Memorandum submitted
by the Mayor of London (AQ03)
The Mayor of London
believes that progress is being made at all levels of government to reduce
emissions, yet more needs to be done if limit values are to be met and the
negative health impacts of poor air quality are to be minimised in London. The
Mayor therefore makes the following recommendations:
· The Government needs to
take a clear strategic lead, setting out its vision, a delivery framework,
national measures that will be taken and advise on regional and local measures.
· The Government should use
the time extension notification process for the NO2 limit values to
set a framework for local and regional authorities to take action over the next
few years.
· Government departments need
to work more closely together to develop strategies to improve air quality.
· Funding for air quality
measures should be available from health budgets as well as environment
· The Government should
publish an annual report setting out air quality data and updating the
Government's approach and priorities.
· Legislative processes and
requirements should be streamlined in London
so that the delivery chain is clearer.
· Research is needed to
explain the disparity between air quality modelling and monitored air quality.
· The Government should
publish clear information on the health impacts of poor air quality to inform
decision makers.
· A common methodology for
assessing the benefits of potential measures at national, regional and local
level should be developed.
· Government-led research
should focus on the needs of policy makers.
1. The Mayor of London welcomes the opportunity to provide a written
submission to the Environmental Audit Committee.
The Mayor, along with his Adviser on the Environment, Isabel Dedring, is
committed to improving air quality in London
to protect the health of its citizens.
2. The Mayor is required under the Greater London Act 1999 to prepare
an Air Quality Strategy. This must contain the Mayor's policies and proposals
for the implementation in Greater London of the Government's Air Quality
Strategy for England, Scotland, Wales
and Northern Ireland,
as well as for achieving air quality standards and objectives prescribed in
regulations under the Environment Act 1995.
3. Consultation recently ended with the London Assembly and
functional bodies on a draft of a revised Mayor's Air Quality Strategy. The
Mayor and GLA officials are now considering comments made during the
consultation period and are discussing resource allocation and national measures
with the Government. The Mayor will publish a further draft of the Strategy for
consultation with the public early in 2010, and it is currently planned that
the Strategy will be published by autumn 2010.
4. The Mayor also has a role in the Local Air Quality Management
(LAQM) process in London.
London boroughs
are required to consult the Mayor when undertaking their LAQM functions. The
Mayor must review air quality review and assessment methodologies, reports and
action plans to ensure consistency with mayoral strategies. The Mayor also has
reserve powers to require boroughs to conduct air quality reviews and
5. The Mayor can direct boroughs to take specified steps, for example
where it appears that objectives are not likely to be achieved or when
technical or material developments cause a borough's actions to be
inappropriate. The Mayor can direct boroughs to declare (or modify) air quality
management areas, to prepare action plans and to implement any measures in
action plans. The Mayor is required to consult with boroughs before using his
powers of direction and must take into account national guidance when using
them. The Mayor is also able to carry out investigations and research on
matters concerning air quality in London
and to provide advice and information to the boroughs.
6. The Mayor is also responsible for strategic planning in the
capital, carried out through:
· the formulation a spatial
development strategy for London
(the London Plan); and
· his role in decisions on
major planning applications (applications of potential strategic importance).
7. The Mayor uses his powers in the planning process to promote
sustainable development and improve air quality.
Modelling and Monitoring Systems
8. The Mayor appreciates the work of Defra in managing the Automatic
Urban and Rural Network (AURN) for monitoring air quality in England. Eight of the 121 sites in
the AURN are also part of the London Air Quality Network (LAQN) which is
sponsored by the Mayor and the Environment Agency. The UK Air Quality Archive,
which is funded by Defra and the devolved administrations is also a useful and
well presented source of air quality information. However, the Mayor believes
that an annual report produced by Defra on air quality trends would be a useful
way to raise awareness of air quality issues.
