3 The
impact of the EU Emissions Trading System
Assessing the impacts of the EU
14. Assessing the effectiveness of the EU ETS in
meeting the Government's twin objectives, of limiting emissions
and encouraging investment in low-carbon technology, is complicated
by a number of factors:
- the EU ETS' effectiveness can
only be properly assessed at an EU level;
- it is impossible to disaggregate the impact of
the System from the impact of other economic factors and policy
instruments which may affect businesses' operational and investment
decisions and resulting performance; and
- emissions at or below the cap cannot necessarily
be taken as an indication of the success of the EU ETS because
allowances might have been over-allocated in the first place.[19]
In addition, the evidence to datein terms
of caps, actual emissions, the carbon price and the responses
of businessstraddles two phases of the EU ETS: the whole
of Phase I (2005-2007) and the beginning of Phase II (2008-2012).
As the National Audit Office has observed, the full impact of
the EU ETS can only be assessed fully at the end of each Phase.[20]
In this Part, we examine the caps and emissions of Phase I, and
consider the projected impacts of the EU ETS up to 2020,
given the current design of Phases II and III.
15. The effectiveness of the EU ETS will be determined
primarily by its success in reducing emissions. The UK and EU
have adopted a commitment to 'avoid dangerous climate change',
which they have translated into a target to limit the average
global temperature rise to 2oC above pre-industrial
levels. According to the Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change,
to help set the world on a trajectory that would give us a chance
of meeting the 2oC goal, developed economies such as
the UK need to cut their annual emissions by 25-40% (relative
to 1990) by 2020.[21]
In 2008, the EU adopted a 2020 target of a 20% cut in greenhouse
gas emissions (relative to 1990), with a commitment to increase
this to 30% if there were an agreement by other developed economies
on a global deal at last month's UN climate change conference
in Copenhagen.[22]
16. Some witnesses had a range of views on whether
the EU targets, and the EU ETS caps, were challenging enough.
DECC was clear however that those emissions reduction targets,
and the Phase III cap, were set with reference to the climate
science.[23] (Our recent
carbon budgets report discussed in detail the basis for the EU
emissions reduction targets, being the context for the UK's emissions
reduction targets.[24])
17. Emissions increased throughout the course of
Phase I. As Figure 1 shows, by the end of Phase I, EU ETS emissions
were some 38 million tonnes of CO2 higher than they
had been in 2005.
Figure 1: EU ETS Phase I caps and emissions
Data source: National Audit Office
18. Mike O'Brien MP, the then DECC minister, defended
Phase I by telling us that a Massachusetts Institute of Technology
report had suggested that Phase I had produced a 4% reduction.[25]
That MIT report, Over-Allocation or Abatement? A Preliminary
Analysis of the EU ETS Based on the 2005-06 Emissions Data,
by Denny Ellerman (of MIT) and Barbara Buchner (of the International
Energy Agency), estimated carbon savings against the study's own
business-as-usual projection.[26]
We were disappointed that the Minister chose to defend Phase I
by claiming it had reduced emissions across the EU ETS by 4%.
He did not make it clear that this was not a reduction in absolute
terms, but only a relative reduction from an estimate of how emissions
might have grown in the absence of the EU ETS. We recommend that,
when describing estimates of reductions in emissions, the Government
always makes it clear whether they are absolute reductions in
emissions or notional reductions against a business-as-usual scenario.
19. The NAO reported that actual emissions across
the three years of Phase I were 6,093 MtCO2, some 449
MtCO2 (7%) below the EU-wide allocated permits (or
cap) of 6,542 MtCO2 (Figure 1).[27]
20. In 2005, our predecessors published a report
on the UK's role in international climate change policy-setting.
