4 Our findings: private sector
160. As we described at the beginning of this
report, the decent homes programme began as a programme of improvement
of social sector housing. In 2002, however, the target changed
and as well as bringing all social housing up to the standard
by 2010, the Government committed to increase the proportion of
"vulnerable households in the private sector, including families
with children" living in homes in decent condition.[268]
In 2007 CLG re-stated this objective. "Vulnerable" people
were those in receipt of one or more of the principal income-related
or disability benefits.[269]
The PSA note explained that the target would contribute to the
objective of tackling disadvantage and, in particular, "narrowing
the gap in health, education, crime, worklessness, housing and
liveability outcomes between the most deprived areas and the rest
of England".
161. This section of our Report is structured
differently from that on the social sector programme, reflecting
the different nature and volume of the evidence we have received
on each issue. Most of our evidence on the private sector target
has not come from private sector organisations. We have, however,
taken comprehensive evidence from the Residential Landlords' Association,
which is one of the two national landlords associations in England
with over 13,000 members controlling more than 100,000 units of
residential accommodation.
The size of the problem
162. Private sector housing includes the private
rented sector and the owner-occupied sector. The most recent English
House Condition Survey states that there were 18.3 million homes
in the private sector in 2007, making up 82% of all homes. Of
these, 15.6 million were owner-occupied homes (70% of all homes)
and 2.7 million were private rented homes (12% of all homes).
Of all private homes, 64.2% were decent. In 2007, there were 3.1
million vulnerable households in the private sector, of which
61% occupied non-decent accommodation. This comprised 48% of vulnerable
private tenants and 65% of vulnerable home owners. Two distinct
groups of vulnerable people which we discuss in this Report are
low-income tenants of rented housing most of whose rents are covered
by housing benefit; and elderly owner-occupiers, who may be asset-rich
but cash-poor. Ms Sue Adams, Director of Care and Repair, told
us that "older people over retirement age in private sector
housing are more likely to be living in non-decent homes",
and that the likelihood of non-decency "really starts to
escalate when you hit over-75 and then over-85".[270]
163. The status of the target covering decency
in the private sector changed in 2007. CLG told us that under
Public Service Agreement 7, which covered the period 2005-08,
the target was set to increase the proportion of vulnerable households
living in decent homes in the private sector to 70% by 2010. At
the next Spending Review in 2007, it was judged that progress
towards the target was "ahead of trajectory"; CLG told
us that "we were able to satisfy ourselves that the 2010
target would be met" without the renewal of the target. CLG
told us that PSA7 has "become a legacy target" against
which progress continues to be measured but, given the "drive
to reduce the number of national indicators and targets set by
is no longer a live target. CLG told us that the current Departmental
Strategic Objective 2.8 (Percentage of vulnerable households in
decent homes in the private sector) "builds on the success
of this target".[272]
However, whereas PSA7 had defined a goal of 70% of vulnerable
households living in decent homes, DSO 2.8 refers only to increasing
the number, without a specific goal. Moreover, in moving from
PSA 7 to DSO 2.8, the target was removed from the performance
framework for local authorities. CLG explained that the goal "no
longer forms part of the national indicator set against which
local performance is assessed".[273]
164. The achievement of the target was also affected
by the change to the definition of decency in 2006, when the HHSRS
was introduced into the criteria (discussed above in relation
to its effect on the numbers of decent social homes). The judgement
that the target was "ahead of trajectory" was based
on the number of vulnerable households living in decent homes
having increased to 68% in 2006. However, under the new definition
of decency, only 59% of vulnerable private sector households lived
in decent homes in 2006. In 2007 this had risen to 61%. CLG told
us that the change in measurement had had an uneven effect on
numbers across the sector, and that "owner occupied vulnerable
households [were] affected the most as these properties contained
a greater number of category 1 risks" under the HHSRS.[274]
165. Our evidence was critical of the implementation
of the policy to increase decency in the private sector, and particularly
of the transition from PSA7 to DSO 2.8. The CIEH stated in evidence
that "the private sector was something of a somewhat inadequate
afterthought" in the decent homes programme and that "the
Government has singularly failed to set effective targets for
the private sector".[275]
Foundations, the national body for home improvement agencies,
told us that the new target in DSO 2 is "more obscure and
much less accessible to the public and professionals within housing
as a clear statement of what has to be achieved" with the
result that "the whole issue of decent homes appears to have
slipped well down in terms of priorities".[276]
Birmingham City Council told us that the "lack of a national
target has lessened the importance" of work on private homes.[277]
The Association for the Conservation of Energy called the lack
of a specific target a "glaring public policy omission".[278]
Mr Tomos Jones, Home Improvement Manager at Sandwell Metropolitan
Borough Council, told us that "one of the key things that
has been a blow to us is that PSA7 has certainly declined in terms
of its profile within the local authority".[279]
Several witnesses told us that local authorities simply were not
performing their duties to maintain strategic oversight of standards
in the private sector.
166. Our witnesses also told us that, in practice,
the policy had not resulted in the desired improvement. Care and
Repair stated that improvement had been slower than in the social
sector and "is now at a standstill"; National Energy
Action told us that the Government was "failing badly"
in the private rented sector; Richard Jones of the Residential
Landlords Association told us that the target has had "little
or no impact".[280]
Moreover, if housing stock is seen in the round, it is the private,
not the social sector that represents the overwhelming challenge:
82% of housing is in the private sector and vulnerable owner-occupiers
and tenants of private landlords are more likely to be living
in non-decent housing than social sector tenants.
167. When we put these points to CLG and the
HCA, Sir Bob Kerslake, Chief Executive of the Homes and Communities
Agency, told us that progress towards the target had
been "quite strong",[281]
and CLG stated that "the target percentage figure nationally
[increased] from 42.9% in 1996 to 68% in 2006".[282]
However, the target was not created until 2002 and it is not clear
how much of that increase was related to government intervention.
