Memorandum submitted by the PAWB (NPS 38)
The draft national nuclear policy statement
is based on sweeping statements and unfounded prejudgements. It is difficult to
believe how the Department of Energy and Climate Change has released such a
blinkered and faulty policy statement.
This consultation is not a genuine one. As
in the case of each consultation on nuclear power since the second energy
review in 2006, this consultation has favoured nuclear power in a totally
unbalanced manner. Although Greenpeace won a High Court action against the
government in spring 2007 on the consultation faults of the second energy
review, the government has consistently whitewashed nuclear power. Following
the judgement in favour of Greenpeace in the High Court, Tony Blair immediately
emphasised it was merely a matter of correcting the consultation process and
that the need for nuclear power stood. He then went on to undermine the further
consultation process by making pro-nuclear statements. It is important to note
all this as background since it has created the faulty context for the draft
national nuclear policy statement.
Nuclear power is justified in this statement by underlining its development is a matter of national need.
Our nation in PAWB is Wales,
and the main voice for our democracy is the National Assembly. In June 2007 in
response to a question by Mick Bates AM on nuclear power, Rhodri Morgan AM, Wales' First Minister at the time said there was
no need for new nuclear power stations in Wales since we have plenty of other
energy sources to make us more than self sufficient. This view was repeated
many times by Rhodri Morgan and Jane Davidson AM, the Assembly government's
Environment Minister. During the summer of 2009, Jane Davidson wrote to the
Department of Energy and Climate Change pressing for a public enquiry into the
justification process for nuclear power on the basis of her concerns about the
doubly hot and radioactive nuclear waste that would be produced from new
reactors. It is the Assembly government's aspiration to develop Wales as a
centre of excellence for the various renewable energy technologies, and it
fears that could be totally undermined if nuclear power were developed.
Therefore, there is no need for nuclear power in Wales. The Department of Energy and
Climate Change needs to recognise Wales' national identity and its
new democracy and stop acting as a colonial master. Wylfa should be removed
from the list of possible sites for new nuclear reactors, as this dirty,
expensive and dangerous technology is not needed in Wales.
Alongside the lack of respect to Wales'
national needs, there is absolutely no analysis in your statement of the social
and linguistic effect building a new nuclear power station would have on
Anglesey's Welsh speaking communities. In the 2001 census, Anglesey's
percentage of Welsh speakers was a little over 60% of the whole population.
Gwynedd only has a higher percentage of Welsh speakers. The effect of building
the original Wylfa station in the sixties was the Anglicisation of the northern
and eastern communities of Anglesey. Gordon
Brown said that as many as 9000 people were needed to build a new nuclear power
station. If this figure is correct, can you imagine the social and linguistic
impact such an influx of workers would have on Anglesey?
Your draft statement is therefore fundamentally flawed with no socio-linguistic
analysis. Consequently, Wylfa should not be included as a possible site for
building new nuclear reactors.
We would like to draw attention to some
points in the draft national nuclear policy statement. You say in 2.3.1 without
any irony:-
"Nuclear power is low carbon, economic,
dependable and safe".
This is a completely sweeping statement. We
shall deal later with the clauses which state that nuclear power is low carbon
and economic. The government's view that nuclear power is safe and dependable
has to be challenged. We would like to remind you that over 350 farms in the
uplands of North Wales are still subject to animal movement restrictions as a
result of the Chernobyl
nuclear disaster. The health effects of this disaster will be felt in European
countries for many years again. It is only a matter of luck that there have not
been very serious results to accidents in the British nuclear industry. We refer to an accident at Wylfa in July 1993,
when a fuel grab fell into the reactor core. Radioactivity was released into
the atmosphere and Nuclear Electric was prosecuted for that offence in Amlwch
Magistrates Court. They were prosecuted further in Mold Crown Court for safety
breaches by the Nuclear Installations Inspectorateand ordered to pay a fine and costs of £500,000. Safety
standards at Sellafield are not satisfactory. As recently as October 2009, the NII wrote to Sellafield Ltd. warning them
that the possibility of a serious accident there was far too high. You should
remember the liquid nitric acid leak containing plutonium and uranium from
THORP in Sellafield undetected between August 2004 and April 2005 and
equivalent to half an Olympic swimming pool. This happened despite the presence
of closed circuit television. You should also bear in mind the substantial leak
of radioactive water from Sizewell A and the following prosecution. A leak
which lasted 14 years at Bradwell nuclear power station ultimately led to a
prosecution by the Environment Agency.
It is said in 2.3.5:-
"Nuclear fuel fabrication is a stable and
mature industry."