Analysing the prospects for Phase I of the EU ETS at its outset,
they concluded that: "Phase 1 of the EU ETS has rightly been
described as a 'race to the bottom' in terms of the target caps
set by individual member states. As a result, there is little
prospect that it will yield any significant carbon reductions
and this is reflected in the low price at which carbon is trading".[28]
In March 2007, based on verified data for the System's first full
year of operation, we wrote:
If this was the view which many held at the outset
of Phase I, what happened in May 2006, when first year figures
for the number of allowances surrendered in each Member State
were published, seemed only to increase the doubts. Emissions
for 2005 were revealed to have been considerably lower than the
number of allowances allocated, leaving a surplus of some 44 million
allowances after the first year of the Scheme. The conclusion
which many drew was that most Member States had allocated allowances
to installations in excess of their ordinary needs. If true this
would mean that Phase I will be even less effective than our predecessor
Committee thought.[29]
21. The Committee on Climate Change in October 2009
noted that the recession across Europe has cut output from energy-intensive
Emissions from these industries have therefore
fallen without the need to improve energy efficiency or switch
away from burning coal in power generation. Given that we would
not expect this reduction to be offset by increased output or
emissions in the period to 2020, there is now less emissions reduction
effort [needed] to meet the EU ETS cap than was the case prior
to the recession.[30]
By contrast, a study from analysts New Carbon Finance
in 2008 concluded that, even taking reduced economic output due
to the recession into account, "the largest cause of the
reduction [in emissions since 2007] is the EU ETS itself encouraging
greater use of gas in power generation".[31]
22. The NAO's survey in October 2008 of 56 UK companies
involved in the EU ETS, representing two-thirds of the UK's total
emissions covered in Phase I, found that:
- 64% of firms said the EU ETS
had had an impact on their emissions, including 9% saying that
that impact had been significant;[32]
- 32% of firms stated that one of the key benefits
of the EU ETS was that it had increased the importance of CO2
emissions and energy efficiency at board level.[33]
23. As we acknowledged in our previous report on
the EU ETS, Phase I was in many ways a success: it was a considerable
achievement to create so large and complex a system so swiftly,
with institutional mechanisms which could be tightened in the
future to deliver better outcomes. The weakness of Phase I arose
from over-allocation of allowances. In October 2007, the Treasury
acknowledged that: "[
] Phase I has had a number of
problems as a result of over-allocation of allowances in the EU
as a whole [
Two months later, the Secretary of State for Environment, the
Rt Hon Hilary Benn MP, told us: "[
] the lesson of the
EU ETS is simply that you have to get the caps right. In Phase
I, the cap was not good enough and we all know that to be the
case [
In our current inquiry, DECC told us that there was a need to
address "the problems of Phase I and improve the credibility
of the EU ETS as an effective tool in tackling climate change".[36]
24. The NAO noted that the consensus at the end of
Phase I was that European industries emitted significantly less
than the cap, not because they were forced to cut their emissions
to stay within the cap, but because the cap was set much too high.[37]
The NAO summarised some of the reasons why Phase I was over-allocated:
- inaccurate baseline data for
the System's industrial sectors, made with reference to inaccurate
'business-as-usual' projections, which forecast strong underlying
growth in emissions;
- forecasts of industrial growth that proved too
optimistic; and
- the desire in each member state not to subject
its industrial sectors to any tighter a cap than those imposed
by other member states.[38]
25. The question of whether Phase II is over-allocated
is debatable. The reducing cap means fewer allowances are available
each year. But the cuts are unevenly distributed; they are primarily
restricted to the power sector. Industrial sectors within the
EU ETS have been given allowances in line with business-as-usual
projections.[39] The
NAO cautioned that: "The current recession is likely to lead
to fewer emissions as production of energyintensive products
decreases, and across the EU is likely to result in emissions
in Phase II being lower than the total EU cap. The impact of the
recession may dwarf any reductions which the EU ETS would otherwise
have achieved".[40]
It concluded that Phase II of the EU ETS may not result in significant
emission reductions. Sandbag, one of our witnesses, commented:
"The allowance made for growth in emissions in industrial
sectors meant that even without the recession industrial sectors
would have had surplus permits".[41]
26. The NAO said that allocations in Phase II were
based on an assumption of economic growth. A decline in UK manufacturing
due to the recession could lead to a considerable surplus of allowances.[42]
Looking at the EU ETS across Europe, Sandbag concluded: "With
the effect of the economic downturn included, industrial participants
shared a surplus of 77 million permits in 2008. Modelled forward
for the whole of Phase II (2008-12), this would represent nearly
400 million surplus permits".[43]
Taken together, the recession and the over-allocation of allowances
could greatly reduce the effectiveness of Phase II of the EU ETS.