Future of the policy
168. The future of the decent homes target for
private sector homes is not clear. CLG told us that "the
Government remains committed to improving house conditions across
all tenures" and that "it is an appropriate time to
explore the future direction of this policy". During the
course of our inquiry, the Department was undertaking work "to
consider options for private sector Decent Homes, including looking
at how works to tackle disrepair are measured in the private sector,
how the policy contributes to wider government agenda on health
and climate change together with the future delivery mechanism
and drivers".[283]
CLG told us that "the homeowner (landlord or owner occupier)
has primary responsible for upkeep of the home"[284]
but recognised not only the value of improving the lives of vulnerable
people but also the cost-effectiveness of doing so. It said that
the "main aim of the programme is to improve housing conditions
for vulnerable people raising their quality of life, and helping
them to continue to live independently" and that "this
may also prevent the need to enter residential or care homes with
all the cost benefits that this brings".[285]
In oral evidence, the Minister said that a future iteration of
the policy would be "a matter that we will consider for the
next spending review period, and we will make those judgments
and decisions accordingly".[286]
169. The majority of our witnesses argued strongly
in favour of retaining and strengthening a target for decency
in the private sector, for a variety of reasons. Witnesses felt
that the size of non-decency in the private sector required the
Government to act and that national policy on health and social
care was undermined by low housing standards. Ms Webb of CIH told
we have a health and social care policy and a policy
around ageing and older people that says: "Enable independence
for longer; enable older people to live in their own homes for
longer, have preventative activities in the home that reduce accidents,
reduce falls and make people healthier", but we do not seem
to have a private sector housing driver that targets resources
at the people in the worst housing at that end.[287]
Other witnesses linked poor housing to a range of
social and economic impacts; and housing improvement programmes
to economic renewal.[288]
The CIEH argued quite simply that every household "has the
right to a decent home".[289]
Some witnesses commented on the perceived incongruity of social
housing being significantly better than private housing; Circle
Anglia told us: "we have created a paradoxical position where
a citizen who works hard and achieves enough to be ineligible
for social housing is likely to have to live in a home that is
in poorer condition[
] than his neighbour in a social housing
170. Some of the evidence we received also argued
that private sector tenure was not a reason for exemption from
public policy goals. In respect of private rented housing, several
witnesses argued that the receipt of public funding through housing
benefit placed a duty on landlords to adhere to standards.[291]
London Borough of Newham stated that the private rented sector
was "one of 'last resort' for many vulnerable and impoverished
households" and that in Newham two thirds of private rented
households were "supported by state subsidy but housed 'privately'".[292]
Moreover, according to Sandwell MBC, the lack of availability
of social housing meant that "access to other forms of tenure
is not a realistic option".[293]
The merits of setting a target rather than using other approaches
to stimulate improvement were also discussed: the Audit Commission
told us that without a government target, "councils would
now consider it less important".[294]
171. Other witnesses were cautious. The RLA was
in favour of improving standards but saw little merit in using
government targets as a means of doing so.[295]
Ridge and Partners argued that enforcement should be balanced
in the owner-occupied sector against "the rights of an individual
to continue to enjoy the quiet occupation of their property".[296]
In oral evidence, Mr Hand of Ridge and Partners queried the effectiveness
of setting private sector targets, saying:
it is very difficult to apply a Decent Homes standard
equivalent in the private sector. Who is going to enforce it?
Who is going to fund it? We are dealing with commercial market
pressures, and that will be quite tricky.[297]
172. The private housing market is complex and
the factors affecting quality of homes vary. The market has also
seen changes over the last decade that have influenced the logic
of quality standards in the sector. The Rugg Review of the private
rented sector explained that the market was segmented into distinct
sub-markets catering variously to young professionals, students
and high-income renters, those on housing benefit, immigrants,
asylum seekers and inhabitants of 'slum rentals' at the bottom
of the market. Rugg found that "market forces do not adequately
'police' management quality in the PRS, since there is an excess
of demand for rental property at the bottom of the sector",
and that rental yields can in fact be higher on property that
is in poor condition.[298]
173. We took evidence from Professor Tony Crook,
Professor of Housing Studies at the University of Sheffield. He
told us that there had been "enormous change in the structure
of ownership" in the private rented sector over the last
ten years. There had been an influx of small-scale landlords,
"the vast majority looking for a return composing capital
gains and income returns". While "there has been a big
increase in standards", this was "largely due to the
entry into the sector of the buy-to-let landlords" bringing
formerly owner-occupied stock into the sector. He stated that
the increase in standards was complicated by the fact that "the
best are getting better and the worst are at best standing still".
The market was not creating incentives for higher standards as
"rents are not related to conditions" but to location,
and so "at the bottom end of the sector you have got the
market not generating the higher returns that the landlord could
earn by investing" in improvements. In addition, he argued
that in some sectors of the market, tenants were "actively
seeking low standards" because higher standards entailed
higher rent.[299]
174. In the owner-occupied sector, we heard that
there has been "a total social revolution in 30 years away
from social rented housing and into low-income owner-occupation"
and that "we have got more low income people in home ownership
than we have low-income tenants".[300]
Age Concern and Help the Aged stated that "more attention
needs to be given to the "Right to Buy generation" that
was "encouraged to buy their homes in the 1980s [and] are
now struggling to keep them in a decent state of repair".[301]
Professor Crook told us that "many of these circumstances
continue to prevail because of the shortage of affordable housing"
and that many low-income vulnerable people "may be better
off in the social sector", were housing available.[302]
Implementation of the policy
175. Having set the target in 2002, the ODPM
set out the steps by which the improvements would be achieved
in Sustainable Communities: Building for the Future in
2003. From 2004-05 onwards allocations of funding to local
authorities for private sector improvements would be made at a
regional level through new regional housing boards according to
regional housing strategies and using a regional housing pot for
funding. Local authorities were empowered to offer a wider range
of financial help for the improvement of privately-owned housing,
including loans. The single regional housing pot would include
funding for repairs and improvements to the homes of low income
or vulnerable homeowners and tenants, especially older people.
Home improvement agencies (HIAs) would help vulnerable home owners
and tenants, especially older people and the disabled, to apply
for grants and loans and arrange for work to be carried out. Legislation
was introduced to regulate and improve standards of houses in
multiple occupation (HMOs).[303]
In addition to these measures, CLG told us that regional funds
for meeting decent homes standards in the private sector "work
alongside the Warm Front grant", providing top-up funding
in order to complete works, "as the Warm Front grant ceiling
does in some circumstances prevent the grant from funding all
of the necessary energy efficiency measures". The same funds
are also used to provide the mandatory Disabled Facilities Grant
and to "tackle disrepair at the same time as adaptations
are installed".[304]
The Minister told us in oral evidence that £1 billion had
been provided for this work in the 2008-11 Spending Review period.[305]
176. Meeting the decent homes standard is not
a statutory requirement. Enforcement and regulation of private
sector standards were dealt with through the Housing Act 2004.
In the Act, local authorities were given responsibility to oversee
housing in their areas and take enforcement action where necessary.
Section 3 of the Act requires that a "local housing authority
must keep the housing conditions in their area under review with
a view to identifying any action that may need to be taken by
them" under specified provisions. Section 4 states that
if a local authority considers, as a result of the activity carried
out under Section 3 or for another reason, that homes should be
inspected for hazards under the HHSRS, it must then arrange for
an inspection. Where an inspection is carried out and the judgement
has been made that Category 1 hazards exist, a report must be
made. Under Section 5 and 7 of the Act, if the authority considers
that a Category 1 hazard exists, action must be taken. A range
of possible actions are specified in the Act, from serving an
improvement or hazard awareness notice to making a demolition
order or slum clearance declaration. If Category 2 hazards are
present, the local authority has discretion to act but is not
required to do so.
177. Our witnesses were critical of the focus
of the private sector policy on vulnerable people, for several
reasons. The Residential Landlords Association stated that the
vulnerability criterion made implementing the policy "not
workable" as there are "a considerable number of variables
in assessing vulnerability and defective premises in that tenants
are constantly moving in and out of vulnerability and properties
in and out of decency".[306]
Stoke-on-Trent City Council told us that "there are significant
issues [
] in relation to identifying [vulnerable] households".[307]
Mr Tomos of Sandwell Borough Council told us that the link to
vulnerability made it difficult to implement the policy efficiently:
if we target activity on an area basis we have to
either justify not doing works to people who are not vulnerable
or do we do works for those vulnerable people which do not contribute
to our targets [
] Linking it to vulnerable occupiers specifically
does make it difficult to deliver on the ground.[308]
Moreover, Dr Stephen Battersby, President, Chartered
Institute of Environmental Health, advised us that the link to
vulnerable people meant that the target could be met by fewer
people falling into the category of 'vulnerable' without the stock
having improved at all. He said: "you could theoretically
at least meet the target if people moved off benefit".[309]
178. These criticisms are very similar to those
which our predecessor ODPM Committee heard in 2004. That Committee
suggested that "the reasoning for limiting the scope of the
Decent Homes target in the private sector appears to be a pragmatic
evaluation of the scale of the problem [and] the cost of rectifying
it, as well as the view that fundamentally, owners of private
property are themselves responsible for its maintenance".[310]
It found that:
the large number of non-decent homes in the private
sector and the cost associated with bringing all of them up to
the Decent Homes standard dictates the need to limit the target
so as to concentrate only on vulnerable households. The focus
on vulnerable households in turn necessitates a target of less
than 100% compliance because the population of vulnerable households
constantly changes, and people move in and out of non-decent homes.[311]
Recording their belief that "that every household
has a right to a decent home", our predecessors concluded
the Government should set a longer term target for
bringing all homes up to the Decent Homes standard, say by 2015.