9. The Mayor also recognises the important role of the National
Atmospheric Emissions Inventory (NAEI) in modelling air quality in the UK. Although London has its own
inventory, the London Atmospheric Emissions Inventory (LAEI), some of the
supporting data in the NAEI is useful in the LAEI's development. Although the
LAEI and the NAEI are developed using slightly different methodologies, largely
due to the difference in geographic scale between the two inventories, GLA and
Defra officials have worked to ensure consistency between them as far as
possible, and the Mayor hopes that such co-operation will continue.
10. It is widely acknowledged, however, that in recent years, monitored
emissions have not fallen to the extent that models predicted that they would.
It is important to policy makers that the causes of this disparity are
established, as modelling contributes greatly to the air quality policy
development process. Officials from the GLA group would be willing to use their
experience in London
and the data that is available to them to work with Defra officials to
investigate this issue further. However, the Mayor feels that in order to
investigate this issue further, it is important that the AURN network is
maintained, if not expanded, including the monitoring sites in London.
Health and Environment Risks
11. Over recent years, there has been emerging evidence about the health
impacts of poor air quality. The Government's advisory body, the Committee on
the Medical Effects of Air Pollutants (COMEAP) has been at the forefront of
research into this issue, which has contributed greatly to policy development
in London.
12. However, the Mayor feels that the Government could make better use
of this research. It is extremely important that clear health information and
messages are communicated to key audiences. Air quality issues are sometimes
neglected by decision makers at all levels of Government, largely through a
lack of knowledge and because the causes and impacts of other environmental
challenges, especially climate change, are easier to understand. Clear guidance
on the health impacts of poor air quality would enable officials at all levels
of government to raise awareness and understanding of air quality issues among
senior managers and thus improve the decision-making process. Such information,
if effectively communicated, could also persuade individuals to make the small
changes in behaviour that collectively are important in improving air quality
in urban areas.
13. It is sometimes argued that the failure to communicate clearly the
health impacts of poor air quality has resulted in air quality proposals being
rejected by policy makers. It is striking that the Government's Air Quality
Strategy for England, Scotland, Wales
and Northern Ireland
concluded in 2007 that few national measures had positive net benefits. Further
analysis making use of the recently updated COMEAP guidance, which
significantly increases the assessment of the negative health impacts of poor
air quality, would be informative.
14. There is a need for advice from the Government on a methodology for
assessing the net benefits of potential measures which could be applied at both
national and regional level, and which takes into account wider costs and
benefits - such as CO2 emissions - rather than focussing narrowly on
air quality impacts. GLA officials have experience of implementing assessment
techniques for air quality measures, such as the London Low Emission Zone and
Taxi Emissions Strategy, and would be willing to work with the Government to
develop a practical methodology.
15. The Mayor also recognises the high-quality work carried out in
recent years by the Air Quality Expert Group (AQEG). However, AQEG-led studies
tend to be complex and take a long time to complete. This research is valuable
but given the urgent need to take action to meet European Union limit values,
policy makers need quick answers to technical issues that arise - for example,
the relationship between NOx and NO2, the impacts of new
technology and fuels and analysis of tyre and brake wear emissions. It would be
helpful if AQEG could also undertake short, focussed pieces of research
responding to the needs of those implementing policies on the ground.
16. For these reasons, the Mayor generally supports the conclusions of
the Defra-commissioned review of AQEG that was carried out by Enviros and
published in December 2008. In particular, the GLA believes that AQEG could be
made more effective by:
· being more flexible to undertake
more short-term research projects;
· focussing its efforts on
research that will have direct relevance to policy implementation; and
· increasing interaction with
policy implementers both at project inception stage and during the research
Delivery Chain
17. The Mayor appreciates the efforts that have been made by Defra to
engage on policy development in London.
Improving air quality in London
is a shared responsibility between the Mayor and the Secretary of State, and
the development of policies that complement each other and the adequate
resourcing of measures will be vital if limit values are to be achieved.
18. However, despite this engagement on particular measures in London, there is a lack
of clarity as to the Government's policy priorities or overall strategy. The
Mayor considers that the Government needs to set out a strategy that:
· describes a clear vision
for air quality in the UK;
· sets the framework for
delivering air quality improvements across the country;
· explains broad actions that
the Government will take to meet limit values; and
· proposes policy areas that
local and regional authorities should focus on.