27. In 2007, we noted what appeared to be a move
by the European Commission to impose more stringent national allocations
for Phase II on a number of EU member states.[44]
We commended the UK Government for submitting (at that time) the
only national cap that was not revised downwards by the Commission[45]
(subsequently, the UK was one of only five of the 27 countries
not to have their Phase I national allocation plans reduced).[46]
For Phase III (2012-2020)whose design was then the subject
of an EU reviewwe recommended:
- the introduction of a single
EU-wide cap, set in accordance with future carbon reduction targets
in a transparent way;
- greater auctioning of carbon allowances;
- greater harmonisation in the application of the
EU ETS among member states, especially on limits on the use of
offset credits; and
- increased stringency in proposals for the inclusion
of aviation.[47]
28. The early indications were largely positive in
respect of both phases. Following revisions imposed by the European
Commission, the overall cap for Phase II was finalised at a level
that looked likely to require some genuine effort to cut emissions.
In our current inquiry, DECC told us that "EU effort, compared
to 2005, is expected to produce a reduction of 215.8 MtCO2.
This is 9.3% per year below 2005 emissionswith UK effort
13% below 2005 emissions".[48]
29. In January 2008 the European Commission published
its proposed design for Phase III, which contained all the key
features that we had recommended.[49]
The proposed cap for Phase III was set at a level that would see
a 21% reduction (on 2005 levels) in the traded sector's emissions
by 2020. Matthew Farrow of the CBI told us that companies he spoke
to believed Phase III would be noticeably more stringent than
Phase I, and to an extent Phase II as well.[50]
In the absence of binding global emissions reduction targets following
the Copenhagen conference, it is uncertain whether the EU will
further tighten the cap. The Copenhagen Accord invites countries,
individually or jointly, to commit to emissions reduction targets
for 2020 by the end of January 2010 (paragraph 5). The Secretary
of State for Energy and Climate Change told the House after the
conference that "for Europe, provided that there is high
ambition from others, that means carrying forward our [EU] commitment
to moving from 20% to 30% [emissions] reductions by 2020".[51]
Any attempt to tighten the EU targets would be subject to formal
EU discussion and agreement through co-decision.[52]
30. Given that no cap has yet significantly challenged
EU ETS participants, we examine below what measures are available
to strengthen the regime.
Intervening to lower the cap
31. Paul Ekins, Professor of Energy and Environment
Policy at King's College, explained that if additional policy
measures are actually to cut emissions, governments must reduce
the cap. A weak cap undermines both the environmental effectiveness
of the policy and additional policies to reduce emissions, such
as measures to promote renewable energy.[53]
The Center for Resource Solutions in the US argued that "as
organisations and individuals realise their purchases are not
achieving additional emission reductions, but instead are simply
shifting the costs away from those regulated under cap and trade
and onto those taking voluntary action, voluntary purchases of
renewable energy may dwindle".[54]
During a visit by three of our members to the United States in
2009 we heard how in a regional trading scheme in the northeast
United States, state authorities hold set-aside allowances that
they retire when residents install renewable energy generation
or sign up to green energy contracts.[55]
32. Sandbag advocated a similar mechanismwhich
they called 'cap and slice'within the EU ETS. They argued
for governments to set aside a significant proportion of allowances
within the cap, and cancel them in line with voluntary efforts
to cut emissions.[56]
They also suggested that member states could give companies within
the EU ETS financial incentives, such as tax breaks, for cancelling
surplus allowances within their possession.[57]
33. We believe that it is imperative that there are
mechanisms for reducing the EU ETS cap, whether in response to
recession-driven reductions in demand for allowances, the success
of complementary policies in cutting emissions, or the efforts
of the public in reducing their carbon footprint. We recommend
the Government press the EU to consider periodically whether to
tighten the EU ETS cap. We further recommend that the Government
investigate what financial incentives can be given to companies
within the EU ETS to encourage them to cancel allowances they
own voluntarily.
34. We recommend the Government consult on other
mechanisms to remove EU ETS allowances from the market, especially
where the threat of being forced to buy and retire allowances
could drive other environmentally beneficial actions. For example,
the Government could revisit the Carbon Emissions Reduction Target
(CERT), which requires power companies to improve household energy
efficiency. If CERT targets were toughened, with companies that
fail to meet their targets having to buy and cancel additional
EU ETS permits, it would reduce allowances directly in line with
the success of the CERT scheme in cutting household emissions.
The policy could thereby both cut emissions at the household level
and cut emissions across the EU ETS as a whole.