The Government should consider carefully how to provide both funding
incentives and statutory enforcement vehicles in order to achieve
such a target in the private sector.[312]
They continued:
[we see] little sense in limiting the target only
to a proportion of dwellings inhabited by vulnerable households.
Making such distinctions is likely to waste resources in monitoring,
and also to render monitoring and enforcement inaccurate and ineffective.
Instead, the Decent Homes target should be applied to all dwellings
in the private sector as well as the social sector.[313]
179. Like the majority of our
witnesses, and for the various reasons which we set out above,
we are in favour of retaining and strengthening a target for decency
in the private sector. Like our predecessor ODPM Committee, we
believe that every household should have a decent home. We therefore
recommend that future policy on the maintenance of standards in
the private sector be based on a clear long-term target to bring
all homes in the private sector up to the decent homes standard.
In the shorter term, we consider that funding should be targeted
at areas rather than at vulnerable individuals, in order to harness
economies of scale.
The standard
180. The same standard is used to define decency
in the private sector as in the social sector. We have received
comments from the Residential Landlords' Association on how landlords
in the private rented sector view those criteria.
Criterion (a): statutory minimum standard for
Dwellings which fail to meet this criterion are
those containing one or more hazards assessed as serious ('Category
1') under the HHSRS.
181. The Residential Landlords' Association made
several criticisms of the HHSRS, saying that it was "okay
as an academic exercise" but complex and difficult for landlords
to understand and apply and hence "of no real value to landlords".[314]
While landlords did not want the upheaval of changing the HHSRS,
they did want more certainty about how to meet the requirements
of the System. The RLA advocated the development of "workable
practical guidance [
] telling landlords what is required
of them" and "covering the main hazards under HHSRS".
The guidance would be based on "normal levels of risk likely
to be encountered in the average property" and would have
to address different types of property. This could be "linked
in with education and training for private sector landlords".[315]
The RLA also told us that the application of the HHSRS was unfair
in its different application to social and private sectors. Whereas,
under the decent homes standard, social landlords must exclude
Category 1 hazards from properties, private sector landlords may
also be subject to enforcement action because of Category 2 hazards,
under the Housing Act 2004. Moreover, "private landlords
face potential criminal sanctions for non-compliance but social
sector landlords do not".[316]
182. The Local Government Association suggested
in evidence that the HHSRS was sufficient for the regulation of
standards in the private sector, in a tight economic climate,
and that in the absence of additional funding, other criteria
of the decent homes standard might be dispensed with. It said:
HHSRS already enables councils to deal with the health
impacts of poor housing and is an enforceable standard. Upgrading
old kitchens and bathrooms that are still serviceable, present
no risk to the occupiers, and cannot be enforced could be seen
as less of a priority. As such, category 1 hazards under the
HHSRS could be the standard against which housing standards are
Criterion (b): a reasonable state of repair
Dwellings which fail to meet this criterion are
those where either: one or more of the key building components
are old and, because of their condition, need replacing or major
repair; or two or more of the other building components are old
and, because of their condition, need replacing or major repair.
183. As with the social sector, we have not received
evidence about this criterion in respect of the private sector,
and have therefore no particular comment to make on it.
Criterion (c): reasonably modern facilities and
Dwellings which fail to meet this criterion are
those which lack three or more of the following: a reasonably
modern kitchen (20 years old or less); a kitchen with adequate
space and layout; a reasonably modern bathroom (30 years old or
less); an appropriately located bathroom and WC; adequate insulation
against external noise (where external noise is a problem); and
adequate size and layout of common areas for blocks of flats.
A home lacking two or fewer of the above is still classed as decent,
therefore it is not necessary to modernise kitchens and bathrooms
if a home meets the remaining criteria.
184. We have not received evidence about this
criterion in respect of the private sector and have no particular
comment to make on it.
Criterion (d): a reasonable degree of thermal
This criterion requires dwellings to have both
effective insulation and efficient heating. It should be noted
that, whilst dwellings meeting criteria b, c and d are likely
also to meet criterion a, some Category 1 hazards may remain to
be addressed. For example, a dwelling meeting criterion d may
still contain a Category 1 damp or cold hazard.
185. The RLA was critical of the thermal comfort
criterion, calling its specifications on insulation and heating
systems "unduly prescriptive" and "illogical".
It was "dubious to say the least" about linking the
criterion to fuel poverty, "because of the links to fluctuating
fuel prices and incomes". Moreover, links to fuel poverty
would lead to "extensive works of insulation (e.g. double
glazing and cavity wall)" at "significant capital cost
relative to rental returns, particularly with smaller older properties".[318]
186. The recommendations which
we make above on the thermal comfort criterion apply equally to
its use in the private sector.
Additional criteria: carbon dioxide emissions
187. We discuss above the arguments for reducing
carbon dioxide emissions from social sector housing, and whether
the decent homes standard might be used as a vehicle to do so.
Our witnesses were at pains to advise us that tackling emissions
was even more important in the private sector. The reasons were
several. First, 82% of UK housing stock is in the private sector
(70% of all stock is owner-occupied and 12% private rented) and
bringing total emissions down appreciably, in accordance with
government policy, would rely upon taking steps to manage this
stock. Moreover, energy efficiency performance is lower in the
private sector than in the social sector. The 2007 English House
Condition Survey stated that private sector homes had an average
SAP rating of 48, compared to SAP 58 in the social sector.[319]
Both owner-occupied and private rented housing had an average
SAP rating of 48, but the private rented sector had both a greater
proportion of energy efficient and of very inefficient homes than
the owner-occupied sector, reflecting the different markets within
the private rented sector.[320]
Finally, the energy inefficiency of private sector homes does
not only affect inhabitants of those homes but may be regarded
as the main contributor to a national problem.
188. As described above, CLG has a "departmental
strategic objective", distinct from the Decent Homes target,
"to increase the average energy efficiency (SAP) rating for
all homes over the spending period, from the 2006 baseline of
48.7 SAP points".[321]
The Department's most recent report on progress towards this target
records that the average energy efficiency rating increased to
49.8 in 2007.[322]
189. Our evidence described various reasons for
low energy efficiency in the private sector. Stock tends to be
older and, consequently, more difficult and costlier to adapt.[323]
Mr Simon Nicol of the Building Research Establishment told us
that many of these homes "are, for example, homes that have
solid walls, which are very difficult to insulate".[324]
The Energy Saving Trust told us that, in addition, many small
landlords are hard to reach to promote energy efficiency policies.[325]
Most importantly, perhaps, financial incentives do not encourage
the installation of energy efficiency measures and in some circumstances
discourage them. In the private rented sector, for example, the
capital cost of energy efficiency measures falls upon landlords,
but the benefits, in terms of reduced fuel bills, accrue to tenants.
