School Accountability - Children, Schools and Families Committee Contents


  1. General Teaching Council for England (GTCE)
  2. National Association of Head Teachers
  3. Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL)
  4. Association of Teachers and Lecturers
  5. National Union of Teachers (NUT)
  6. Local Government Association
  7. Edexcel Ltd
  8. Cambridge Assessment
  9. City and Guilds
  10. National Confederation of Parent Teacher Associations
  11. National Governors' Association
  12. Advisory Centre for Education
  13. Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills (Ofsted)
  14. Supplementary memorandum submitted by Ofsted to Derek Twigg MP
  15. Supplementary memorandum submitted by Ofsted to Fiona Mactaggart MP
  16. Supplementary memorandum submitted by Ofsted to Graham Stuart MP
  17. Supplementary memorandum submitted by Ofsted to John Heppell MP
  18. Department for Children, Schools and Families
  19. Professor Peter Tymms, Durham University
  20. Aspect
  21. Audit Commission
  22. Royal Statistical Society (RSS)
  23. Youth Justice Board for England and Wales
  24. VT Education and Skills
  25. Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI)
  26. Campaign for State Education (CASE)
  27. National Foundation for Educational Research
  28. NASUWT
  29. Mary Wallis-Jones
  30. National College for School Leadership
  31. National Deaf Children's Society
  32. Vernon Coaker MP, Minister of State for Schools and Learners, Department for Children, Schools and Families

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