A sentence like this calls into question
the whole credibility of the national nuclear policy statement. It is
incredible that the 200 page "Appraisal of Sustainability : Radioactive and
Hazardous Waste" doesn't even mention the dangers and management
challenges of mining and processing
uranium. Dr.David Lowry published an important report "Uranium exploitation and
environmental racism: why environmental despoliation and the ignorance of
radiological risks of uranium mining cannot be justified by nuclear fuel
production". It is appaling that such important work has not even been
considered by DECC. Dr. Lowry's work can be accessed on the Nuclear waste
Advisory Board website at
It is claimed as following in 2.3.9 :-
"Nuclear power is proven technology.
Nuclear power is also a proven technology that can be deployed on a large
No nuclear power stations have been built
in Britain
since the second half of the eighties at
Sizewell B. The gap has been even greater in the USA where no new nuclear power
stations have been built since the late 70s. In spite of the talk of nuclear
technology's maturity, a generation has passed without building a single new
station. Looking at Finland's
experience where the state power company is building an EPR reactor with the
French nuclear company, Areva, at Olkiluoto, progress is very slow. Building
commenced in 2005 hoping for the station to be ready by April 2009. The work is
now over three years behind schedule and the original cost of 3.2 billion euros
has shot up to 5.8 billion euros. It is a similar story in Flamanville, Normandy
where another EPR is being built. There, it is acknowledged that the timetable
has slipped by two years. It is blind optimism on the government's part to
believe that nuclear power can be
developed on a large scale considering the slowness and cost of the two nuclear
projects in Finland and France.
We draw your attention to 3.8.17 as
"It is possible to envisage a scenario in
which onsite interim storage might be required for around 160 years....However
this is based on some conservative assumptions, and there are a number of factors that could reduce, or
potentially increase the total duration of onsite spent fuel storage".
PAWB like all anti-nuclear campaigning
movements are very concerned about the storage of nuclear waste on the sites of
possible new nuclear power stations. It is known that this waste would be twice
as hot and radioactive as waste produced from present nuclear stations. We
direct you towards work by Hugh Richards, the Secretary of the Wales Anti
Nuclear Alliance and member of the Nuclear Consultation Group in the form of
two reports, "Burying the Truth" and "Too Hot to Handle" which outline the
completely unknown territory the British nuclear industry would be entering by using high burnup uranium fuel in new
reactors. We also recommend you closely study Hugh Richards' excellent response
on behalf of the Wales Anti Nuclear Alliance to the draft national nuclear
policy statement. There is worse to follow.
These sentences in 3.8.20 are astonishing:-
"The Government is satisfied that effective
arrangements will exist to manage and dispose of the waste that will be
produced from new nuclear power stations. As a result, the IPC need not
consider this question.".
This is the type of unfounded statement
which brings the government and its servants in DECC into disrepute. It is also
a premature statement as the Environment Agency has not reviewed the NDA
assessments on the waste arrangements of
the two reactors under scrutiny., namely the EPR and AP1000. The Environment
Agency will not be able to conduct this review until May or June 2010, well
past the end of your consultation period. I quote from a letter by Hugh
Richards to DECC which proves that this consultation is completely flawed:-
"spent fuel requires 100 years cooling
before disposal and will have to stored in on site interim stores for a span of
160 years, while the nuclear regulator GDA Step 3 reports on EPR and AP1000
reactors require further work or additional information on
"the safety of the long term storage of
the fuel before final disposal focussing on the role of the levels of burnup".
Directorate Generic Design Assessment - New Civil Reactor Build Step 3 Fuel
design Assessment of the EDF and Areva UKEPR Division 6 Assessment Report
How can the government claim to be
satisfied with waste management and disposal arrangements when other bodies
such as the Environment Agency and the NII have not completed assessing these
Another matter which doesn't get enough
attention in your statement is the emergency procedures in the case of a
serious accident at Wylfa. A PAWB member raised this in the meeting at the
Wylfa visitor centre held by DECC on January 9, 2010. The site of the Wylfa
nuclear power station is on an unique island location. Anglesey is linked to
mainland Wales
by the Menai and Britannia bridges. It is a common experience at various times
of day throughout the year to be held up in traffic leading to the bridges. Can you imagine the chaos by both
bridges if a serious accident happened at Wylfa forcing the island's population
to flee to the mainland? Since you have not seriously looked at emergency
arrangements and Wylfa's unique location, Wylfa should be removed from the list
of possible sites for building new nuclear reactors.
The government is remarkably apathetic in
its attitude towards the effect of an accident at Wylfa at 4.8.4:-
"In the event of an incident there could be
a risk to health from exposure to radiation for workers and the public.....It is
Government's view that these impacts are unlikely to arise. If they do they are
likely to be limited due to the existing safety and environmental regulatory
Once again, this is a premature statement.