35. The EU ETS allows member states to set aside
a national pool of spare allowances ('New Entrant Reserves') for
new or expanding industrial installations. Unused allocations
from installations that are closed down are added to the Reserves.
Deutsche Bank suggested that, because of the recession, many more
allowances would be added to New Entrant Reserves than would be
distributed from them, and estimated that the total number of
allowances in Reserves across the EU would amount to over 300
million by 2012.[58]
While two member states have committed to cancelling any surpluses
in their New Entrant Reserves, most states are committed to giving
them away or auctioning them. Giving away New Entrant Reserves
creates the same problems as the over-allocation of allowances.
We recommend that the Government commits the UK to cancelling
any surplus allowances in its New Entrants Reserve at the end
of Phase II, and presses other member states to do the same.
36. Over Phases II and III, companies will be able
to use offsets worth 1.6 billion tonnes of CO2e (1.4
billion in Phase II and 150-200 million in Phase III). Over the
period 2008 to 2020, offset credits can be used to meet up to
50% of the cuts in overall emissions imposed by the caps.[59]
So far the number of offset credits available has exceeded the
demand for them. According to Deutsche Bank, in 2008 only 82 million
out of an allowable 265 million offset credits were used by firms
within the EU ETS.[60]
Sandbag argued there are enough offset credits available for companies
to meet all of their required emissions cuts for the remainder
of Phase II without actually making any carbon emissions reductions
37. Companies within the EU ETS can bank any surplus
allowances and offset credits (up to certain maximum limits) they
have at the end of Phase II for use in Phase III. As surplus allowances
will be usable in what is expected to be a tougher third Phase,
they still have value, and Phase II is perhaps unlikely to suffer
the same collapse in carbon price as in Phase I (paragraph 52).
But carrying over banked surplus allowances into Phase III will
inflate its cap, and reduce its effectiveness in cutting emissions.[62]
38. The more that offset credits are used, the more
EU installations will be funding emissions reductions in other
countries, rather than cutting their own.[63]
Although the EU ETS cap for 2020 has been set at a level approximately
21% below 2005 traded-sector emissions, in reality emissions reductions
within the System's own countries themselves will be smaller.
Therefore, the EU needs a much tougher 2020 cap.
39. The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), which
was set up alongside the Kyoto Protocol to fund projects in the
developing world, is the most high profile offset scheme, and
has been operational since 2006. Under the CDM, projects in the
developing world that are deemed to reduce emissions can earn
credits, each equivalent to one tonne of CO2. These
credits can be bought directly by industrialised countries to
meet a proportion of their emission reduction targets under the
Kyoto Protocol. A proportion of them may also be bought by businesses
within the EU to use instead of EU ETS allowances in covering
their emissions. Since the scheme began, some 1702 projects have
been registered and 311 million CDM credits issued; by the end
of 2012 the number of credits is expected to have risen to over
1.6 billion.[64]
40. The use of offset credits means that nations
and industries with high levels of emissions may buy their way
out of making carbon reductions themselves; in the process they
might continue to invest in carbon-intensive technology, thereby
'locking in' their economies to a future of high emissions.[65]
In our March 2007 inquiry into emissions trading we noted that
"there is plenty of evidence that much CDM investment is
currently going into projects of dubious merit".[66]
We concluded that the Government should press, not just for quantitative
limits on the use of CDM credits within the EU ETS, but for a
qualitative limit to ensure both that they are funding genuinely
additional emissions reductions and that they make a contribution
towards sustainable development.[67]
41. In this latest inquiry, we have heard similar
criticisms of CDM. The Corner House, one of our witnesses, argued
- oversight of CDM projects was
too weak, and the relationship between those responsible for regulation
and those making money out of trading in credits too close;
- because the emissions savings attributed to CDM
projects are estimated with reference to projections of 'business-as-usual'
emissions, rather than reductions in absolute terms, it was impossible
to be sure whether a project is truly additional (i.e. whether
it would have gone ahead anyway, without being funded through
the CDM); and
- there was a tendency to inflate business-as-usual
projections in order to claim more credits for avoiding what are
in effect non-existent emissions.[68]
The World Development Movement, another of our witnesses,
