Environmental Audit Committee
Visit to the USA, 18-22 May 2009
Mr Tim Yeo, Chairman, Colin Challen and Mr Ian Liddell-Grainger
participated in the visit to the USA. An outline of the programme
is set out below.
Monday 18 May
Breakfast briefing with Embassy staff
Chris Murray, Office of Senator Evan Bayh
Government Accountability Office
Roundtable lunch, Georgetown Climate Center
Mark Helmke, Office of Senator Richard Lugar
World Bank Environment Department
Dinner with representatives of Labor and Industry
Tuesday 19 May
Breakfast meeting with representatives of NGOs and
think tanks
Professor William D. Nordhaus, Yale University
Celeste Connors, National Security Council
US Environmental Protection Agency
Sonia Hamel, Climate Change Consultant
Julie Eddy, Office of Congresswoman Matsui
Professor Herman Daly, University of Maryland
Dinner with Center for Clean Air Policy Board of
Wednesday 20 May
"Green the Capitol" briefing
Patrick Woodcock, Office of Senator Olympia Snowe
Thursday 21 May
California Environmental Protection Agency
California State Assembly Members and senior staffers
Informal lunch with legislators
Roundtable with academics and policy specialists,
University of California, Berkeley
Dinner with energy and utilities specialists
Friday 22 May
Pacific Gas and Electric Company
Wade Crowfoot, Office of the Mayor, San Francisco
Roundtable with representatives of not-for-profit