The Energy Saving Trust stated that landlords "aren't interested
in making energy efficiency improvements when they don't lead
to increased capital or rental values and it's their tenantsnot
themwho benefit in terms of reduced bills".[326]
Neither does improved energy efficiency lead to higher returns
for landlords through higher rents: as Professor Crook told us,
the main influence on rental prices is "location, location,
location" not energy efficiency.[327]
Besides, Mr Butterworth of the RLA told us that "tenants'
organisations do not want to contribute to any [costs of energy
efficiency] because they think that the tenant pays the rent and
that should cover just about everything within that".[328]
Mr Butterworth also told us that in the owner-occupied sector,
there was no market incentive for upgrading the energy efficiency
of homes as, when purchasing a new home, "people have no
interest whatsoever in paying for energy".[329]
The lack of interest from buyers and tenants in energy efficiency
may alter with increasing familiarity with Energy Performance
Certificates and continued energy price rises.
190. We discuss above the merits of using the
decent homes standard to bring about change to energy efficiency
in the social sector. The difference in the private sector is
that, as currently formulated, the decent homes standard only
applies to vulnerable households, which represented 3.1 million
households in 2007 out of the 18.3 million homes in the private
sector. The EHCS 2007, however, estimated that 20.2 million homes
(91% of the housing stock) "would benefit from at least one"
of several specified energy efficiency upgrades of varying cost.[330]
Ms Webb of the Chartered Institute of Housing argued that this
disparity meant the decent homes standard was not the ideal vehicle
for seeking energy efficiency improvements. She said:
Clearly, if we are going to invent Decent Homes 2,
which we would argue we should, then eco standards should be part
of that. However, the vast majority of stock in the country are
not social houses, they are private houses. The Decent Homes
standard does not cover the majority of private sector houses,
so whilst thinking that there is a clear place for adding eco
standards into any Decent Homes 2, we would not miss the opportunity
to say that there needs to be a separate programme for bringing
all housing in this country up to a better eco standard.[331]
191. The evidence we received made various suggestions
of possible solutions to the energy efficiency problem in private
housing. We go on to discuss enforcement of standards in the sector
below. The Energy Saving Trust referred in positive terms to the
Scottish Energy Assistance Package, which offers free energy advice
over the telephone and advice on benefits, tax credits and low
energy tariffs to those at risk of fuel poverty; provides housing
insulation to older people and those on benefits; and offers enhanced
"bespoke energy efficiency measures" to the most vulnerable
groups.[332] The Trust
also advocated the promotion and extension of the Landlords Energy
Saving Allowance, which allows landlords to claim up to £1,500
against tax each year for the installation in properties of certain
energy saving measures.[333]
The Sustainable Development Commission argued for the introduction
of enforceable minimum energy efficiency standards in the private
rented sector.[334]
Others argued for a leadership role for local authorities. The
Audit Commission stated that councils "can have most impact
where they lead, oblige and provide some element of subsidy to
social and private landlords and private sector homeowners to
reduce domestic CO2 emissions".[335]
Mr Sharpe, Director of the Sustainable Housing Action Partnership,
referred us to projects in Birmingham and Yorkshire where local
authorities had led and facilitated energy improvements across
sectors in a particular area. He said:
you can take a complete housing area which has mixed
ownership in it
and you then use the social landlord to
provide the structure, the economies of scale, the specification
for the work and then you build into that soft loans and an ability
for the private sector.[336]
192. The Government's Strategy for Household
Energy Management proposes a range of solutions to improve energy
efficiency in the private sector. These include a universal advice
service and free or subsidised efficiency upgrades supported
by energy companies. In addition, the Strategy proposes improved
marketing to private landlords of the assistance available for
making energy efficiency improvements, backed up by regulation
to make it illegal to rent out a property which lacks loft and
cavity wall insulation where installation is feasible.
193. We conclude that, given
the scale of energy efficiency improvements required to meet government
targets on reducing carbon dioxide emissions from housing, energy
efficiency programmes must go wider than those vulnerable private
sector households to which the decent homes standard is currently
applicable. We draw renewed attention to the conclusions of our
report Existing Housing and Climate Change, which
considered these issues in more detail and made a number of recommendations
for government action to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from
housing in both the social and private sectors.
Management of the programme
194. As described above, local authorities have
responsibility under the Housing Act 2004 to oversee housing in
their areas and take action against owners of properties with
Category 1 and, in some circumstances, Category 2 risks under
the HHSRS. The Act also required the licensing of large, privately
rented HMOs and enabled local authorities to establish discretionary
licensing schemes for smaller HMOs where necessary. The tool for
assessing risks in properties is the HHSRS, which applies to all
housing, including that of owner-occupiers. There is no specific
obligation to apply the decent homes standard, despite the CLG
target. The impact of poor housing on social outcomes across the
responsibilities of local authorities, such as health and anti-social
behaviour, suggests that it is in the interests of local authorities
to exercise the powers available to them to influence standards
in the private sector.
195. Our evidence has made the argument that
this system is not working to maintain and improve housing standards,
and bears little relation to 'decency' as defined elsewhere. Criticisms
have been made of landlords and owner-occupiers for not maintaining
standards; and of local authorities for not taking action to enforce
improvements, despite the links between poor housing and a range
of negative social impacts. The Audit Commission told us that
it had conducted 72 inspections of strategic housing services
over three years, "many of which included in their scope
the condition of private sector homes". It said:
We identified a much lower proportion of high performers
overall in this sector, and private sector was a weaker area within
the overall strategic service. Common weaknesses included lack
of a strategy or a strategic approach (including for empty homes)
and old stock condition information (including for Houses in Multiple
Occupation). In addition, many had no measurable objectives to
reduce non-decent housing, and were slow to deal with disabled
facilities grants and the resulting adaptations.[337]
Savills told us that "very few Authorities have
significantly addressed the poor standards of accommodation within
the private sector".[338]
The Chartered Institute of Environmental Health told us that "too
few local authorities meet fully their statutory obligations under
Section 3 of the Housing Act 2004",[339]
and Circle Anglia said that "existing legislation on HMO
registration is, in practical terms, unenforced by local authorities".[340]
Mr Nicol of BRE Housing Group said that private sector homes had
been "touched incidentally [
] by particular environmental
health officers spotting that a vulnerable person is living in
a home with a health and safety hazard; but there has not been
a targeted approach towards the private sector at all".[341]
196. We explored the reasons behind this apparent
failure to act, and were presented with a variety of reasons.
