The future of Britain's electricity networks - Energy and Climate Change Contents

List of written evidence

  1. ABB
  2. Areva
  3. Association of Electricity Producers
  4. ARUP
  5. British Wind Energy Association
  6. Campaign to Protect Rural England
  7. Centrica
  8. Chemical Industries Association
  9. Consumer Focus
  10. Crown Estate
  11. Department of Energy and Climate Change
  12. Department of Energy and Climate Change (supplementary)
  13. Dr Patrick Devine-Wright
  14. Electricity North West Limited
  15. Energy and Utility Skills/Power Sector Skills Strategy Group
  16. Energy Networks Association
  17. Energy Networks Association (supplementary)
  18. Energy Research Partnership
  19. Energy Technologies Institute
  20. E.ON
  21. ESB International Investments
  22. Global Marine Systems
  23. Helius Energy
  24. Institute of Physics
  25. Institution of Engineering and Technology
  26. Institution of Engineering and Technology (supplementary)
  27. Intergen UK
  28. Joint Association (Association of Electricity Producers,
  29. British Wind Energy Association, Scottish Renewable Forum)
  30. Living Fuels Ltd
  31. National Grid
  32. Navetas
  33. Nuclear Industry Associatio
  34. Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (Ofgem)
  35. Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (supplementary)
  36. Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (further supplementary)
  37. Dr Michael Pollitt, Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
  38. Prospect
  39. Renewable Energy Association
  40. RLtec
  41. Royal Academy of Engineering
  42. Scottish and Southern Energy
  43. Scottish Chambers of Commerce
  44. Scottish Council for Development and Industry
  45. Scottish Natural Heritage
  46. Scottish Power
  47. Scottish Renewables
  48. Scottish Renewables (supplementary)
  49. Professor Goran Strbac, Imperial College London
  50. Sussex Energy Group
  51. Town and Country Planning Association
  52. Unite the Union
  53. Phil Baker and Dr Bridget Woodman, University of Exeter
  54. Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (further supplementary)

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