argued that CDM investment often goes into projects that do not
contribute to the well-being of local communities, and which do
not replace the construction of carbon-intensive energy infrastructure.[69]
According to Friends of the Earth, in some cases the CDM is being
used to help finance new fossil fuel infrastructure.[70]
42. On the other hand, Professor Michael Grubb, chief
economist at the Carbon Trust, told us that such investment was
likely to accelerate expansion of additional renewable energy
because the industry was established and looking to grow.[71]
He argued that something like CDM was essential to encourage investment
to flow to emissions reduction projects in developing countries.[72]
Climate Change Capital, another witness, made a similar point,[73]
stressing that carbon trading had been driving international investment
into countries, regions, and sectors where it would not otherwise
have gone.[74] The Carbon
Trust told us that:
] the CDM offsets almost always do represent
additional carbon savings, and therefore that it is acceptable
to count them in the EU ETS and in meeting UK carbon budgets if
that makes it possible for more ambitious and rapid targets for
carbon reductions.[75]
43. Some witnesses called for fundamental changes
to the way the system worked in 'advanced developing countries',
such as China and India. In January 2009 the European Commission
published EU proposals ahead of the Copenhagen conference, including
a proposal that for these countries the "CDM should be phased
out in favour of moving to a sectoral carbon market crediting
This was supported by the written evidence we received from DECC,[77]
and by Global Carbon Trading: a Framework for Reducing Emissions,
a report by Mark Lazarowicz MP (the Prime Minister's Special
Representative on Carbon Trading, and a member of our Committee).[78]
44. Last month's Copenhagen Accord did not include
any changes in the operation of carbon markets (paragraph 5).
Nevertheless, the Clean Development Mechanism, or something like
it, may be vital for achieving an international agreement on action
to tackle climate change at a later date, functioning as a stepping
stone towards bringing advanced developing countries within a
system of binding caps in the future. We do not believe that critics
of the Clean Development Mechanism have convincing alternative
proposals for driving carbon mitigation in the developing world.
We recommend that the Government press for a reform to CDM rules,
in particular to exclude the construction of fossil fuel infrastructure,
and more widely to embed sustainable development at the heart
of project eligibility criteria.
45. Professor Grubb argued that increasing the proportion
of allowances freely allocated, rather than auctioned, would not
alter the overall cap on emissions and so would not affect the
carbon price.[79] Handing
out emissions permits to businesses for free, however, on the
basis of their past emissions (known as 'grandfathering'), risks
over-allocation of allowances. Provided that there is a limit
on allowances, auctioning helps ensure that businesses only acquire
the allowances they need. In December 2008, Phase III was redesigned
so that free allocations to industrial sectors could continue
to be used, in place of selling allowances through auctions. Member
states may:
- allocate up to 70% of power
sector allowances free of charge (though with the percentage decreasing
to zero by 2020);
- keep giving free allowances to all industrial
sectors up to 2027; and
- continue to give free allowances to sectors they
define as being vulnerable to international competition.
46. These changes were welcomed by the CBI and EEF,
the manufacturers' organisation. Both expressed concern over the
possibility that the tighter cap in Phase III might contribute
to 'carbon leakage'the relocation of industrial activities
to other countries, not covered by an equivalent cap on emissionsand
argued that the best means of protecting firms vulnerable to such
international competition was to give them free allowances. Under
the revised design for Phase III, they pointed out that allocations
would be set initially on the basis of a benchmark of efficient
operation and then be cut year on year, which would still encourage
emissions reduction.[80]
Professor Grubb, on the other hand, saw weaknesses in that approach:
The risks from giving too much free allocation
to certain sectors is that they basically feel shielded from really
having to worry very much about the problem or do anything about
it, and that is not what the system is there for. It is pretty
simple at that level; there are more sophisticated arguments about
the economic benefits of auctioning versus excessive free allocations
but what it comes down to is a system designed to drive incentives
for companies to start decarbonising.[81]
47. WWF suggested that by the end of Phase II, the
total revenues accruing to the Treasury from EU ETS auctions could
be in the region of 1.6 billion.[82]
After 2012, revenues should rise as the use of auctioning increases.