Nuclear regulators in Britain,
France, Finland and the USA are not satisfied by the safety
features of the EPR and AP1000. How can the government be so confident in its
statements when nuclear inspectors are asking basic questions about the safety
features of both reactors currently being assessed? We further note that the
earliest date to complete assessment of EPR and AP1000 will be June 2011. It
could easily be later than that considering the lack of inspectors working at
the overstretched NII.
Another matter raised at the meeting in the Wylfa visitor centre was the
content of the German KiKK report. It is the German consortium of RWE and E.ON
who are interested in building new nuclear reactors at Wylfa. Why should this
German consortium be allowed to build at Wylfa while building new nuclear power
stations is contrary to government policy in Germany? The German government
accepted the findings of the KiKK report
which show that cancer levels among children are substantially higher near each
nuclear power station in Germany.
Within 5Km of each station, an increase of 61% is recorded in solid cancers and
an increase of 120% in leukaemia. These conclusions were reached on the basis
of information collected between 1980 and 2003. The government's policy
statement does not seriously address the correlation of nuclear power stations
and cancer levels in the population. The government should carefully consider
the KiKK report and examine the link between the nuclear industry and incidence
of cancer.
The issue of earthquakes in North West
Wales was raised by a member of PAWB at the meeting in the Wylfa visitor
centre. On July 19, 1984 the strongest earthquake of the twentieth century in Britain
measuring 5.4 on the Richter scale was recorded. The earthquake's epicentre was
beneath Llanaelhaearn on the north side of the Llyn peninsula, Gwynedd. Its
effect was felt strongest in North West Wales, but was also felt throughout the
rest of Wales and in parts
of England, Scotland and Ireland. It was a completely
unexpected earthquake, and it also occurred at a completely unsuspected
location. Not only did it occur at an unusual depth of 18km, but its location
did not correlate with the major mapped faults straddling the Menai Strait
(namely the Berw fault in South Anglesey; the Dinorwic fault, along the Menai
Strait; the Upper-Dinlle fault, from Caernarfon to Bangor) or with the Mochras
fault (along the Cardigan Bay coastline into Tremadoc Bay). Neither the EN-6
statement nor the Applicants Scoping Report contain any information at all on
the potential, the risk, or the magnitude of further earthquakes anywhere
between the Menai Strait and the Holyhead Deep in the Irish
Sea. Historically, an earthquake (estimated magnitude 4.9 on the
Richter scale) is known to have occurred on November 9, 1852 in the Irish Sea
half way between Holyhead and Ireland.
If the government and all the applicants posess an up to date seismic
assessment of the Menai Strait- Anglesey - Irish Sea
region, why has it not been made public right away. If such an assessment has
not yet been completed or carried out, then there is absolutely no sound basis
for including the Wylfa site within the national policy statement for further
large nuclear power reactors.
We wish to close our submission by
returning to the government's claim that nuclear power is a low carbon and
economic option. We wish to refer you to work by a leading member of PAWB,
Dr.Gerry Wolff from Menai Bridge, Anglesey.
Dr.Wolff is the author of "Nuclear
Subsidies", a report prepared for the Energy fair group. Dr Wolff's central
argument is that the nuclear industry survives through various public
subsidies. If these subsidies were withdrawn, life would be very difficult for
the nuclear industry. Without further generous subsidies, new nuclear power
stations will not be built. Dr.Wolff's report contains a very positive section
outlining how various renewable enrgy technologies can not only meet all of Britain's
electricity needs, but also all of its energy needs. This section refers to a
number of reports and academic papers on the subject. PAWB also believes that
we have a historic chance to contribute towards the battle against climate
change. This is the fast and effective way to cut carbon emissions into the
atmosphere. Nuclear power is not a fast, credible or effective way to counter
climate change. A copy of "Nuclear Subsidies" by Dr.Wolff was sent to every MP
in November 2009. The report can be downloaded from:-
In conclusion, PAWB believes that the
National Nuclear Draft Policy Statement is a woefully flawed and one-side
document. Your consultation in Anglesey was
not satisfactory. There was some advertising of your meeting at Wylfa visitor
centre on January 9 in the local press. However, the location for your
exhibition and meeting at Wylfa showed an unfair bias towards the nuclear
industry, its employees and ex-employees. It is intimidating for people who
oppose the nuclear industry to have to
go to a site which is usually avoided. On the other hand, Wylfa employees and
ex-employees were on comfortable home ground. Wylfa is at the northernmost tip
of Anglesey, 25 miles away from the bridges
over to the mainland, thus discouraging people from Gwynedd to attend the
meeting. A neutral more central location should have been arranged.
Nuclear power is an exceptionally
expensive, dangerous and health threatening technology which should not have a
place in the technological developments of the twenty first century. The
government and whichever government is elected after the general election
should abandon its pursuit of nuclear power as a means of generating