List of written evidence
- Areva
- Association of Electricity Producers
- British Wind Energy Association
- Campaign to Protect Rural England
- Centrica
- Chemical Industries Association
- Consumer Focus
- Crown Estate
- Department of Energy and Climate Change
- Department of Energy and Climate Change (supplementary)
- Dr Patrick Devine-Wright
- Electricity North West Limited
- Energy and Utility Skills/Power Sector Skills
Strategy Group
- Energy Networks Association
- Energy Networks Association (supplementary)
- Energy Research Partnership
- Energy Technologies Institute
- E.ON
- ESB International Investments
- Global Marine Systems
- Helius Energy
- Institute of Physics
- Institution of Engineering and Technology
- Institution of Engineering and Technology (supplementary)
- Intergen UK
- Joint Association (Association of Electricity
- British Wind Energy Association, Scottish Renewable
- Living Fuels Ltd
- National Grid
- Navetas
- Nuclear Industry Associatio
- Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (Ofgem)
- Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (supplementary)
- Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (further
- Dr Michael Pollitt, Judge Business School, University
of Cambridge
- Prospect
- Renewable Energy Association
- RLtec
- Royal Academy of Engineering
- Scottish and Southern Energy
- Scottish Chambers of Commerce
- Scottish Council for Development and Industry
- Scottish Natural Heritage
- Scottish Power
- Scottish Renewables
- Scottish Renewables (supplementary)
- Professor Goran Strbac, Imperial College London
- Sussex Energy Group
- Town and Country Planning Association
- Unite the Union
- Phil Baker and Dr Bridget Woodman, University
of Exeter
- Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (further