The E-Borders Programme - Home Affairs Committee Contents

The Home Affairs Committee

The Home Affairs Committee is appointed by the House of Commons to examine the expenditure, administration, and policy of the Home Office and its associated public bodies.

Current membership

Rt Hon Keith Vaz MP (Labour, Leicester East) (Chairman)

Tom Brake MP (Liberal Democrat, Carshalton and Wallington)

Mr James Clappison MP (Conservative, Hertsmere)

Mrs Ann Cryer MP (Labour, Keighley)

David TC Davies MP (Conservative, Monmouth)

Mrs Janet Dean MP (Labour, Burton)

Mr Khalid Mahmood MP (Labour, Birmingham Perry Barr)

Patrick Mercer MP (Conservative, Newark)

Margaret Moran MP (Labour, Luton South)

Gwyn Prosser MP (Labour, Dover)

Bob Russell MP (Liberal Democrat, Colchester)

Martin Salter MP (Labour, Reading West)

Mr Gary Streeter MP (Conservative, South West Devon)

Mr David Winnick MP (Labour, Walsall North)

The following Member was also a Member of the Committee during the inquiry:

Ms Karen Buck MP (Labour, Regent's Park and Kensington North)


The Committee is one of the departmental select committees, the powers of which are set out in House of Commons Standing Orders, principally in SO No 152. These are available on the Internet via


The Reports and evidence of the Committee are published by The Stationery Office by Order of the House. All publications of the Committee (including press notices) are on the Internet at A list of Reports of the Committee since Session 2005-06 is at the back of this volume.

Committee staff

The current staff of the Committee are Elizabeth Flood (Clerk), Eliot Barrass (Second Clerk), Elisabeth Bates (Committee Specialist), Sarah Petit (Committee Specialist), Darren Hackett (Senior Committee Assistant), Ameet Chudasama (Committee Assistant), Sheryl Dinsdale (Committee Assistant) and Jessica Bridges-Palmer (Select Committee Media Officer).


All correspondence should be addressed to the Clerk of the Home Affairs Committee, House of Commons, 7 Millbank, London SW1P 3JA. The telephone number for general enquiries is 020 7219 3276; the Committee's email address is

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Prepared 18 December 2009