The Residential Landlords' Association said the decent homes standard
"is, of course, not legally enforceable in the private rented
sector, whatever certain local authorities may think".[342]
While, on the other hand, the HHSRS is legally enforceable, meeting
the requirements of the HHSRS may not necessarily lead to a home
qualifying as 'decent'. We were also told that the legislation
is not clear about what local authorities should do when faced
with a property that fails the HHSRS. Ms Sue Adams, Director of
Care and Repair, told us:
The flaw in the system is that what [local authorities]
are meant to do is not very clearly defined. They are not legally
obliged to remedy the situation. In informing the householder
that they have got a category one hazard, in law, you can probably
legally argue, they have acted.[343]
197. Witnesses also felt that the requirement
on local authorities to "keep the housing conditions in their
area under review" was not clearly explained in the Act or
in policy guidance to local authorities.[344]
According to Mr Griffiths, Principal Policy Officer, Chartered
Institute of Environmental Health, this lack of clarity meant
that "most local authorities simply choose to ignore their
statutory duty", whereas "if it was actually made explicit,
what is required of them, and there was guidance given as to the
best way to do that, that would actually make them use the resources
they have much more effectively". [345]
198. We also heard that the lack of information
about housing conditions made it difficult for local authorities
to act. The Audit Commission stated that "many councils do
not have up-to-date information about the condition of private
sector homes in their areas".[346]
Dr Battersby said that authorities are "to a large extent,
working in a vacuum, because that information is not out there"
and that "there is a need for CLG to give a clearer indication,
and indeed use section 3 of the 2004 Act to make it absolutely
clear the way local authorities should record their information
and make the information available".[347]
199. Our witnesses had various suggestions for
solutions to these problems. The first step requires local authorities
to establish a better information base about the private stock
in their areas. Birmingham City Council said that "Authorities
should be given greater encouragement to complete regular representative
stock condition surveys and publish results with appropriate financial
support to undertake and analyse these".[348]
CIEH said "CLG should give statutory guidance on what full
meeting of [local authorities' statutory duties under the Housing
Act] comprises, and give direction on what records should be kept
and reported".[349]
Secondly, witnesses described solutions to the perceived lack
of motivation and capacity to tackle the problem. Sandwell MBC
recommended that National Indicator 158 be amended to include
a target for the private sector.[350]
Several witnesses called for more financial and human resources
for local authorities to carry out inspections of homes.[351]
Bolton at Home ALMO suggested bringing the private rented sector
within the remit of the TSA and recommended local authorities
adopt a "tool-box approach that provides for options not
just around the physical works but also on finding the most suitable
financial package for the individual vulnerable customer (with
any support they might need from other agencies)".[352]
200. We recommend that the Government
issue clear guidance telling local authorities to maintain up
to date information on the condition of private sector housing
stock. We further recommend that the Government provide local
authorities with a model of how this should be done.
201. We heard that those local authorities that
are engaged in work to assemble strategic intelligence on the
condition of private sector stock are hampered by inadequate resources
and conflicting priorities. Mr Jones of Sandwell MBC said the
Council was "following CLG guides in terms of stock condition
surveys; [
] working with the BRE to develop their stock
condition model so we can identify where we have pockets of non-decency
and vulnerable people".[353]
He said that the Council did enforce the HHSRS, but that "due
to lack of resources we are not able to do that in a strategic
way, we are very much responding to complaints".[354]
Councillor Bob McCann of Sheffield Council told us that, whereas
a proactive rolling programme of 1,500 HMOs was operated by the
Council, this was not the case for the wider private sector stock.
He said:
Our response to problems in other private rented
homes is generally reactive, in that we respond on receipt of
a complaint from a tenant. We are unable to resource a rolling
programme of routinely inspecting all private rented homes to
identify category 1 hazards and non-decency.[355]
Mr Nicol of BRE said that this was a widespread problem.
He stated:
because of restricted funds environmental health
officers have been acting in a reactive way. If it comes to their
attention that someone is living in an unhealthy or unsafe home
and they are vulnerable, they will deal with it on a one-off basis.
However, there is no real proactive movement within urban renewal
departments of local authorities to go out there and identify
where the problems are and do something about them because they
know they have not got the funds to back that up.[356]
The RLA said that there are "simply insufficient
local authority resources"[357]
and Southwark Borough Council stated "adequate regulation
arrangements are already in place but the resources to fully implement
it are not".[358]
The RLA said that:
there are only approximately 1,600 local authority
environmental health enforcement officers. This is to cover 1,000,000
private sector rented homes plus all their other duties relating
to housing.[359]
202. As we discuss above, witnesses felt that
the fact that private sector improvements are not included in
the national indicator set for local authorities has a detrimental
effect on the priority this work receives. Ms Adams told us:
Since you have not got a target of equal strength
for addressing disrepair in the private sector as you have with
building new homes or addressing disrepair in the social rented
sector, it is almost inevitable that those will take priority
when finances are squeezed.[360]
203. The RLA also told us that the available
resources for policing private sector housing standards had been
absorbed by meeting the requirements of HMO licensing, which had
diverted effort from the rest of the sector. Mr Butterworth told
us: "licensing has placed huge burdens on [environmental
health officers] and taken them away from checking on the lower
end of the sector where they need to engage with the poorer properties
that do tenants a disservice". [361]
Moreover, the RLA felt that the effort was not well-spent on HMO
licensing. Mr Jones told us that mandatory HMO licensing "has
brought into regulation, by and large unnecessarily, whole swathes
of student and young professional type accommodation" and
"has ended up as a self-feeding, self-serving bureaucracy
] that has distracted local authorities from the real task
of dealing with homes that are not fit".[362]
Mr Butterworth said "it has provided very little benefit"
and that "so far licensing is just a fine on landlords who
are pretty well compliant anyway"; it is "making no
inroads into the non-compliant and the poorer properties".[363]
Mr Griffiths of the CIEH agreed, stating that:
a lot of local authority resources have been spent
dealing with good landlords who are playing by the rules and are
coming forwards for licensing if they have an HMO that is eligible
for licensing, and the ones that need more attention inevitably
slip through the net.[364]
Mr Jones said that in Leeds, "about £1.25
million" had been spent bringing 2,500 student properties
into the licensing scheme, only to discover that these were "by
and large compliant", whereas the real problem was the "poorer
conversions, which are not licensable HMOs because they are self-contained
flats".[365] This
process was "a source of great amusement to those [rogue
landlords] who pay nothing and cock a snook as per normal".[366]
204. In the owner-occupied sector, we heard that
the role of local authorities was even less clear. Mr Nicol of
BRE told us: "you do not want to tell people in their own
homes what to do, particularly those people who are perceived
to be able to afford it". Moreover, there "are not really
incentives for people in the private sector who can afford it
to improve their own homes".[367]
Birmingham City Council said that "at best local authorities
can only encourage owner occupiers to bring their property up
to standard".[368]
We heard that vulnerable owner-occupiers could be offered low
cost equity release loans and grants (including mandatory disabled
facilities grants) but that funding was very limited. The RLA
stated that "although the Housing Health and Safety Rating
System is intended to be tenure neutral, even though it addresses
issues of health and safety, it has not been enforced even-handedly
in the owner occupied sector".[369]
205. Others called for a proactive, targeted
approach by local authorities in order to maximise what could
be achieved within current funding restrictions. The Audit Commission
said that: "some councils have used regulatory powers and
accreditation schemes to improve the quality of housing without
spending significant sums of public money".[370]
Sheffield City Council referred to its work with the private sector
as "a mixture of encouragement, education and enforcement".[371]
Stockport MBC told us it had "an extremely successful proactive
programme of intervention" by focussing on "the single
largest reason for non-decency, that is, thermal comfort".
