The Early Years Single Funding Formula - Children, Schools and Families Committee Contents

Supplementary memorandum submitted by Hertfordshire County Council

  Prior to the introduction of its single formula for early years funding, Hertfordshire had introduced a new social deprivation funding system for pupils in nursery classes and schools in 2008-09, based on the home IDACI scores of pupils. For the single formula, the same methodology was then applied to all settings across the PVI and maintained sectors:

    — pupils are matched to their home neighbourhood using their postcodes and an associated IDACI score identified;

    — the sum of the scores attributed to each child at a setting is then calculated by simply adding up the individual IDACI scores of each child;

    — the setting receives an additional amount of approximately 30p per hour or £140 per annum per IDACI score of 1.0; and

    — if the total IDACI score for a setting as a proportion of the total number of pupils exceeds 17%, then the setting receives an additional amount of approximately £1.05 per hour or £500 per annum per IDACI score of 1.0 above 17%.

December 2009

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