tax on a specific demographic, and one that is reducing
because of the increasing movement towards mobile phones and PDAs
for communications."[86]
In evidence Mr Jonathan Stearn, Head of the Disadvantage
Programme, Consumer Focus, argued that:
if you look at the age profile of people with landlines,
you will find it is older people. The majority of younger people,
I think 75%, use mobiles and do not have a landline.[87]
Consumer Focus favoured a mechanism by which the
additional funding be absorbed by industry, "on the basis
of their proportion of the mobile phone market".[88]
75. The Communications Consumer Panel also argued
that older people would be the hardest hit as they were "more
likely to have fixed lines and less likely to have broadband than
other groups".[89]
The result would be that this section of society would therefore
be subsidising the roll-out of services that they may not use.[90]
76. Mr Heaney, Executive Director of Strategy
and Regulation at TalkTalk, agreed that the less well-off, whether
older people or not, would be:
paying a tax to allow the relatively richer people
to take this service, because we know the people who take broadband
today and the people who pay premium prices for the better broadband
today are the richer ones. The reality of this tax is that everybody
will pay for a relatively richer group in society to have what
today is, frankly, not an essential service and probably a bit
of a luxury. That seems unjust in today's society.[91]
77. When asked about the affordability of NGA
to lower income families Dr Whitley, speaking on behalf of BT,
explained that his company's entry level products cost around
£7.50 per month rising to around the £20 mark. He hoped
that in the "fullness of time we will be offering [NGA] in
that sort of area, but it is early days in terms of our commercial
pricing."[92] Mr
David Williams, Chief Executive of Avanti Communications, expanded
on this:
Right now there are plenty of low-income families
that cannot afford broadband or mobile phones or other products
in similar price points.[93]
78. Furthermore, Digital Region, which is already
delivering a South Yorkshire municipal NGA network, gave a regional
appraisal of the impact of the levy. It pointed out that:
The sub region [of South Yorkshire] is contributing
significantly to the development of the Digital Region NGA network,
including end user customers through their local taxation and
normal service charges. We do not believe it is right that the
people of South Yorkshire pay an additional levy to provide NGA
in other parts of the UK.[94]
79. The Communication Workers Union was in favour
of government intervention, but argued that the levy would be
better placed on Internet Service Providers.[95]
80. When challenged with the argument that the
levy was, in effect, a regressive form of taxation the Minister
denied that it was because it had been set at a "sufficiently
low level for that not to be the case"[96]
and that the lowest incomes would be protected.[97]
Furthermore, he highlighted the fact that there would be a number
of exemptions from the levy:
people, for example, receiving the pension credit
guarantee will not pay the levy, or people on Jobseeker's Allowance;
and other very low income households will not be affected. So
I think we would be able to design this in a way that does protect
those on the lowest incomes.[98]
Digital Britain
acknowledged that there would be exemptions from the levy, in
particular those families or individuals on social telephony schemes.[99]
81. The Minister also asserted that the levy
would deliver the benefits of NGA to everyone:
We will see a growth of new businesses; we will see
an increase in prosperity; we will see better public services
and everybody will benefit from that, and I hope increasingly
that we will see people who write to me as well and say they are
not planning to use broadband actually able to take advantage
of the services and enjoying them.[100]
Levy vs general taxation
82. When pressed on why the Government had decided
on a levy rather than funding the programme though general taxation,
the Minister acknowledged that it was "an unusual approach"
but claimed that "the particular circumstances of this case
do justify a different approach".[101]
Those particular circumstances include the present economic situation.
He argued that it would be very difficult given the current fiscal
to commit credibly to support from general taxation
to this particular purpose. I think the great strength of this
proposal is that it gives us a ring-fenced pot that one could
be confident would continue to be available throughout the period
we are talking about, and therefore confidence for investment.[102]
83. The Minister's answers gave the impression
that the levy would be a hypothecated tax, but supplementary evidence
from the Department has cast doubt on this. When asked to clarify
whether the funds raised by the levy would be ring-fenced for
the delivery of Digital Britain's objectives, the Department responded:
We expect the amount raised by the landline duty
to be made available for the delivery of the NGA objectives through
the Next Generation Fund. Few taxes are formally ring fenced.[103]
We find this a somewhat Delphic response. Either
the levy will be hypothecated or not, and the Government needs
to be give clarity on this before it brings proposals before the
House to introduce the levy.