The programme was described as follows:
Work in this area has, and does, include work with
landlords, particularly through the landlords' forum, the 'handyperson'
checks [
] In addition, financial assistance is made available
to help owner occupiers, in appropriate circumstances, to address
category 1 hazards, and the 'Staying Put' agency service works
with vulnerable home owners to facilitate undertaking works on
their homes on both a private and publicly funded basis. A greater
emphasis on marketing these services, and the work of the Housing
Standards Team which focuses on standards in the private rented
sector, has increased exposure and ensured that help is reaching
those in greatest need.[372]
206. Finally, witnesses referred to engaging
landlords and owners not only through enforcement, but also through
positive efforts to build relationships and win cooperation. Councillor
Bob McCann of Sheffield City Council stated:
We are enforcing but we are trying to make the private
sector landlord a part of the solution rather than to make them
the problem. We are trying to build a relationship with them
which is starting to work very well.[373]
The new Strategy for Household Energy Management
provides for a "new strategic role for local authorities"
to "lead, drive and co-ordinate local action" on energy
efficiency, including by engaging energy companies.[374]
207. We took evidence from the Residential Landlords'
Association and others on the perspective of landlords and the
reasons for non-decency in the private rented sector that may
be attributed to landlords. In summary, witnesses felt that while
some landlords simply did not improve standards because the market
offered no incentive to do so, others did not understand the HHSRS
or could not afford to improve stock and felt no need to do so
in the face of low levels of complaints from tenants. Mr Butterworth
of the RLA told us that "various things have been done that
indicate an over 90 per cent satisfaction ratio from tenants with
their property".[375]
However, the CIEH stated that complaints "are generally not
made by transient or vulnerable tenants (who frequently occupy
high risk properties in multiple occupation) and from tenants
who, justifiably or not, fear retaliatory eviction".[376]
208. Witnesses acknowledged the existence of
"less responsible landlords";[377]
landlords "who will not maintain or properly manage their
stock without compulsion and regulation;"[378]
but differed in their views of how to target them. The RLA felt
that action to raise standards with the majority of conscientious
landlords would make it easier to identify and tackle the rogue
landlords. The RLA stated that for "each of the major risk
categories [under the HHSRS
] workable practical guidance
should be developed on a national basis, telling landlords what
is required of them" in order to secure "mass voluntary
compliance [
] linked in with education and training".
This would be complemented by a code of management for landlords.
The RLA told us it "even went to the extent of preparing
a draft of such a code but the Government do not wish to take
it forward". It advocated linking the code to a national
accreditation scheme and stated that it was in the process of
developing such a scheme. The purpose of accreditation would be
to remove from government regulation all accredited landlords,
leaving exposed the "minority of rogues and non-compliant
landlords" who "operate under the radar".[379]
209. On 3 February the Minister for Housing made
a Written Ministerial Statement announcing the publication by
CLG of a response to the Rugg review of private rented housing.
It stated:
The Government want to see a private rented sector
which offers high-quality accommodation, and in which tenants
can make choices based on clear information about their options,
their rights, and their responsibilities. We also want to ensure
tenants know where to turn if things go wrong. At the same time,
Government want to increase professionalism in the private rented
sectorsupporting good landlords and agents, while driving
out the worst practices of the sector that fail tenants and damage
its reputation.[380]
The Government stated that it would set up a national
register of landlords "to protect tenants and support local
authority enforcement activity"; introduce full regulation
of letting and managing agents; require all tenancies to take
the form of a written agreement and increase the limit for assured
shorthold tenancies from £25,000 a year to £100,000.
The Statement referred to "longer-term plans for legislation
to improve standards".
210. At the beginning of March the Government
published its Strategy for Household Energy Management, which
We will also work with the private rented sector
to improve the marketing to private landlords of the help they
can already get, and develop Pay As You Save approaches that work
for rented property. In addition, given the split incentives of
landlord and tenant, we will consult on how to formulate regulation
so that the installation of loft and cavity wall insulation where
feasible would be a condition of renting out a property from a
date in the future, at the earliest 2015. Over the years before
any such requirement, there will be a concerted effort by the
Government, working with the sector, to ensure that landlords
understand the help that is available to them, both as a result
of the energy company obligation and the tax regime.[381]
211. We consider it a huge missed
opportunity that the considerable political will demonstrated
by the Government in raising social sector housing to the decent
homes standard has not been matched by similar energies with respect
to the private sector; and that the policy in the private sector
appears to have failed. The downgrading of the target for decency
in the private sector has weakened local authorities' already
patchy engagement with their responsibilities towards private
sector housing. A sustained and concerted effort on the part of
local authorities, led and supported by Government, will be necessary
to achieve the target of a decent home for all in the private
212. We welcome the publication
of the Government's response to the Rugg review of private rented
housing, which goes some way towards addressing some of the problems
with quality in the private rented sector which we identified
in our 2008 report The Supply of Rented Housing
and call on the Government to commit itself to a programme of
measures which will raise these problems up the political agenda.
We have identified some of the necessary measures in the preceding
sections of this Report. We welcome the tackling of energy efficiency
standards in the private sector proposed in the Strategy for Household
Energy Management and look forward to more detail in due course.
213. CLG supplied us with figures for expenditure
on private and public sector decent homes work from 2000-01 to
2012-13. These showed a total of £11.7 billion allocated
by central government to the social sector and £2.1 billion
allocated to the regional housing pot for private sector accommodation
for vulnerable households. In addition, local authority expenditure
on ALMOs and through the HRA came to £28 billion, which included
non-government funds.[382]
The funds for private and public sector housing were to tackle
similar numbers of homes: in 2001 there were 1,647,000 non-decent
homes in the public sector and 1,160,000 non-decent homes occupied
by vulnerable people in the private sector.[383]
214. Witnesses were almost unanimous in their
view that resources for work in the private sector were insufficient.