19. The Government published its Air Quality Strategy for England, Scotland,
Wales and Northern Ireland
in 2007. It could be argued that this document describes a vision for air
quality in the UK, in the form of compliance with EU limit values and national
objectives, though perhaps the vision should focus more on the health impacts
of poor air quality. Even here, however, the picture is confused. In some
cases, the EU limit values and national objectives are subtly different, which
means that local and regional authorities are unsure exactly what targets take
20. There is a case for making the EU limit values the only legal
objectives, though a narrow focus on limit values and targets alone could be
detrimental to achieving the deeper cuts in emissions that are so important for
health reasons. Even in areas that are already meeting PM10 limit
values, it is desirable to reduce concentrations further. Without a strong lead
from the Government, there is little reason why local authorities should take
any action to reduce these concentrations once legal compliance has been
achieved. This underlines the need for the Government to state unequivocally
the health case for improving air quality.
21. To an extent, the Government's Air Quality Strategy sets a framework
for delivering air quality improvements, largely through the Local Air Quality
Management (LAQM) process. The GLA has contributed to the current review of the
LAQM process which is being undertaken by the Government, and awaits its
outcomes with interest. Overall, the Mayor supports the current LAQM system,
which provides an impetus to local authorities to take action to improve air
quality and which ensures that the monitoring information which is integral to
evidence-based policy development is properly collated. Nevertheless, the
bureaucratic process could be greatly streamlined and there is also a need for
the chain of responsibility in London
in particular to be clarified (see below).
22. Perhaps the main problem with the Government's Strategy is that it
fails to set out the broad policy areas that it will focus on at a national
level. The only three new measures that the Government committed itself to
considering further in the Strategy were:
· incentivising
the early uptake of new tighter European vehicle emissions standards;
· Iicreased
uptake of low-emission vehicles; and
· reducing
emissions from ships.
23. The Mayor considers that there are other measures that could be more
cost-effective if implemented nationally rather than piecemeal by individual
authorities and which merit further consideration by the Government. These
· tax incentives for cleaner
· a national framework for low-emission
· a certification scheme for
NOx abatement equipment;
· extended and targeted
vehicle-scrappage schemes;
· grants schemes for
retrofitting vehicles;
· development and promotion
of new technologies;
· restructure of energy-efficiency
schemes; and
· awareness campaigns.
24. As mentioned above, a number of national measures were rejected by
the Government because they did not result in positive net benefits in the
analysis process. However, if local authorities had confidence that the
Government would implement certain national measures, they might be more
willing to put in place complementary local measures, which would improve the
effectiveness of both the national and the local measures. However, without
such a clear steer from the Government, anecdotal evidence suggests that local
authorities are unwilling to take the plunge by developing innovative new
25. Similarly, the Government has failed to provide enough guidance
about the types of measures that it believes should be implemented at a local
level. While local authorities are best placed to respond to local needs, high-level
advice and guidance from the Government would reduce the effort that local
authorities would have to put into the initial policy scoping process.
Government endorsement of policies would also be likely to persuade
decision-makers at local level to support particular actions, especially if
this was backed up by an indication of funding support from government for
these actions.
26. The Mayor considers that there is sometimes a lack of consistency
between different government departments. It makes sense for one department -
Defra - to take the lead on improving air quality. However, Defra does not
always seem to be able to persuade the Department for Transport of the merit of
transport policies that will improve air quality, or the Department of Health
of the benefits to public health that would result from air quality improvement
policies. In addition, the removal of climate change policies from Defra that
occurred after the creation of the Department of Energy and Climate Change
(DECC) makes it more difficult to maximise the air quality benefits of measures
to reduce carbon dioxide emissions or to minimise any negative impacts.
27. There is an urgent need for departments to work more closely on
packages of policies and to ensure that messages given to stakeholders -
including local authorities - are consistent. Given the health benefits that
would result from better air quality, it could also be argued that funding for
air quality measures should be made available from government health budgets,
as well as environment budgets.
