Reform of Children's Scoial Work - Children, Schools and Families Committee Contents

Examination of Witness (Question Numbers 40-41)


29 MARCH 2010

  Q40  Chair: Annette Brooke, who has just arrived, has been doing a very important job in a Statutory Instrument Committee and was very upset that she couldn't be here earlier. We are going to extend the session for a couple of minutes so that she can catch her breath and then put something on the record if she wants to do so. Anybody else?

  Mr Timpson: Well, I can keep going.

  Annette Brooke: I shall just listen.

  Q41  Mr Timpson: Licence to practise—why?

  Moira Gibb: The licence to practise, which still has a lot of detail to be worked out, will do two things. It will be more reassuring to the public about this being a regulated profession, and will allow more nuancing around the qualifications and experience that people need to do particular jobs. We can develop that to ensure that people who have been trained to do one thing don't end up being assumed to be qualified to do something completely different. It is a work in progress and an aspiration, rather than something we have worked out. It was not top of the Reform Board's priorities such as the health check, for example, and things that can make a difference now, or getting discussions going between employers and educators. We thought that that was more urgent.

  Chair: As Annette is happy not to ask a question, may I say, Moira Gibb, that you have been a fitting last witness, as almost certainly there is not going to be another meeting of the Committee? You've not only brought a bit of colour to our proceedings, you've brought clarity of thought. We have been most impressed by that, and I hope that our report, and yours, and the good work you are doing will change some of the things that we wanted to see changed as fast as possible in the area of social work. Thank you very much for your attendance, and for your three musketeers, or three minders. It has been a pleasure having you here. Thank you.

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