As the Chartered Institute of Housing told us, "There are
considerable resource issues around the achievement of the DHS
[Decent Homes Standard] in the private sector".[384]
Home improvement charity Care and Repair England noted:
Over the past 25 years state expenditure on improvements
to private sector stock has fallen from £1,040 million in
1983/84 to £266 million 23 years later in 2006/07. During
that time the cost of building has gone up by a factor of more
than three and house price inflation by a factor of 8.6.[385]
Stoke-on-Trent Council expressed a common view when
it said, "Current resources in relation to private sector
decency are limited, and likely to be reduced further in line
with national spending cuts".[386]
Cllr Bob McCann, Cabinet Member for Housing at Sheffield
City Council, illustrated the effects in his area:
In 2010-11, the total capital allocated from Government
Office likely to be available for loan funding through the regional
Loans Service across Yorkshire and the Humber is expected to be
less than £2m. This will provide less than 150 loans across
the region. The allocation for Sheffield is expected to be less
than £110,000 and will be sufficient to fund only around
10-12 loans. This will make little impact on the 16,000 financially
vulnerable owner occupiers who occupy non decent housing in the
215. Furthermore, even this funding is not certain
to be available for improving decency in the private sector. Sandwell
MBC told us:
This authority has seen funding specifically for
private sector decent homes within the Regional Housing Pot reduce
from £6.7m in 2006/07 to £1.2m [...] in 2009/10. It
has also been advised that private sector renewal is likely to
be reduced further in future years to fund the Government's commitment
to new homes.[388]
Care and Repair noted, "The Government has recently
further reduced the budget for private sector renewal by 25% in
2010-11, shifting the funding originally allocated to this sector
into the budget for building new homes",[389]
a point also referred to by the national body for home improvement
agencies Foundations.[390]
Cllr John Lines, Cabinet Member for Housing at Birmingham City
Council, told us:
The difficulty we have for the future is that the
Minister has reduced the budget for the West Midlands region to
invest in private homes. He has decided that it will be moved
into building new homes so in effect what we are doing because
of that is we are storing up problems for the future.[391]
216. CLG recognises that government funding will
not be enough on its own to address the issue of non-decency in
the private sector. The Department told us "it is clear that
the total cost of dealing with the problem of sub-standard housing
cannot be met entirely from public sector resources", noting
that "the Regional Assemblies together with local authorities
have been encouraged to develop loans schemes to help assist in
the delivery of improvements with less reliance on public funds
where this is appropriate to do so". It went on to state
that "the long term ambition remains to lever in private
sector finance".[392]
217. The question of how to lever in private
sector finance is, then, the key one in addressing non-decency
in private rented and owner-occupied property. Witnesses to our
inquiry expressed considerable scepticism about the scope for
doing so. The Residential Landlords Association, arguing that
"we [...] need to seriously address the issue of the financing
of improvements/major repairs/refurbishment in the private rented
sector", pointed out that "even in the good times banks
were very reluctant to lend for this kind of activity on the whole
[...] the current credit crunch will mean that it will be impossible
for many landlords to obtain finance."[393]
Foundations told us:
The reduction of house values over the last years
and the marked reduction in the availability of private finance,
as well as a risk-averse approach taken by lending institutions,
has had the effect of inhibiting growth of alternative forms of
funding for private sector renewal. We are not aware of any private
finance having entered the market, and the only notable increase
in activity has been in the development and take-up of property
appreciation loans, which offer very good value in times of falling
property prices. However, by far the most popular response by
local authorities in this area has been the development of interest
free loans, which obviously require continued public funding and
are, in effect, another form of public subsidy.[394]
Sue Adams of Care and Repair referred to "quite
a lot of wishful thinking that you can reduce any investment in
private sector housing and equity release and the private market
will step in and fill the gap, and I do not think we have seen
much evidence that that wishful thinking has actually happened
in reality".[395]
218. More work, then, is needed to develop means
of levering in private finance. Foundations told us that "research
carried out in 2007 for CLG concluded that although a number of
low cost loan schemes had been developed, the key objectives of
levering in private finance and encouraging the use of property
equity were still at the early stages of development".[396]
Little appears to have changed since then. Nevertheless, there
is evidence of potential for schemes which could meet those objectives.
Tomos Jones, Home Improvement Manager at Sandwell MBC, told us
in oral evidence:
Councillor Lines [Cabinet member for housing at Birmingham
City Council] before spoke about Kick Start which provides equity
share loans for owner/occupiers. The scheme is expanding out regionally
now and one of its key aims is to attract private finance. We
have already tendered once but because of the change in the economic
climate that fell through really just as we were at the point
of signing contracts with a private sector lender. We think we
have a model that will work but we need to make sure that we keep
the momentum up within the local authorities so at a point in
time we can go back to the market and say, "This really is
a product that is worth investing in". Obviously there the
key is to get private financing to the sector to guarantee sustainability
in terms of offering assistance to private sector occupiers.[397]
219. The Government's Household Energy Management
strategy describes two sources of funding for its proposed energy
efficiency works:
I. The new energy company obligation. We expect
this to provide approximately two-thirds of the overall financing.
The final nature of this obligation will be set out for consultation
following the publication of this Strategy;
II. A new form of 'Green Finance' based on a
Pay as You Save model. We expect this to provide approximately
a third of the financing for major insulation (and support upfront
payments for any energy saving eco-upgrade with pay-back through
energy savings or micro-generation revenue).[398]
220. We are encouraged by the
measures described by the Government in the Household Energy Management
Strategy and look forward to more detail of how the financing
model will work. We recommend that, as part of the support which
it gives local authorities for the concerted effort to address
the issue of non-decency which we recommend above, CLG undertake
or commission work to develop means of levering in private finance
for the improvement of private sector stock. The results of this
work should be made widely available to local authorities, who
should be encouraged to develop schemes appropriate to their areas
to facilitate access to those funds.
221. Meanwhile, some of the evidence submitted
to us suggested that there may be ways of levering in additional
public, as well as private, finance to private sector housing
improvement. Sarah Webb, Chief Executive of the Chartered Institute
of Housing, said at our first evidence session for this inquiry:
Could I just throw in, just moving on from private
rented sector to private sector more generally, and just point
you in the direction of some very good examples where health and
housing have come together, talking about where you might secure
additional resources to help very vulnerable particularly older
people in privately owned, non-decent housing? In Sandwell, for
example, the PCT is funding a number of pieces of housing work
that are specifically aimed at using PCT resources to improve
non-decent homes of vulnerable older people.[399]
We later took evidence from Sandwell MBC, who told
we have been [...] working with funding streams like
the Housing Market Renewal Area, the Working Neighbourhoods Fund
and the PCT to try to make the case that housing interventions
work across a whole broad range of policy objectives, health,
education, employment. We have been quite successful in doing
222. This kind of approach is very much in line
with the "Total Place" initiative, which aims to join
up spending by different public sector agencies in a locality
and has recently been endorsed by the Prime Minister as an important
means of improving efficiency and value for money in public services.[401]
However, Total Place is as yet only a pilot. The current mechanism
by which "joined up thinking" of this sort can be achieved
are the Local Strategic Partnerships (LSPs) which oversee councils'
progress towards the targets in their Local Area Agreements (LAAs).
This depends on LAAs including a target relating to private sector
housing improvement. In Sandwell, "significant lobbying [...]
resulted in NI187 (fuel poverty) being accepted as one of the
35 key indicators in our Local Area Agreement and a wide variety
of partners provided funding for our services including the Primary
Care Trust, Working Neighbourhoods Fund, the Housing Market Renewal
Area, Kick Start and the New Deal for Communities".[402]
However, NI187 is somewhat tangential to the objective of private
sector housing improvement, and it is evident from the phrase
"significant lobbying" that it took determination on
the part of some individuals in Sandwell Council to ensure that
what is obviously an important issue for that area was formally
recognised in the LAA. Tomos Jones told us "we are quite
disappointed that there is not a section in the national indicator
158 which relates to private sector housing, whether that be specifically
to vulnerable people or to private sector housing generally",[403]
echoing the complaint from an earlier witness, Sue Adams of Care
and Repair, that "there is no national indicator that can
be even selected from the Local Area Agreements which would drive
private sector housing stock improvement".[404]
223. To facilitate the joining
up of local public sector funding streams which can be applied
to the elimination of non-decency in the private sector, in line
with the Total Place agenda, we recommend that a National Indicator
be available to local authorities specifically relating to private
sector housing improvement.