The Carbon Trust estimate that the Government could receive between
4 billion and 8 billion a year during Phase III.[83]
WWF wanted the Government to commit to spending all of the auction
revenues it receives on climate change programmes,[84]
whereas EEF argued against formal hypothecation of auction revenues
on the basis that this might limit such investment.[85]
The Government has, in common with other EU governments, through
the European Council, adopted a non-legally binding political
declaration indicating member states' willingness to spend at
least half of the auction revenues or equivalent to tackle climate
change, both in the EU and in developing countries.[86]
The Government will not however hypothecate its auction revenues
to specific purpose.[87]
In our 2007 report we argued that revenues raised by auctioning
allowances should be used demonstrably to assist measures to tackle
climate change.[88] Because
of the unique nature of the revenues raised by auctioning allowances,
further consideration should be given to hypothecating the revenues
for use on projects directly related to climate change. We urge
the Government to consider on a cross-departmental basis how this
might be done.
Conclusions on Phases II and
48. Carbon allowances were clearly over-allocated
in Phase I, and emissions as a whole went up between 2005 and
2007. But there is evidence that participating firms are incorporating
the EU ETS into their business decisions, and adopting some measures
to improve their carbon efficiency, though it is difficult to
isolate the precise extent to which the EU ETS is a decisive factor.[89]
For the subsequent Phases, DECC told us:
Building on the lessons learnt from Phases I
and II of the EU ETS, including as set out in previous reports
from the Environmental Audit Committee, Phase III (from 2013)
has been significantly revised. The combination of a more ambitious,
EU-wide cap on emissions with an annually declining trajectory
to 2020 and beyond; auctioning as the preferred means of allocation;
and limited access to project credits from outside the EU will
result in more emission reductions, more predictable market conditions
and improved certainty for industry and investors.[90]
49. There is much to welcome in the current design
of the EU ETS, especially the declining cap in Phase III that
could drive genuine emissions cuts. But there is a real risk,
especially if economic recession leads to a prolonged reduction
in emissions, that Phase II will turn out to be significantly
over-allocated. Given that surplus allowances may now be banked
and carried-over into the subsequent phase, this could significantly
weaken the effectiveness of Phase III. Even without the recession,
we are concerned that in Phase II industrial sectors have again
been allocated allowances in line with business-as-usual projections,
and that in Phase III they may again have free allowances. This
could significantly reduce the potential for the EU ETS to motivate
businesses to make carbon efficiencies and invest in low-carbon
research and development.
50. There is much uncertainty about the likely effectiveness
of the EU ETS up to 2020. The current design for Phase III could
be altered if the EU adopts a tighter cap despite the failure
to agree a global deal at Copenhagen.[91]
The UK should use that as an opportunity to improve the current
design. The EU ETS needs to be strengthened. The System's cap
still falls short of the efforts climate science suggests need
to be made by developed economies. The EU ought to commit itself
to make more significant cuts in its emissions by 2020, commensurate
with the IPCC's recommendations of 25-40% for developed economies
(paragraph 15), with any purchases of offset credits coming on
top of that. In any future negotiations on Phase III, we recommend
that the Government presses both for a significant tightening
of the cap, and for as high a proportion of auctioning as possible.
19 National Audit Office, European Union Emissions
Trading Scheme, p 6 Back
Ibid., para 3.16 Back
Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change, Climate Change
2007: Mitigation of climate change, Working group III to the
Fourth Assessment Report of the IPCC, 2007 Back
Meeting Carbon Budgets: the need for a step change, Committee
on Climate Change, October 2009, p 32 Back
Q 281 Back
Carbon budgets, HC 228, paras 40-45 Back
Q 277 Back
Environmental Audit Committee, Second Report of Session 2006-07,
The EU Emissions Trading Scheme: Lessons for the future,
HC 70, para 22 Back
National Audit Office, European Union Emissions Trading Scheme,