Steps Needed to Change
28. Given the need for action in the short term to meet EU limit values,
the Mayor does not consider that a full revision of the Government's Air
Quality Strategy for England,
Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland would be an
effective use of time and resources. Nevertheless, there is a need for the
Government to articulate what action it will take to improve air quality and to
indicate what policy areas it advises local authorities to address.
29. An early opportunity to do this would be through the NO2
Action Plan that the Government will be developing in 2010 as part of its time
extension notification to the European Commission for the NO2 limit
values. This Action Plan needs to cover actions at national, regional and local
level, so the Government should work closely with local and regional
authorities in its development. The NO2 time extension application
process should not just be about persuading the European Commission that action
is being taken. It provides the Government with an opportunity to set out a
framework for delivery and to help regional and local authorities implement
measures that will be effective in improving air quality (not just NO2)
over the next few years.
30. The Government needs to put in place procedures to ensure that the
Action Plan is implemented. The LAQM process is effective in allowing the
Government (and in London,
the Mayor) to provide direct advice to local authorities on particular issues.
There is still, though, a need for the Government to communicate on an ongoing
basis its priorities and policy direction. The Government should therefore
consider how this could be best achieved and how to include all relevant government
departments within this process. One option would be for the Government to
produce an annual National Air Quality Review. This could include up-to-date
data about air quality and related health impacts in the UK, summarise
how the Government intends to address any emerging challenges and provide
advice and best practice for local authorities.
31. The
Mayor hopes that the current co-operation between the GLA and the Government
will lead to the joint action that is needed to improve air quality in London. Nevertheless, the
legislative framework which sets the delivery framework in London could be improved. Under the GLA Act,
the Mayor is required to produce an Air Quality Strategy that contains
"policies and proposals - for the achievement in Greater London of the air
quality standards and objectives prescribed in regulations made under [the
Environment Act]." The Mayor considers that it is right that there should be
requirements on him to take action to improve air quality and that legal
objectives (ideally EU limit values) should be a prime consideration.
32. However,
emissions from outside London account for around
40 per cent of PM10 concentrations in central London
and 25 per cent of NO2 concentrations across London. In addition, the Mayor has limited
scope to influence the vehicle fleet using London's roads. The Mayor, on his own, cannot
take action that will ensure compliance with the limit values. There is thus a
clear role for central government to improve air quality in London.
33. The
Mayor believes that consideration should be given to expressing the Mayor's
legal air quality obligations in terms of emissions reductions objectives
rather than concentrations objectives. This would allow the Mayor to focus on
measures which are fully within his control. The Mayor accepts that there would
be practical difficulties in agreeing suitable emissions objectives and in
determining methodologies and metrics for monitoring progress. Consideration
would also have to be given to funding issues, to ensure that the Mayor has the
resources to implement the necessary measures. In addition, it would be
important that measures to reduce exposure (and consequently reduce the health
impacts of poor air quality) are not neglected in favour of emissions-reduction
34. Consideration
should also be given to similar legal emission reduction objectives for local
authorities, including boroughs. At the moment, local authorities are required
only to work towards meeting air quality objectives. A requirement to achieve emissions
reduction targets would provide a focus for local authorities and ensure that
air quality is taken seriously at all levels of management within authorities.
35. As
described above, the Mayor is a statutory consultee for LAQM documents produced
by London
boroughs. This is an important means by which the GLA can monitor action taken
by boroughs, ensure borough measures are consistent with the Mayor's Air
Quality Strategy and spread best practice. However, the Secretary of State is
also a statutory consultee for boroughs' LAQM documents. While the GLA and
Defra liaise to ensure that responses to their LAQM documents are consistent,
there is always the possibility that mixed messages could be received by
36. The
Mayor therefore feels that he alone should be responsible for appraising
boroughs' LAQM documents, and that he alone should have power of direction over
the boroughs, while acknowledging the need for the Secretary of State to have
power of direction over the Mayor and for him to have legal objectives (as
discussed above). This would simplify the delivery chain in London.
11 December 2009