224. Meanwhile there is one further step that
witnesses suggested the Government could take to increase the
resources available for addressing non-decency. The Residential
Landlords Association argued that:
we [...] need to look at the Tax Relief Regime and
introduce a proper system of capital allowances for improvement/major
repairs/refurbishment, with a reduction on VAT to 5% on this kind
of work (which although now permitted by European Law has not
been implemented by the British Government).[405]
The Rugg Review of the private rented sector concurred,
There is scope for reviewing taxation frameworks
around property improvement and consider the removal of any disincentives:
for example, immediate tax relief is not available on improvement
225. We considered this issue two years ago in
our inquiry into Existing Housing and Climate Change. As
the report of that inquiry explained;
A central recommendation of the Sustainable Development
Commission's 2006 Stock Take report was that VAT rates for work
related to refurbishing, renovating and otherwise improving homes
should be equalised with lower rates applying to new-build construction
or demolition works. At present, the former work often attracts
full-rate VAT at 17.5 per cent while the latter is exempt from
VAT, arguably providing a significant financial incentive for
builders, developers and other parts of the construction industry
to focus their efforts either on building new homes or on knocking
down old ones rather than on improving them.[407]
226. We recommended that the Government seek
to remove the "anomaly" by which differential VAT rates
may in some circumstances make the demolition and reconstruction
of a home more financially attractive than its refurbishment or
renovation.[408] The
Government's response to the report cited the European rules which,
at that time, meant that the equalisation of VAT rates for these
activities could only have been achieved by applying VAT to new
construction: clearly not a desirable outcome in the current economic
circumstances affecting the house building sector.[409]
227. Current economic circumstances also lend
greater weight to the other objection to reducing VAT on refurbishment
raised by the then Minister for Housing, Rt Hon Yvette Cooper,
during oral evidence on that inquiry. She pointed out that the
Exchequer would lose revenue by effectively subsidising works
many people currently undertake without a VAT reduction:
The difficulty with [reduction] is the deadweight
cost. Obviously there are a lot of refurbishments that already
take place and therefore it would be a hugely expensive thing
to introduce if this were to be done right across the board.[410]
It is therefore arguable that direct subsidy of refurbishment
works in poor quality private sector housing is a more effective
use of scarce public funds than an across-the-board reduction
in VAT.
228. We continue to believe
that, in the medium-term, VAT on property refurbishment should
be reduced and equalised with that applying to new build. However,
we conclude that the economic circumstances are not currently
such as to make that a viable proposition. We recommend that the
Government make such equalisation a medium-term policy goal, but
in the meantime should target the public funding available for
the renovation and refurbishment of housing more directly at the
poorest-quality stock.
268 HM Treasury, 2004 Spending Review Stability,
Security and Opportunity for All: Investing for Britain's long-term
future, Chapter 5, available at www.hm-treasury.gov.uk. Back
These benefits are: income support, housing benefit, council tax
benefit, disabled persons tax credit, income based job seekers
allowance, working families tax credit, attendance allowance,
disability living allowance, industrial injuries, disablement
benefit, war disablement pension. Back
Q 172 Back
Ev 165 Back
Ev 331 Back
Ibid. Back
Ibid. Back
Ev 97 Back
Ev 140 Back
Ev 260 Back
Ev 277 Back
Q 140 Back
Q 284 Back
Q 401 Back
Ev 331 Back
Ev 165 Back
Ev 331 Back
Ev 331 Back
Q 404 Back
Q 172 Back
Ev 100 [Sandwell MBC] Back
Ev 97 Back
Ev 86 Back
Ev 111 [Fusion 21]; Ev 131 [London Borough of Newham]. Back
Ev 131 Back
Ev 100 Back
Ev 297 Back
Ev 114 Back
Ev 111 Back
Q 349 Back
Julie Rugg and David Rhodes, The Private Rented Sector: its
contribution and potential, (York, 2008), p. vi, vii. Back
Q 318 Back
Q 193 [Ms Adams] Back
Ev 142 Back
Q 311 Back
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, Sustainable Communities:
Building for the Future, 2003.p. 15. Back
Ev 331 Back
Q 396 Back
Ev 114 Back
Ev 78 Back
Q 140 Back
Q 24 Back
ODPM: Housing, Planning, Local Government and the Regions Committee,
Decent Homes, para 193. Back
Ibid., para 194 Back
ODPM: Housing, Planning, Local Government and the Regions Committee,
Decent Homes, para 197. Back
Ibid., para 199 Back
Q 287 [Mr Butterworth], BDH 20. Back
Ev 114 Back
Ev 114 Back
Ev 269 Back
Ev 114 Back
CLG, English House Condition Survey 2007 Annual Report decent
homes and decent places, September 2009,para 43. Back
Ibid., para 45. Back
DSO 2.6, "Average energy ratings for all homes". See
CLG, Community, opportunity, prosperity: Annual Report 2009,
Cm 7598, p. 81. Back
CLG, Community, opportunity, prosperity: Annual Report 2009,
Cm 7598, p. 81. Back
Ev 151 [Energy Saving Trust] Back
Q 349 Back
Ev 151 Back
Ev 151 Back
Q 303 Back
Q 294 Back
Q 296 Back
CLG, English House Condition Survey 2007 Annual Report decent
homes and decent places, September 2009, p. 11. Back
Q 9 Back
Ev 161 Back
Ev 151 Back
Ev 161 Back
Ev 297 Back
Q 227 Back
Ev 297 Back
Ev 285 Back
Ev 97 Back
Ev 86 Back
Q 348 Back
Ev 114 Back
Q186 Back
Housing Act 2004, section 3 (1). Back
Q 36 Back
Ev 297 Back
Q 26 Back
Ev 260 Back
Ev 97 Back
Ev 100 Back
Ev 114 [RLA], Ev 271 [Bolton at Home]. Back
Ev 271 Back
Q 140 Back
Q 145 Back
Ev 324 Back
Q 349 Back
Ev 114 Back
Ev 134 Back
Ev 114 Back
Q186 Back
Q 290 Back
Q 285 Back
Q 298 Back
Q 35 Back
Q 300 Back
Q 298 [Mr Butterworth] Back
Q 349 Back
Ev 260 Back
Ev 114 Back
Ev 297 Back
Ev 324 Back
Ev 318 Back
Q 145 Back
Department of Energy and Climate Change, Communities and Local
Government, Warmer Homes, Greener Homes,p.1. Back
Q 291 Back
Ev 97 Back
Q 35 [Dr Battersby] Back
Ev 86 [Circle Anglia] Back
Ev 114 Back
HC Deb, 3 February 2010, col 13-14WS [Commons written ministerial
statement]. Back
Department of Energy and Climate Change, Communities and Local
Government, Warmer Homes, Greener Homes, p.8. Back
Ev 174, Table 4. Back
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, English House Condition
Survey 2001, July 2003, Table 2: 'Vulnerable' households in
non decent homes by tenure, 1996 and 2001, p. 7. Back
Ev 145 Back
Ev 73 Back
Ev 78 Back
Ev 324 Back
Ev 100 Back
Ev 73 Back
Ev 140 Back
Q 111 Back
Ev 331 Back
Ev 114 Back
Ev 140 Back
Q169 Back
Ev 140 Back
Q140 Back
Department of Energy and Climate Change, Communities and Local
Government, Warmer Homes, Greener Homes, pp. 30-1. Back
Q 36 Back
Q140 [Mr Jones] Back
"Towards a new politics", Speech by the Prime Minister
to the IPPR, 2 February 2010, available www.ippr.org. Back
Ev 100 Back
Q140 Back
Q188 Back
Ev 114 Back
Julie Rugg and David Rhodes, The Private Rented Sector: its
contribution and potential, (York, 2008), p. xvii. Back
Communities and Local Government Committee, Existing Housing
and Climate Change, para 47. Back
Ibid., para 51 Back
CLG, Government Response to the House of Commons Communities
and Local Government Select Committee Report on Existing Housing
and Climate Change, CM 7428, July 2008, p.12. Back
Communities and Local Government Committee, Existing Housing
and Climate Change, Q 289. Back