para 3.5 Back
Fourth Report of Session 2004-05, The International Challenge
of Climate Change: UK Leadership in the G8 & EU, HC 105,
para 30 Back
The EU Emissions Trading Scheme: Lessons for the future,
HC 70, para 17 Back
Committee on Climate Change, Meeting Carbon Budgets-the need
for a step change, October 2009, p 67 Back
New Carbon Finance press release, Emissions from the EU ETS
down 3% in 2008, 16 February 2009. Back
National Audit Office, European Union Emissions Trading Scheme,
p 41 Back
Ibid., p 42 Back
Moving to a global low carbon economy: implementing the Stern
Review, HM Treasury, October 2007, p 26 Back
Oral evidence taken before the Environmental Audit Committee,
4 December 2007, HC 155-i Back
Ev 125 Back
National Audit Office, European Union Emissions Trading Scheme,
para 3.6 Back
Ibid., para 3.6 Back
Q 66 Back
National Audit Office, European Union Emissions Trading Scheme,
para 3.15 Back
Sandbag, ETS S.O.S: Why the flagship 'EU Emissions Trading
Policy' needs rescuing, July 2009, p 9 Back
National Audit Office, European Union Emissions Trading Scheme,
para 3.30 Back
Sandbag, Emissions Trading in the EU: Why it is still
not working and some ideas for what can be done about it,
July 2008, pp 8-9 Back
The EU Emissions Trading Scheme: Lessons for the future,
HC 70, para 17, para 35 Back
Ibid., para 31 Back
National Audit Office, European Union Emissions Trading Scheme,
para 2.5 Back
The EU Emissions Trading Scheme: Lessons for the future,
HC 70, pp 49-136 (summarised in National Audit Office, European
Union Emissions Trading Scheme, para 4.6) Back
Ev 125 Back
National Audit Office, European Union Emissions Trading Scheme,
para 4.7 Back
Q 53 Back
HC Deb 5 January 2010, col 43 Back
National Audit Office, European Union Emissions Trading Scheme,
p 54 Back
Prof Paul Ekins, Carbon Taxes and Emissions Trading: Issues
and Interactions, in Journal of Economic Surveys, 2001, section
3.2 Back
Center for Resource Solutions, Support Voluntary Purchases
of Clean, Safe, 21st Century Energy, policy brief 18 May 2009
(http://www.resource-solutions.org/pub_pdfs/C&T%20Policy%20Brief.pdf) Back
See Annex. Also: Center for Resource Solutions policy brief, 18
May 2009 Back
Q 14 Back
Sandbag, Emissions Trading in the EU: Why it is still
not working and some ideas for what can be done about it,
July 2008, p 5 Back
Ibid., p 3 Back
National Audit Office, European Union Emissions Trading Scheme,
para 4.16 Back
Sandbag, Emissions Trading in the EU: Why it is still
not working and some ideas for what can be done about it,
July 2008,p 13 Back
Ibid. p 14 Back
National Audit Office, European Union Emissions Trading Scheme,
paras 4.14-4.18 Back
Ibid., paras 4.16-4.17 Back
Mark Lazarowicz MP (Prime Minister's Special Representative on
Carbon Trading), Global Carbon Trading: a Framework for Reducing
Emissions, 2009, p 15 Back
Ev 28 Back
The EU Emissions Trading Scheme: Lessons for the future,
HC 70, para 109 Back
Ibid. Back
Ev 21-23 Back
Ev 31-32 Back
Friends of the Earth, A Dangerous Distraction, 2009, p
16 Back
Q 89 Back
Q 90 Back
See especially Q 224, Q 241 Back
Q 220 Back
Ev 67 Back
Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament,
the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the
Committee of the Regions, COM (2009) 39, pp 11-12. Back
Ev 127 Back
Mark Lazarowicz MP, Global Carbon Trading: a Framework for
Reducing Emissions, 2009. The report discussed alternative
proposals for a reformed CDM for advanced developing countries:
'sectoral trading' and 'sectoral crediting'. While it favoured
sectoral trading, it observed that it might be easier to get developing
countries to agree to adopt sectoral crediting "because of
its no-lose nature, providing a possible first step for governments
to engage with carbon markets"(p 69). Back
Q 103 Back
Ev 46 [CBI]; Ev 51 [EEF] Back
Q 103 Back
WWF and Oxfam, Cash to tackle climate change-The role of revenues
from EU Emissions Trading Scheme auctions, November 2008 Back
Carbon Trust, Cutting Carbon in Europe: The 2020 plans and
the future of the EU ETS, June 2008, p 23 Back
Ev 9 Back
Ev 52 Back
Ev 126 Back
Environmental Audit Committee, Eighth Report of Session 2006-07,
Emissions Trading: Government Response to the Committee's Second
Report of Session 2006-07 on the EU ETS, HC 1072, p 23 Back
Second Report of Session 2006-07, The EU Emissions Trading
Scheme: Lessons for the future, HC 70, para 48 Back
National Audit Office, European Union Emissions Trading Scheme,
paras 3.17-3.22 Back
Ev 124 Back
Committee on Climate Change, Meeting Carbon Budgets-the need
for a step change, October 2009, p 10 Back