84. The Minister was of the opinion that this
was the case, whichever party was in power after the next general
I think that the commitment of the current Government
and indeed the Opposition to funding for the Health Service, together
with all the other public services, is going to absorb the resources
that are going to be available realistically to governments over
the next few years". [104]
Therefore, in order to make progress, he believed
that a separate funding mechanism was necessary.[105]
85. He acknowledged that the proposed levy had
not been universally welcomed but was of the view that the importance
of the infrastructure to the country as a whole warranted this
form of revenue raising.[106]
He believed it to be a "modest levy" which would give
assurance to industry that the necessary funds would be provided,
something that other forms of funding would not achieve.[107]
86. We questioned the Minister about the possibility
of directing the levy to users of broadband. Unfortunately the
Minister discounted that suggestion believing it to be a "very,
very difficult thing to do"[108]
because "how does one identify who they are?"[109]
87. We agree with the Minister that NGA is an
important infrastructure project that is vital both to the competitiveness
of the UK economy and the wellbeing of UK citizens. We do not
agree, however on the mechanism by which it will be funded. All
other infrastructure projects, for example hospitals and hospitals,
are funded through general taxation at a level far in excess of
the £1 billion proposed for NGA. Even those taxes which nominally
go towards the transport infrastructure such as road tax, are
not hypothecated but are used as a general resource.
88. We believe that a 50 pence
levy placed on fixed telecommunication lines is an ill-directed
charge. It will place a disproportionate cost on a majority who
will not, or are unable to, reap the benefits of that charge.
The levy is a regressive tax under which a minority of users will
receive enhancements to their services paid for by a majority
who appear unlikely to access these services. The Government must
look again at this proposal. If the Government persists with its
proposal for a levy, it will need to set out, in unambiguous terms,
whether or not the levy will be hypothecated and proceeds used
to fund solely Next Generation Access. The fact that this remains
uncertain undermines the credibility of the Government's position.
89. We do not support the 50
pence levy as a means of raising revenue to assist in the roll-out
of Next Generation Access. The programme for delivering Next Generation
Access is important, but if public funds are required, they should
be raised in the same way as for any other national infrastructure
programme. We reject the proposal for a 50 pence levy and recommend
that Next Generation Access, to the extent that publicly funded
support is necessary, be supported out of general taxation.
After the 90%
90. The Internet Service Providers Association
raised with us the question of what would happen to the levy after
the objective of delivering NGA to 90% of the population had been
achieved. [110]
The Minister accepted the logic that a levy for a particular purpose
should be removed once that purpose had been completed,[111]
and asserted that funds from the levy could not be used as a contribution
towards general taxation.[112]
However, he left a door open to the possibility of the levy remaining
after 2017:
The point we can debate, I think, is whether it should
carry on beyond 2017 to contribute to the cost of the final 10%
next generation broadband.[113]
91. We have already made clear
our opposition to the 50 pence levy. It would therefore follow
that we see no need for a debate to take place at a later date
on the merits of continuing an unfair levy to complete the last
10% of the NGA infrastructure. Taxes have a habit of enduring;
if the Government presses ahead with the levy it must set an end-date
for it.
Application of VAT
92. The applicability of VAT to the 50 pence
levy was first raised in the press when the Times newspaper received
documents suggesting that "ministers have decided to charge
VAT on top of the new levy, essentially creating a tax upon a
tax."[114] This
was later confirmed by the Government which stated: "VAT
will apply to the landline duty, as it does all other excise duties."[115]
93. The application of VAT to
the levy should have been made clear at the outset. The Government
should not have relied on its argument that VAT will apply "as
it does to all other excise duties". The 50 pence levy is
an unusual proposal and as such it should have been made clear
from the start that VAT would be applied. We believe the application
of VAT represents a tax on a tax that is itself unfair, and its
imposition only serves to reinforce our opposition to the levy.
80 Department for Business, Innovation and Skills,
Digital Britain, July 2009, p 65 Back
Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, Digital Britain,
July 2009, p 64 Back
Ev 46 Back
Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, Digital Britain,
July 2009, p 65 Back
Q 201 Back
Q 201 Back
Ev 95 Back
Q 90 [Mr Stearn] Back
Ev 95 Back
Ev 87 Back
Ev 87 Back
Q 37 [Mr Heaney] Back
Q 37 [Dr Whitley] Back
Q 37 [Mr Willams] Back
Ev 98 Back
Ev 91 Back
Q 199 Back
Q 198 Back
Q 197 Back
Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, Digital Britain,
July 2009, p 65 Back
Q 217 Back
Q 222 Back
Q 204 Back
Ev 47 Back
Q 218 Back
Q 218 Back
Q 213 Back
Q 221 Back
Q 220 Back
Q 219 Back
Ev 116 Back
Q 227 Back
Q 228 Back
Q 229 Back
"£6 broadband levy may be trebled for homes with multiple
line", The Times, 26 November 2009 Back
Ev 47 Back